Before deploying the hostthe NIOS-X server, ensure that you have fulfilled the prerequisites, as described in Microsoft Azure Deployment.
To deploy a host a NIOS-X server from the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal, you must first download the .vhd package, and then upload it to the Azure storage account. If you prefer deploying the host the NIOS-X server using the Azure CLI, ensure that you install the Azure CLI on Linux.
To deploy a host a NIOS-X server in Microsoft Azure, complete the following:
- Set up a Microsoft Azure account and create a resource manager in Azure. For information, refer to the Microsoft Azure documentation.
- Download the .vhd package from the Infoblox Cloud Services Infoblox Portal.
- Upload the .vhd package to your Azure storage account.
- Deploy the host the NIOS-X server in Azure.
Supported Azure VM Flavors
Overall Disk | # of vCPU | Memory Allocation | Azure Flavor |
60 GB | 8 | 16 GB | Standard_F4S |
750 GB | 8 | 16 GB | Standard_F8S |
Downloading VHD Packages
To download the .vhd package, complete the following:
Log in to the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal.
Go to to Configure > Administration -> Downloads.
On the Downloads page > Hosts NIOS-X (BloxOne) Servers section, select Download Package for Azure (60 GB Disk) for the regular image or Download Package for Azure (750 GB Disk) for the high-capacity image.
- Click Download Package and save the .vhd file on your system.
Uploading VHD to Azure Storage Account
After you have downloaded the Azure .vhd package from the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal, you can upload the package to your Azure storage account using the Docker commands (if you have a Docker environment) or Azure commands.
Using Docker Commands
In your Docker environment, enter the following commands:
docker run --rm -v <abs-path-to-the-dir-of-vhd>:/vhd -v $HOME/.azure:$HOME/.azure infoblox/azurevhdutils upload --localvhdpath /vhd/<your-local-fixed-size-vhd-name>.vhd --stgaccountname <mystorageaccount> --stgaccountkey <get-it-from-storage-acc-access-keys> --containername <mycontainer> --blobname bloxone.vhd
Using Azure Commands
To use the Azure commands, you need to first build the Azure-vhd-utils binary from Git. The Azure-vhd-utils binary can be built from the public Git repo at
azure-vhd-utils upload --localvhdpath <local_path> --stgaccountname <storage_account> --stgaccountkey <account_key>
--containername <container_name> --blobname <image_name>
NIOS-X Servers in Azure
After you have successfully uploaded the .vhd file to the Azure storage account, you can deploy the host the NIOS-X server in Azure using one of the following methods:
- Microsoft Azure CLI
- Microsoft Azure Porta
Using the Azure CLI to Deploy the
NIOS-X Server
To deploy the host the NIOS-X server using the Azure CLI, complete the following:
- If you haven't already done so, install the Azure CLI. For information, see see How to install the Azure CLI.
- Run the
az login
command in the Azure CLI to generate an authentication token. - The CLI opens your default browser and loads the sign-in page. If the CLI does not open the browser for you, open a browser window and log in to using the authentication token you obtained from Azure. For more information, see Sign in with Azure CLI.
- Sign in using your account credentials.
- Run the following command at the CLI prompt:
az vm create --resource-group <> --name <> --Create an image using the uploaded VHD from the storage account.
For Gen 1;az image create -g “resource group name” -n “Image name” --os-type Linux --
storage-account <> --storage-container <> --image "https://<storage_account_name><storage>/<container_blob_name>/<image_name>" --os-disk-name <> --size Standard_F4s_v2 --admin-username azureuser --admin-password Infoblox@123 --use-unmanaged-disk --location westus --custom-data <> --public-ip-address ""
The following is a sample CLI command with values:
source “VHD path”
For Gen 2:
az image create -g “resource group name” -n “Image name”' --os-type Linux --hyper-v-generation V2 –source “VHD path”- Deploy the VM from the image.
az vm create --resource-group <> --name <> --location <> --nics <> --image <> --admin-username <> --public-ip-address "" --custom-data <> --size <>
Using the Azure Portal to Deploy the
NIOS-X Server
To deploy the host NIOS-X server using the Azure Portal, complete the following:
- Log in to your Azure Portal.
- Go to Images, and click Create to create an image from the .vhd package in the storage account.
- Enter all the relevant fields. Select either Gen 1 or Gen 2 VM generation. In the Storage blob field, ensure that you navigate to and locate the .vhd file you uploaded to the storage account.
- Click Review + Create to review the image before you create it.
- Create a virtual machine using the image you created. In the Size field, ensure that you select the supported flavor, which is Standard_F4S.
- In the Custom data field, ensure that you add the parameters that are specific to your host NIOS-X server. You can download a YML file and customize your user data file. You can then copy the information and paste it here. For information about the YML file and supported parameters, see on how to use the userdata file, see YML and JSON Templates.
Note that when you enter the following schema in the Custom data field, ensure that you add a space before the keys you want to include for host_setup. In this case, you must include a space before jointoken, and then enter the join token value you obtained from the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal. For information about how to obtain a join token, see Creating Join Tokens.#cloud-config
jointoken: your BloxOne join token
- Optionally, you can use custom data with http proxy as shown below.
Note that when you enter the following schema in the Custom data field, ensure that you include a space before any keys you want to include for host_setup. In this case, you must include a space before jointoken and access_https_proxy, and then enter the values for the respective keys. For information about how to obtain a join token, see Creating Join Tokens.#cloud-config
jointoken: your BloxOne join token
access_https_proxy: 'URL of your proxy server'
canresize the disk size above 64 GB. In the Disk tab of the Azure Portal, select the desired disk size from the OS disk size drop-down list. - Click Review + Create to launch the host NIOS-X server.
To check the current status of the host NIOS-X server, you can go to Manage > Hoststo Configure > Servers in the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal. For more information about the host server status, see Viewing Host Status.
Note | ||
| ||
You cannot use the IP Interface Settings In the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal to modify IP configurations for the host the NIOS-X server in Azure. Instead, use the options provided in the Azure Cloud Portal to change IP configurations for the host NIOS-X server. |