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The Infoblox BloxOne Threat Defense Cloud Client on NIOS allows the interaction between BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud and outbound endpoints so you can collect blocked/logged request via feeds or domains detected by Threat Insight in BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud and send the outbound events to external endpoints. When you enable and configure BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client on an on-prem NIOS member, the client uses threat API calls to request RPZ events from BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud, and then convert the data into outbound events. These events are periodically synchronized (between BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud and NIOS) and sent to the configured outbound endpoints. Note that the client requests only subsequent data since the last data timestamp, and each synchronization happens based on the schedule and retrieves only the current data.

You can configure notification rules to filter incoming events using the following fields: Threat Origin (NIOS, BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud), BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Hit Type (DNS RPZ, Threat AnalyticsInsight), BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Hit Class and BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Hit Property. When you configure notification rules to filter incoming events using these fields for BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client, relevant information gets synchronized with the event types that you add to the list. This synchronization happens periodically based on the interval that you define. For more information about notification rules, see Configuring Notification Rules.

You can select any Grid member to execute the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client. Infoblox uses event filters on the selected Grid Member to limit the amount of logs. For debugging purposes, information about the client connection status will be displayed in the infoblox.log file. An error is logged in the debug mode for any exceptions that appear when the data is requested and received from the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud. NIOS logs any critical messages in the syslog.

You must specify the email address and password in the Grid Properties Editor before you enable the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client.Formore information about configuring Integration with BloxOne Infoblox threat defense cloud, see below. The server stores the email address and the password so that it can request a new API key. The server requests an API key through the Cloud Services Portal, so that the cloud client is authorized to retrieve data from BloxOne Threat Defense Cloud. 



Before you configure the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client for outbound, ensure that you have installed the Security Ecosystem license.

The following figure shows how Threat Insight in the BloxOne the Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud client and BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client use a common API interface to interact with BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud. For more information about enabling BloxOne Infoblox threat defense cloud client for outbound, see below.


Best Practices for Configuring


Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client

  • Ensure that you have enabled the following on the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client:

    • Credentials to access your BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Services Infoblox Portal tenant. An email address and a password of a valid user can be used. The best practice is to use a dedicated service account on the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal as the email address and its associated API key as the password. Service accounts on the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal have an auto-generated email address that you can use (for example, user.service.[UUID]@infoblox.invalid). You must use a service account if the user login IDs are restricted by multi-factor authentication.

    • A Grid member that is online.

  • Ensure that at least one outbound notification rule for DNS RPZ event type is active for outbound settings.

  • Only superusers can update the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client settings.

  • If the timestamp for the data collected by the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client is ahead of the current time in NIOS, then such events are logged in the syslog. In such an instance, the client does not request any data until the current time reaches the timestamp of the data that is collected and it logs a message in the Infoblox.log based on the time interval that you have set.

Configuring Integration with


Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud

To integrate the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud client with BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud, you must have already created a user profile and the API key for the user profile in the Cloud Services the Infoblox Portal. 

To configure the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud client to integrate with BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud, you must configure the URL of the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal and credentials for logging in to the portal. Complete the following steps:

  1. Grid: From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then select Grid Properties -> Edit from the Toolbar.
    Standalone appliance: From the System tab, select the System Manager tab, and then select System Properties -> Edit from the Toolbar.

  2. In the Grid Properties Editor or the System Properties Editor, click Toggle Advanced Mode to switch to the advanced mode.
    Note that if the editor is already in the advanced mode, then you will see the Toggle Basic Mode button.

  3. On the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Integration tab -> Basic tab, specify the following in the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Integration section:

    • URL: Displays the REST API URL of the Infoblox Cloud Services Portal.

    • Credentials:

      • Email: Enter the email address that is registered in the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal. The best practice is to use a dedicated service account on the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal as the email address (for example, user.service.[UUID]@infoblox.invalid).

      • Password: Enter the password associated with the email address you specified in the Email field. If you are using a service account on Cloud Services Infoblox Portal, enter the API key associated with the service account rather than a password.

      • Test Connection: Click this to test the connectivity between NIOS and the Cloud Services Infoblox Portal.

  4. Save the configuration.



Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client for Outbound

To configure an BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client to collect event types from BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud and send them to external endpoints, complete the following steps: 

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Ecosystem tab -> Outbound Endpoint tab, and then click BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client from the Toolbar. 

  2. In the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client editor, complete the following:

    • Enable Cloud Client: Select this checkbox to enable the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud Client to send outbound events.

    • Grid member: Click Select to select a Grid member on which you run the configured client. Click Clear to clear the value. You can select any Grid member where the cloud client must be executed.

    • Interval: Specify how often to request the list of event types from BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud, in seconds or minutes. This value is set to one minute by default. The time interval is measured from the previous data synchronization.

    • The list of requested event types: Select the respective checkbox to enable or disable an event type. The event types that you request from the BloxOne Infoblox Threat Defense Cloud are listed here. You cannot add or remove them.

  3. Save the configuration.