The decision to incorporate a bypass code into your security policy is optional. When you choose to add included, a bypass code in conjunction with a security policy, the bypass code does not have a direct impact has no direct effect on networks, DNS forwarding proxies, or endpoints. Its influence is dependent behavior depends on how the bypass code it is configured. Bypass codes are effective solely only when used in conjunction with the Block-Redirect action, which represents is the exclusive sole method for of interacting with the DNS response. For additional detailsmore information, refer to Using Bypass Codes.
Configure Bypass Codes for a Security Policy:
On the Bypass Codes page of the the Create New Security Policy wizard wizard, complete the following steps:
Choose Select the applicable desired bypass codes from the AVAILABLE table table and move them to the SELECTED table table using the right-pointing arrow icon.
You can To select all bypass codes, click the double , right-pointing arrows icon to select all the bypass codes. You can also search for arrow icon.
Use the Search function to locate a specific bypass code using the Search function, if necessary.
To remove an object a bypass code from the SELECTED table, click the close icon or the the trashcan icontrashcan icon.
After you choose selecting the bypass codes, you can proceed to the Summary page to review your the configuration.
Click Next in the wizard to view the summary to continue.
For information about other tasks in additional tasks related to creating a new security policy, see refer to the following topics: