To reserve an IP address in a network range:
- Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator clientthe VMware Aria Automation Cloud Services Console.
- On the Services tab, click Orchestrator.
- In the Dashboard panel , expand Library and click Workflows.
The Workflows folder and its contents are displayed. - Expand Library > Infoblox, and select Reserve IP in range.
- In the top-level menu of the workflow panel, click Run.
The Reserve IP in range panel is displayed. - On the Connection tab, click Connection to the IPAM server and select the IPAM connection as follows:
- In the Select InfobloxIPAM:IPAMConnection dialog, expand Infoblox IPAM and select the IPAM connection.
- Click Select.
- On the Network range tab, configure the following parameters:
- Start address of the network range: specify the starting address of the range.
- End address of the network range: specify the ending address of the range.
- Network view: choose the network view where the IP address range should reside.
- Start address of the network range: specify the starting address of the range.
On the Common parameters tab, define which NIOS object to create:
Create host record?: this option is enabled by default. Configure the following parameters:
- Host name (FQDN): specify the host name to use in FQDN format.
- Enable DNS for the created host record: select if you want to enable DNS, and then choose the DNS view in which the record must reside.
- Enable DHCP for the created host record: select if you want to enable DHCP in the host record.
- MAC address or DUID (required when you enable DHCP for the host record): specify the MAC address or DUID for the host record.
- List of aliases for the host record in FQDN format: the aliases to use for the host record.
- Comment: add a description of the host record.
- Create DNS record?: this option is visible only if Create host record? is disabled. Select Create DNS record? and configure the following parameters:
- Select DNS record to create: choose whether to create an A/AAAA record or A/AAAA/PTR record.
- Host name (FQDN): specify the host name to use in FQDN format.
- DNS view: choose the view in which the record must reside.
- List of aliases for CNAM records related to the created A/AAAA record in FQDN format: you can associate CNAME records with the created A/AAAA record by setting aliases in the FQDN format. For more information, see the Managing CNAME Records section in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.
- Create fixed address?: this option is visible only if Create host record? is disabled. Select Create fixed address? and configure the following parameters:
- Select fixed address or reservation to create: choose Fixed address or Reservation.
- Name of the fixed address or reservation: specify a name for the address or reservation.
- IPv4 address of the Microsoft DHCP server (applicable for IPv4 fixed address only): specify the IP address.
- MAC address or DUID: specify the MAC address or DUID if you are creating a fixed address.
- Comment: add a description of the fixed address.
On the Number of attributes tab, to assign extensible attributes to the network:
In the Number of specified extensible attributes drop-down list, choose a number.
According to the number you chose, additional tabs are added to define the extensible attributes. For example, if you specify 2, Extensible attribute #1 and Extensible attribute #2 tabs are added.On each Extensible attribute #<n> tab define the extensible attributes that you want to add to the network object:
Click Definition of the extensible attribute #<n>.
In the Select Infoblox IPAM:IPAM Extensible Attribute Definition window, expand the IPAM connection ID > Extensible Attributes, and select the extensible attributes.
Click the Select button.
In the Value of the extensible attribute #<n> field, specify a value.
- On the Restart DHCP service tab, select Perform restart of DHCP service if needed.
Click Run.