Under some circumstances, you may need to restore from a database file generated from another NetMRI instance to the current NetMRI system (from one NetMRI Collector system to another one, for example). in such cases, the NetMRI Database looks for a locally generated database to restore, using the file naming format of the current NetMRI instance.
If a database is present in the local archive directory that originates from a remote NetMRI using a different file naming format, the restore will fail to find the local DB that it is seeking by default, and also will not access the 'outside' database archive file you are trying to restore from, displaying an error message.
The restore CLI command supports the use of database archives originating from another system.
The *.tgz database file must be transferred to the file system in the current NetMRI instance before execution. An example:
- Select the archiving Frequency (Daily or Weekly).
- Select the Hour to Start and Minute to Start. For weekly archiving, also select the Day of Week.
- For each backup location, enter the Backup Destination, Username, Password and Backup Directory.
- For transferring to another NetMRI appliance, enter admin as the Username and enter Backup as the Backup Directory.
- To date-stamp the directory name: Check the Include date in directory name option.
- To test the configuration: Click , click Test.
- If the test is successful. , click Update.
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Use the Maintenance page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Maintenance) to change settings for weekly database maintenance. The maintenance task can be configured to start at any time during the week, to be coordinated with other maintenance activities performed by your organization.
Data collection is automatically suspended during maintenance. During that time, the NetMRI browser interface will also be disabled, displaying only a status message indicating that maintenance is being performed.
When archiving completes at the end of each maintenance cycle, the NetMRI appliance reboots to restart all processes and then resumes data collection.
You may also target troubleshooting information to specific devices in the managed network, including the ability to perform an SNMP Walk and SNMP debugging, and to run a discovery diagnostic on the specified network device. You may specify one device or up to three device IP addresses for this task.
Support bundle data includes such things as NetMRI configuration and performance data, device identification database, and a significant collection of appliance debugging log files. Such data is used primarily when troubleshooting specific problems reported by customers. A support bundle may also be requested from time to time by Infoblox Technical Support staff to improve NetMRI's discovery and analysis capabilities, by searching for new device types and unusual processing situations. In all cases, send a support bundle only when requested to do so by Infoblox Technical Support staff. You may also receive instructions regarding the types of debugging logs to select for the support bundle.
The Advanced Support Page provides the following information about active and resolved cases:
- Use the NetMRI ping/traceroute tool via the browser interface (Tools–>Device–>Ping/Traceroute), or the ping command via the Administrative Shell, to verify that NetMRI can reach the Infoblox server bloxdrop.infoblox.com on the Internet.
- Use the NetMRI ping/traceroute tool via the browser interface, or the traceroute command via the Administrative Shell, to verify that the appliance can reach bloxdrop.infoblox.com on the Internet.
- Verify that your firewall rules allow NetMRI to make an outbound SSH connection (TCP port 22) to bloxdrop.infoblox.com.
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Use the Data Retention page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Data Retention) to specify for how long NetMRI should archive or delete various types of data.
- Click Edit.
- In the Set Data Retention dialog, enter a Delete After value (in days).
- If archive storage has been configured: Enter an Archive After value (in days).
- Click Save & Close.
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The Storage Management page (Settings icon –> Database Settings –> Storage Management) lists the active disk partitions operating in the NetMRI system.
To add more storage to the NetMRI appliance, use the provisiondisk command. See the Shell Commands topic for more information. After executing provisiondisk and setting up the storage volume, its information appears on this page.