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Before you can successfully submit RIR data updates, you must ensure that all RIR required attributes contain valid values that can be mapped to data in the RIPE database. The appliance does not validate data with the RIPE database before you submit your updates. The appliance also does not synchronize data from the database.



RIPE does not support UTF-8 data in the Description and Remarks fields. After an upgrade, the NIOS appliance keeps the UTF-8 data in these fields. However, if you want to modify these fields after the upgrade, you must remove the UTF-8 data before you can save the changes.

When you enter a value for the following RIR attributes that cannot be mapped to a valid reference in the RIPE database, updates to the RIR database will fail. However, these values will still be displayed in the IPv4 or IPv6 network or network container panels of Grid Manager.

  • RIPE Routes Maintainer

  • RIPE Lower Level Maintainer

  • RIPE Reverse Domain Maintainer

  • RIPE Admin Contact

  • RIPE Technical Contact

  • RIPE Computer Security Incident Response Team

You can add multiple values for certain RIR attributes. When you add multiple values of the same attribute, the appliance groups the values in the order they are listed in the attribute table. You can also reorder the RIR attributes using the up and down arrows in the attribute tables.



RIR Organizational Attributes

The following table lists RIR organizational attributes, the format you must use to enter values, and whether they are required or optional.


Organizational Attribute

Corresponding RIPE Attribute

Description and Format

Required/ Optional

RIPE Description


Enter a short description about the organization.


RIPE Country


From the drop-down menu, select the country name, followed by the two-letter ISO 3166 country code, of the country or area within the RIPE NCC service region or through Local Internet Registries.


RIPE Admin Contact


Enter the name of the on-site admin contact for the organization. Enter the name in this format: Start with two to four optional characters, followed by up to six optional digits, and then follow by a source specification. The first digit cannot be "0". The source specification starts with "-" followed by the source name that contains up to nine characters in length.


RIPE Technical Contact


Enter the name of the technical contact for the organization. Enter the name in this format: Start with two to four optional characters, followed by up to six optional digits, and then follow by a source specification. The first digit cannot be "0". The source specification starts with "-" followed by the source name that contains up to nine characters in length.


RIPE Remarks


Enter remarks about the organization.


RIPE Notify


Enter the email address to which notifications of changes to the organization will be sent.


RIPE Registry Source


From the drop-down list, select the registry at which the organization is registered. The default is RIPE. Select RIPE for the RIPE database, which is the authoritative database. Select TEST for the RIPE TEST database that operates in the same way as the RIPE database but contains only test data. Note that test data is cleaned out at the start of each month and a predetermined set of basic objects is re-inserted. You can use the RIPE TEST database to learn how to update the database and try out special scenarios. The RIPE TEST database has fewer restrictions which allows you to create encompassing or parent objects you may need for testing.


RIPE Organization Type


From the drop-down list, select one of the following organization type:

  • IANA for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

  • RIR for Regional Internet Registry

  • NIR for National Internet Registry

  • LIR for Local Internet Registry

  • WHITEPAGES for special industry people

  • DIRECT_ASSIGNMENT for direct contract with RIPE NCC

  • OTHER for all other organizations

Note: Only the RIPE database admin can set the organization type, and there are no NIRs in the RIPE NCC service region.


RIPE Address


Enter the organization address.


RIPE Phone Number


Enter the organization phone number in numeric format starting with the + character, followed by the country code, area code, and the phone number. For example, you can enter +18089991000. You can also use one of the following formats:

  • '+' <integer-list>

  • '+' <integer-list> "(" <integer-list> ")" <integer-list>

  • '+' <integer-list> ext. <integer list>

  • '+' <integer-list> "(" integer list ")" <integer-list> ext. <integer-list>


RIPE Fax Number


Enter the organization fax number in numeric format starting with the + character, followed by the country code, area code, and the fax number. For example, you can enter +16052529000. You can also use one of the following formats:

  • '+' <integer-list>

  • '+' <integer-list> "(" <integer-list> ")" <integer-list>

  • '+' <integer-list> ext. <integer list>

  • '+' <integer-list> "(" integer list ")" <integer-list> ext. <integer-list>


RIPE Email


Enter the organization email address.


RIPE Abuse Mailbox


Enter the email address to which abuse complaints are sent.


RIPE Reference Notify


Enter the email address to which notifications are sent when a reference to the organization object is added or removed.



RIR Network Attributes

When you create or edit an RIR associated network, ensure that you enter valid values for the RIR network attributes. The following table lists RIR network attributes, the format you must use to enter values, and whether they are required or optional:

Network Attributes

Corresponding RIPE Attribute

Descriptions and Formats

Required/ Optional

RIPE Admin Contact


The name of the on-site admin contact for the network address. This attribute is populated from the organizational attribute.
You can modify the value in this format: Start with two to four optional characters, followed by up to six optional digits, and then follow by a source specification. The first digit cannot be "0". The source specification starts with "-" followed by the source name that contains up to nine characters in length.


RIPE Computer Security Incident Response Team


The name of the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) that handles security incidents for the network address.
You can enter the value in this format: Use letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-". The value must start with "irt-", and the last character of a name must be a letter or a digit. You must enter a minimum of five characters.


RIPE Country


The two-letter ISO 3166 country code of the country within the RIPE NCC service region or through Local Internet Registries. This attribute is populated from the organizational attribute. You can select a different country code from the drop-down list.


RIPE Description


Enter a short description about the network.


RIPE IPv4 Status


The status of the IPv4 network address. From the drop-down list, select one of the following status:


RIPE IPv6 Status


The status of the IPv6 network address. From the drop-down list, select one of the following:


RIPE Lower Level Maintainer


Enter the name of the registered maintainer for hierarchical authorization purposes. This can protect the creation of networks directly (one level) below in the hierarchy of a network container or another network. The authentication method of the maintainer will be used upon creation of any network directly below the network that contains the "mnt-lower:" attribute.
Enter the maintainer name in this format: Use letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-". The first character must be a letter, and the last character must be a letter or a digit. You cannot use the following words (they are reserved by RPSL): any, as-any, rs-any, peer, as, and, or, not, atomic, from, to, at, action, accept, announce, except, refine, networks, into, inbound, outbound. Also note the following: Names starting
with certain prefixes are reserved for certain object types. Names starting with "as-" are reserved for as set names. Names starting with "rs-" are reserved for route set names. Names starting with "rtrs-" are reserved for router set names. Names starting with "fltr-" are reserved for filter set names. Names starting with "prng-" are reserved for peering set names. Names starting with "irt-" are reserved for irt names.


RIPE Network Name


The name of the IP address range. You can enter up to 80 characters. Enter the network name in this format: Use letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-". The first character must be a letter, and the last character must be a letter or a digit.


RIPE Notify


Enter the email address to which notifications of changes to the object must be sent.


RIPE Registry Source


From the drop-down list, select the registry at which the organization is registered. The default is RIPE. Select RIPE for the RIPE database, which is the authoritative database. Select TEST for the RIPE TEST database that operates in the same way as the RIPE database but contains only test data. Note that test data is cleaned out at the start of each month and a predetermined set of basic objects is re-inserted. You can use the RIPE TEST database to learn how to update the database and try out special scenarios. The RIPE TEST database has fewer restrictions which allows you to create encompassing or parent objects you may need for testing.


RIPE Remarks


Enter remarks about the network.


RIPE Reverse Domain Maintainer


Enter the name of a registered maintainer used for reverse domain authorization. This can protect domain objects. The authentication method of this maintainer will be used for any encompassing reverse domain object.
Enter the maintainer name in this format: You can use letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-". The first character must be a letter, and the last character must be a letter or a digit. You cannot use the following words (they are reserved by RPSL): any, as-any, rs-any, peer, as, and, or, not, atomic, from, to, at, action, accept, announce, except, refine, networks, into, inbound, outbound. Also note the following: Names starting with certain prefixes are reserved for certain object types. Names starting with "as-" are reserved for as set names. Names starting with "rs-" are reserved for route set names. Names starting with "rtrs-" are reserved for router set names. Names starting with "fltr-" are reserved for filter set names. Names starting with "prng-" are reserved for peering set names. Names starting with "irt-" are reserved for irt names.


RIPE Routes Maintainer


This attribute references a maintainer that is used in determining authorization for the creation of route objects. Enter the name in this format: Start with the reference to the maintainer, followed by an optional list of prefix ranges inside of curly brackets or the keyword "ANY". The default, when no additional set items are specified, is "ANY". For more information, refer to RFC-2622. Example: <mnt-name> [ { list of <address-prefix-range> } | ANY ].


RIPE Technical Contact


The name of the technical contact for the network. Enter the name in this format: Start with two to four optional characters, followed by up to six optional digits, and then follow by a source specification. The first digit cannot be "0". The source specification starts with "-" followed by the source name that contains up to nine characters in length.
