Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Set thresholds using the Criteria property available in the Settings icon –> Issue Analysis –> Issue Group Settings –> Device Groups side tab and Interface Groups side tab.

Click the Comprehensive Issue List under Additional Documentation in online Help for more detailed Issue listings to assist in decisions on which issues to isolate to specific device groups or interface groups.


  1. In the Detail Columns field of the Add Command Script Issue dialog (see above), enter IP Address, string.
  2. In the Issue-Details section of the CCS script, add "IP Address" $ipaddress (including the quotation marks). The resulting CCS issue contains the IP address with a hyperlink to the Device Viewer.

Creating Custom Issue Help files
Creating Custom Issue Help files
Creating Custom Issue Help




Custom issue help files provide NetMRI users with organization-specific information for individual issues. All issue help files associated with an issue are accessed via hyperlinks in the See Also section of the Issues Viewer. Multiple help files can be associated with an issue.

Help files can be stored in any format (e.g., .pdf, .doc, .txt, .jpg, etc.) that can be rendered by the web browser. Also, help files can be written in any language supported by NetMRI, enabling the user to view them in the language defined for the console.


  • The Inventory tab provides basic information about all active devices, interfaces, operating systems and models in the network, including virtual devices, which are instances of virtual routers, virtual switches and other types that are supported by selected devices from some networked system vendors;
  • The Summaries tab lists routes, subnets, VLANs, HSRPs/VRRPs, route targets, network views, VRFs and ports in the network;
  • The Topology tab provides an interactive viewer in which you can visually explore your network’s topology and interconnectivity;
  • The Discovery tab provides detailed information about NetMRI’s discovery processes, including the ability to affect Discovery settings for individual devices, perform/repeat Discovery on a single device, set licensing for a managed device and remove a device from NetMRI management. (For more information on device-related Discovery functions, see the section Viewing Device Discovery Status and Re-Discovering a Device);
  • Switch Port Management is a key feature set for compiling, monitoring and controlling the devices, ports and end hosts throughout an enterprise’s switched Ethernet network. Consult the topics under Switch Port Management for many more details.


Note: If you know exactly what you are seeking, try typing a few characters in the FindIT search box (upper right corner of the main NetMRI page).


The Device Viewer is not limited to this information. Seven categories of detailed information are provided by the Device Viewer for the displayed network entity. For more, sees under Inspecting Devices in the Network.

Viewing Date-based Data Set
Viewing Date-based Data Set
Viewing Date-Based Data Sets


Each individual virtual device context appears in the Device Viewer, in the NetworkExplorer–>Inventory page, and in other locations of the NetMRI UI. NetMRI treats virtual device contexts identically to conventional routers, switches and firewall appliances, including the ability to send commands, schedule and execute jobs, display running configurations, view change histories and issues reported from the virtual device, apply compliance policies, run traces and SNMP walks, and many other operations.

NetMRI supports detection and management of the following

 virtual device context-provisioning devices:


In the resulting graph, the name of the starting device is highlighted in green, and the name of the ending device is highlighted in red.

VLAN Network Topology
VLAN Network Topology




VLAN Network Topology


Note: Only VLANs with a spanning tree root that is managed by NetMRI can be viewed in the appliance.


If a device continues to appear in collected data, NetMRI will re-list the device unless you choose to exclude the device from discovery when it is deleted.

To un-manage devices, do the following:
