Configure the Data Connector
To use the Infoblox SOC to Tenable integration a source and destination for the data connector is required. Perform the following steps to configure the Data Connector.
On the Infoblox CSP highlight on Manage, click on Data Connector in the revealed list
On the Data Connector tab, use BloxOne Cloud Source as the Source Type.
On the Data Connector tab, click on the Destination Configuration tab on the top of the Data Connector Page.
Create destination configuration based on the following steps.
Enter a Name for the configuration.
Select the Application Script for Tenable Integration and configure the desired Variables for Authentication and Integration.
Enable the destination by changing State to Enabled.
Click on the Traffic Flow Configuration tab located near the top of the Data Connector page. Then, click the Create button to create a new Traffic Flow configuration.
In the Create Traffic Flow Configuration screen, the details below are to be filled out.
Enter the Name and description of the configuration. Enable the configuration by toggling the State to Enabled.
Select BloxOne Cloud Source as the Source of Log Source Configuration and select Internal Notifications Log as the Log Type for Source Configuration.
Expand the Destination Configuration list by clicking on the Destination Configuration header. Then, select the destination that was created earlier in this guide from the drop-down list.
Expand the Service Instance list by clicking on the Service Instance header. Then, select the created Data Connector service from the list. Click on Finish to confirm the creation of the Traffic Flow
Configuring Tenable parameters
To generate tenableAccessKey and tenableSecretKey:
Log in to Tenable: Go to your Tenable instance and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to API Keys:
Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner.
Select "My Profile" or "API Keys" from the dropdown menu.
Generate API Keys:
Click on "Generate" or "Create API Key".
Note down the Access Key (tenableAccessKey) and Secret Key (tenableSecretKey). Store them securely as the secret key will be shown only once.
To find tenableTemplateName:
Log in to Tenable: Go to your Tenable instance and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to Scans:
Go to the "Scans" tab.
Click on "New Scan".
Select a Template:
Browse through the available templates.
Note down the name of the template you wish to use (e.g., Basic Network Scan).
To find tenableScannerName:
Log in to Tenable: Go to your Tenable instance and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to Scanners:
Go to the "Scans" tab.
Click on "Tools > Manage Sensors" in the sidebar or sub-menu.
Select a Scanner from the available list