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The Devices page in the Web Content Discovery Devices tab is accessed through Monitor > Reports > Web Content Discovery report  and provides organizations with a comprehensive look atview of the web content activity associated with specific devices on their network. Thisan organization’s networks. The page displays details about the traffic, such as the device name, user, total number of categories, and total number of requests. Organizations can also view and sortThe page allows sorting data to determine whatwhich kinds of web content isare associated with a device. This information can then be used

An organization can use this information to identify potential threats and take the necessary steps to protect theirthe network from potential attacks. The Devices pageorganization can also be useduse this information to identify user activities and ensure that only authorized users are accessing the web content. By using the Devices page, organizations can gain visibility into their network and take the necessary steps to protect it.To view device details, navigate to Reports > Web Content Discovery > Devices. In the table on the Devices page, you can view and sort data to determine what web content is associated with a device; including the device name, the user, the total number of  categories, and the number pf requests. The Devices page displays the following: 

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Image: The Web Content Discovery Devices page.

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Search: Enter the value that you want to search on. The Infoblox Portal will display the list of records that match the keyword in the text box

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Refresh and Show

  • RefreshClick the refresh icon to refresh the data displayed on the page.
  • Show: Click Show to select a time period for the displayed data records:
    • 1 hour
    • 24 hours
    • 48 hours
    • 7 days
    • 1 month
    • Custom (limited to 30 days): When Custom is selected, the date/time object indicates the past 30 calendar days. Click the object to open the calendar, and select the start and end dates and times for custom filtering.

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Export RecordsClick the export icon to export a CSV-formatted file that contains all Application Summary records.

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To view background tasks and recent search information, do the following

  • Background TasksClick the houglass icon to open the side panel that displays a list of all running background tasks

  • Searches: Click the search icon to perform a global search. The Infoblox Portal will display the list of records that match the keyword in the text box. The search panel includes the tools, console messages, and other information on recent searches for the domain.  

call-out EImage Added

FilteringClick the filter icon (see call-out H) to open the panel for filtering records. In the opened panel, click the add icon to add filters and filter data according to the available filtering parameters.

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Web Content Discovery Content Devices Table: The table displays the following information for all devices seen on your network.

  • DEVICE NAME: The name of the device associated with a threat category on your network.The devices associated with a web category. 
  • USER: The name of users a user associated with a device on your network. 
  • TOTAL CATEGORIES: The number of categories associated with each device detected device observed on your network.  Click the embedded link in the Total Categories column to view the Category page where The page displays a list of categories and sub-categories associated with the device are displayed. To view the page, click the embedded link in the Total Categories column
  • REQUESTS: The  The number of requests made by a device observed on your network. 

On the Devices page, you can  also do the following:

View Background Tasks

Click Image Removed to view all background tasks currently being undertaken. 

Search Tool

Click Image Removedto use the search tool in searching through all available device records

Refresh Page

Click Image Removedto refresh the page. 

Time and Date Filtering

Click Show, located to the right-hand side of the page below the top Action bar, to allow filtering of records by both time and date. The time period displayed can be modified from 1 hour to 1 month. Optionally, by selecting Custom and choosing From and To values, a custom time period can be chosen. You can select a different time frame from the Show drop-down menu. Show options include the following: 

  • 1 hour (default)
  • 24 hours
  • 48 hours
  • 7 days
  • 1 month
  • Custom (limited to 30 days of data): When Custom is selected, the time/date object appears indicating the last 30 calendar days. Click on the time/date object to open the calendar object. On the calendar object, you can select custom filtering start and end dates and times.  

Export Records

Click Image Removed to export a csv-formatted file containing all device records. 

Device Search

Type or paste text into the search box to locate a specific device name. To cancel a search, clickImage Removedlocated inside the search box. 

Filter Tool

Click Image Removed to open the filter dialogue box. In the filter dialogue box, click Image Removedto create a filter. Supported filter types include Device Name

Sorting Device Records



call-out GImage Added

To specify which information you want to view, click the triple bar icon ☰ on the header of the Web Content Categories table. You can view all information, by selecting all options, or you can select only the options you wish to see. To reorder information in the columns, use the up/down arrow associated with each column. For detailed information shown in each column, see call-out F 

call-out HImage Added

Click the filter icon to open and close the filtering panel. For information on conducting a filter search, see call-out E

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Click the information icon to open and close the details panel located to the right of the records table. Select a record to view its details in the details panel. For information about the details panel, see call-out J.

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Details Panel: This panel shows the information for a selected record. To view a record's details, select the row in the table associated with the record.

For additional information, see Web Content Discovery.