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NIOS allows you to automatically provision and deploy Grid Master and Grid members using the cloud-init utility. Ensure that you understand how to compose user data files for provisioning the Grid Master and Grid members. A user data file includes configuration details such as enabling the remote console, installing licenses, defining network settings, and validating the certificate and token required for authenticating the member. For information about how to create a user data file, see Defining User Data Settings for vNIOS Instances.

Before you deploy vNIOS for OpenStack instances using the cloud-init utility, ensure that you have the necessary feature licenses for each of your instances.

Deploying the Grid Master and Grid Members

To set up the Grid Master and begin deploying vNIOS for OpenStack Grid members in OpenStack by using cloud-init, complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy the Grid Master in OpenStack as defined in Deploying the Grid Master.

  2. In Infoblox NIOS Grid Manager, create offline Grid members that you plan to join to the Grid, pre-provision them, and generate a token for each member and use the token in the user data file of each member. For more information, see the Pre-Provisioning NIOS and vNIOS Appliances topic in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

  3. Deploy Grid members in OpenStack as defined in Deploying Grid Members.
    If for any reason the use of cloud-init to join members to a Grid does not function properly, you can use the CLI commands defined in the Joining Pre-Provisioned Members to a Grid topic in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation to join the members to the Grid.

Deploying the Grid Master

  1. Sign in to OpenStack and compose the user data file for the Grid Master using the vi editor. You can also compose the data file locally and move it to the OpenStack node later.
    For a sample of the Grid Master user data file, see the Sample User Data File for the Grid Master section.

  2. Run the openstack port-create command to create port IDs for the network interfaces (MGMT, LAN1, and/or HA).

    • For the vNIOS appliance to run in OpenStack, you must specify at least two networks, MGMT and LAN1.

    • If you need to create a LAN2 port, then you must create an HA port.

    • To set up high availability (HA) with vNIOS, you must specify three network interfaces, MGMT, LAN1, and HA on each node of the HA pair.
      Ensure that the LAN 1 and HA interfaces are in the same subnet.

    • For HA pairs, you must also run the allowed-address-pairs option to define the VIP port for the HA configuration, using the VRRP MAC address and the Virtual Router ID.
      Following is an example:
      $ openstack port-create VIP –-allowed-address-pairs list=true mac_address= 00:00:5e:00:01:c8 ip_address=

      Note that you can use the security-group option to associate the vNIOS instance with one or more security groups that you have created. For more information, see Setting Up Security Groups. Optionally, you can associate the vNIOS instance with a security group when you run the openstack server create command.
      $ openstack port-create --security-group <name of the security group>

  3. For an HA pair configuration only: Ensure that you set allow_duplicate_networks=true in the nova.conf file to remove the restriction of allowing only one interface for each network in OpenStack.

  4. Run the openstack port list command to view the network and port IDs generated for all network interfaces. You can copy and paste the Port IDs into the openstack server create command.

  5. Run the openstack server create command in OpenStack to spin up the Grid Master VM.
    Note: Use the custom name that you used when creating flavors.
    Following is an example:

    • For Red Hat OpenStack Platform, use the command:
      openstack server create <instance_name> --config-drive=True --flavor=<flavor_name> --image=<image_name> --nic port-id=<mgmt_port_id> --nic port-id=<lan1_port_id> --nic port-id=<ha_port_id> --nic port-id=<lan2_port_id> --user-data <user_data_file_name>

    • For Ubuntu, use the command:
      openstack server create <instance_name> --config-drive True --flavor <flavor_name> --image <image_name> --network <network_name_mgmt> --network <network_name_lan1> --network <network_name_ha> --network <network_name_lan2> --user-data <user_data_file_name>
      For information about user data files, see the Defining User Data Settings for vNIOS Instances section.

      Parameter description:

      • config-drive determines whether to use the virtual CD-ROM drive transport mechanism for the user data file. Set it to True to enable the use of virtual drive.

      • image defines the name of the software package you downloaded. For information about supported vNIOS for OpenStack models, see vNIOS for OpenStack Virtual Appliance Models.

      • flavor specifies the flavors of the vNIOS for OpenStack instance. For information about how to define flavors, see Setting Up vNIOS for OpenStack Flavors.

      • nic port-id specifies the port ID of the MGMT, LAN1, LAN2, or HA interface.

      • network specifies the name of the network in which the port must reside.

      • user-data specifies the name of the user data file.

To remove networks, use the openstack net-delete command. If some of the networks remain, use OpenStack Horizon to manually remove them.
The vNIOS for OpenStack instance automatically spins up after the openstack server create command is run.

Deploying the Grid Members

  1. Sign in to OpenStack and compose a user data file for each Grid member you plan to join the Grid. For a sample Grid member user data file, see the Sample User data File for Grid Members section.

  2. Run the openstack server create command in OpenStack to spin up each Grid member VM, as follows:

    • For Red Hat OpenStack Platform, use the command:
      openstack server create <instance_name> --config-drive True --flavor=<flavor_name> --image=<image_name> --nic port-id=<mgmt_port_id> --nic port-id=<lan1_port_id> --nic port-id=<ha_port_id> --nic port-id=<lan2_port_id> --user-data <user_data_file_name>

    • For Ubuntu, use the command:
      openstack server create <instance_name> --config-drive True --flavor <flavor_name> --image <image_name> --network <network_name_mgmt> --network <network_name_lan1> --network <network_name_ha> --network <network_name_lan2> --user-data <user_data_file_name>
      For information about user data files, see the Defining User Data Settings for vNIOS Instances section.
      Parameter description:

      • config-drive determines whether to use the virtual CD-ROM drive transport mechanism for the user data file. Set it to True to enable the use of virtual drive.

      • image defines the name of the software package you downloaded. For information about supported vNIOS for OpenStack models, see vNIOS for OpenStack Virtual Appliance Models.

      • flavor specifies the flavors of the vNIOS for KVM instance. For information about how to define flavors, see Setting Up vNIOS OpenStack Flavors.

      • nic port-id specifies the port ID of the network interface.

      • network specifies the name of the network in which the port must reside.

      • user-data specifies the name of the user data file.

After you run the openstack server create command and launch the vNIOS for OpenStack instances, the Grid members automatically join the Grid. Further communications with the instance take place through Grid Manager and the NIOS CLI.

Defining User Data Settings for vNIOS Instances Using Cloud-Init

When you deploy vNIOS appliances using cloud-init, the instances in the OpenStack environment require different user data settings. Compose the user data file in plain text format by using the vi editor in OpenStack.
OpenStack supports two transport mechanisms for the user data file; one through a virtual CDROM drive (also known as ISO parameter injection) and the other through the metadata network service. You can provide either or both transport mechanisms. OpenStack will make the user data file available to the vNIOS instance using the transport you configure in the user data file.
You can use the following data fields in the user data files for provisioning new instances:

Data Field



Set this field to "true" to enable the remote console.


Enter "infoblox" as the default admin password.


Enter the name of the licenses you plan to install on the Grid Master or Grid members. For example, you can enter "enterprise,dns".
Install temporary licenses on the Grid Master when deploying it in the OpenStack environment.


Specify the below mentioned LAN1 parameters only if you have disabled DHCP in OpenStack for the LAN1 network.
Remove the entire lan1 section from the user data file if DHCP is enabled in OpenStack. Otherwise, if the LAN1 parameters are the same as those of DHCP, the interpretation of the parameters stops at the LAN1 interface until you restart NIOS manually. If the LAN1 parameters are different from those of DHCP, NIOS restarts automatically and the LAN1 parameters are overwritten by the new DHCP response.

  • v4_addr: Use this field to specify the IP address of the Grid Master or Grid member instance.

  • v4_netmask: Use this field to specify the netmask of the Grid Master or Grid member instance.

  • v4_gw: Use this field to specify the gateway address of the Grid Master or Grid member instance.


This field remains blank. It signifies to OpenStack that the instance is a Grid Master. Use this only in the Grid member user data file.


Use this field only for the Grid member user data file. Copy and paste the string for the Infoblox NIOS certificate credential generated for the Grid member token.

Note that the certificate string must not contain any space as it may cause issues during the provisioning process.


This field provides the string for the generated token for the new instance. Here, you paste the copied security token that you generated in NIOS for the new vNIOS instance.

Note that the certificate and token are generated on the Grid Master when you pre-provision the vNIOS instance. The certificate and token values are valid only for a period of time. For more information, see Joining Pre-Provisioned Members to a Grid in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.


This is applicable only to Grid members. This field specifies the IP address of the Grid Master.


Use this field to set MAC addresses for the vNIOS interfaces.

For sample user data files, see the Sample User Data Files for the Grid Master and Sample User data File for Grid Members sections below.

Sample User Data Files for the Grid Master

Following is a sample user data file for deploying the Grid Master in the OpenStack environment. The script spins up a Grid Master instance with Lan1 interface and with vnios, enterprise, and dns licenses.

remote_console_enabled: true default_admin_password: infoblox temp_license: vnios,enterprise,dns

Sample User data File for Grid Members

Following is a sample user data file for deploying Grid members in the OpenStack environment. The script spins up a vNIOS instance with a LAN1 interface and with vnios, enterprise and dns licenses, and joins it to the specified Grid Master using the configured certificate and token for authentication.

#infoblox-config remote_console_enabled: true
default_admin_password: infoblox license: vnios,enterprise,dns
certificate: ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----
Ia335wC5fP37wtGgeCflJwDMhF6Z3a7nLgx6RZN2cPeDHdLQp45+P6Xi4I6J1gXPL/TPhtrrDfsX3Lq337eUi5 3D3OqTfz+NwMgrJU6SRzxXUOkt+Tx6VTwFkCThrVKtXURhg4Ik8frVBI8qFTFdRIs+z1O6E09LZoScNjOQXKZP b2uqPwBhSQ7PYgX+vbyXy2CAEzmsDyw7TQFzeZ+8xA/sqlQUXZa8AQtyLlMnxf2T9upP9g9e0O+UBpZrKhdVZP VYaWgpM7lSOwv1a0NLjwVyGgj0igIughaqz5A54QIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQBF3pAAXFiJ3ADg
3Nc36e0MxZAv2TFHggl9OPjexBQHyDs9jU+Q1dNSeiVVwgYBSwxLfnEJthne1GHG1mgN92TRDehCpTiIFRnBH8 RNedtHQtQ/cNLHgHpcUW0eJXSR6kCSGHTSCFWQI/ie4RHhg3vXuOXA4ZkOAAgCO+korRUkcRc2kjIM1vZnRf9H rDci+HLCGGTH/dHdqNIjasPWYnSQa3RKEHbl53THfGEJXf5VBYIsu32lWPqhaMIlTg7Rj0C+4pD1XQ3Z2Qa7TP JDeNKfy+VZVcNQGD4hCeBRGhhmj7X7TqnCdKea1PftEwug1X24xF84tVn1Xpw6GmwRLWpi----END CERTIFICATE----
token: 6VPPn51m46cw0RI/9F1o3D1cVR0/dogB

Sample User Data Files for the IB-FLEX Grid Master

Following is a sample user data file for deploying an IB-FLEX Grid Master using the Flex Grid Activation license in the OpenStack environment:

remote_console_enabled: y
hardware_type: IB-FLEX
temp_license: flex_grid





nic_bonding_enabled: Y
bonding_failback_interface: lan1


mgmt: 00:00:5E:00:53:AA
lan1: 00:00:5E:00:53:BB
ha: 00:00:5E:00:53:CC
lan2: 00:00:5E:00:53:CC


In case you are using mixed-interface support, use cloud-init with the MAC address added to the user data.

Sample Commands for Deploying an HA Pair

The following openstack server create commands for Red Hat OpenStack platform are for deploying an HA pair in the OpenStack environment:

Run the following command to spin up the active node:

openstack server create --config-drive=True --image=nios-9.0.5-305525-1420-160.qcow2 --flavor=vnios1420.160 --nic port-id=81345eaf-49dd-4ad1-a31c-32159ef4d948 --nic
port-id=99c73fc5-71ca-457a-a505-f40e85f88207 --user-data ./user-data-ha HA_active1

Once the active node is up and running, change the token value in the user-data file and run the following command to create the passive node:
openstack server create --config-drive True --image nios-9.0.5-Alpha-305525-1420-160.qcow2 --flavor vnios1420.160 --nic port-id=ddd57167-2173-4f11-860b-c4efb9ddd3d6 --nic
port-id=07b9df9b-0bb3-4ddd-9ede-850bf3a27671 --user-data ./user-data-ha HA_passive1

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