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To reserve an IP address in a network range:

  1. Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator clientthe VMware Aria Automation Cloud Services Console.
  2. On the Services tab, click Orchestrator.
  3. In the Dashboard panel , expand Library and click Workflows.
    The Workflows folder and its contents are displayed.
  4. Expand Library > Infoblox, and select Reserve IP in range.
  5. In the top-level menu of the workflow panel, click Run.
    The Reserve IP in range panel is displayed.
  6. On the Connection tab, click Connection to the IPAM server and select the IPAM connection as follows:
    1. In the Select InfobloxIPAM:IPAMConnection dialog, expand Infoblox IPAM and select the IPAM connection.
    2. Click Select.
  7. On the Network range tab, configure the following parameters:
    1. Start address of the network range: specify the starting address of the range.
    2. End address of the network range: specify the ending address of the range.
    3. Network view: choose the network view where the IP address range should reside.
  8. On the Common parameters tab, define which NIOS object to create:

    • Create host record?: this option is enabled by default. Configure the following parameters:

      • Host name (FQDN): specify the host name to use in FQDN format.
      • Enable DNS for the created host record: select if you want to enable DNS, and then choose the DNS view in which the record must reside.
      • Enable DHCP for the created host record: select if you want to enable DHCP in the host record.
      • MAC address or DUID (required when you enable DHCP for the host record): specify the MAC address or DUID for the host record.
      • List of aliases for the host record in FQDN format: the aliases to use for the host record.
      • Comment: add a description of the host record.
    • Create DNS record?: this option is visible only if Create host record? is disabled. Select Create DNS record? and configure the following parameters:
      • Select DNS record to create: choose whether to create an A/AAAA record or A/AAAA/PTR record.
      • Host name (FQDN): specify the host name to use in FQDN format.
      • DNS view: choose the view in which the record must reside.
      • List of aliases for CNAM records related to the created A/AAAA record in FQDN format: you can associate CNAME records with the created A/AAAA record by setting aliases in the FQDN format. For more information, see the Managing CNAME Records section in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
    • Create fixed address?: this option is visible only if Create host record? is disabled. Select Create fixed address? and configure the following parameters: 
      • Select fixed address or reservation to create: choose Fixed address or Reservation.
      • Name of the fixed address or reservation: specify a name for the address or reservation.
      • IPv4 address of the Microsoft DHCP server (applicable for IPv4 fixed address only): specify the IP address.
      • MAC address or DUID: specify the MAC address or DUID if you are creating a fixed address.
      • Comment: add a description of the fixed address.
  9. On the Number of attributes tab, to assign extensible attributes to the network:

    1. In the Number of specified extensible attributes drop-down list, choose a number.
      According to the number you chose, additional tabs are added to define the extensible attributes. For example, if you specify 2, Extensible attribute #1 and Extensible attribute #2 tabs are added.

    2. On each Extensible attribute #<n> tab define the extensible attributes that you want to add to the network object:

      1. Click Definition of the extensible attribute #<n>.

      2. In the Select Infoblox IPAM:IPAM Extensible Attribute Definition window, expand the IPAM connection ID > Extensible Attributes, and select the extensible attributes.

      3. Click the Select button.

      4. In the Value of the extensible attribute #<n> field, specify a value.

  10. On the Restart DHCP service tab, select Perform restart of DHCP service if needed.
  11. Click Run.