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  1. Log in to the Infoblox CLI. After executing the reset all command, you can log in to the TOE only by using the default superuser admin name admin and password infoblox.
  2. Type the following command: 

set cc_mode

For more information about the commands mentioned above, refer to the /wiki/spaces/NCG8/pages/22937962. The TOE reboots and goes through boot time self tests. If the test fails, the TOE goes into a loop and displays an error message on the serial console and the LCD. Otherwise, it displays the Login prompt after the self tests.


Note: You cannot enable the Common Criteria mode when the FIPS mode is enabled, but note that Common Criteria mode is a subset of the FIPS mode. When you enable FIPS mode in your device, it enables both FIPS and Common Criteria mode. For more information about the FIPS mode, see Appendix D Guidance Documentation Supplement for Federal Information Processing Standard.


To clear Common Criteria mode on an appliance, log in to the Infoblox CLI and execute the command: reset all.


Only superusers can access the CLI. To ensure security, access to You can access the CLI is permitted through a direct console connection only. Note that activating or using the SSH command in Common Criteria or FIPS mode and also activate the option Enable Remote Console Access in the Grid or Member Properties editor will result in a non-compliant system.

To access the Infoblox CLI through the console port:

  1. Connect a serial cable from the console port on your management system to the console port on the appliance. The appliance has a male DB-9 console port on its front panel.
  2. Use the following connection settings to launch an emulation session through a serial terminal emulation program such as Hilgraeve Hyperterminal® (provided with the Windows® operating systems):
    • Bits per second: 9600
    • Data bits: 8
    • Parity: None
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Flow control: Xon/Xoff
  3. Use the following default user name and password to log in to the Infoblox appliance:

    Note: After you log in, change the default user name and password of the default superuser admin to prevent unauthorized access to the TOE. For more information on changing passwords, see Changing the Password and Email Address. You can remotely (SSH) log in to the Grid Master candidate and execute the commands.

For more information about the Infoblox CLI, refer to the Infoblox CLI Guide.