In the IPAM workflows of the Infoblox Plug-In, you can use extensible attributes to assign attribute values to objects created in the result of workflow executions. Some workflows, including Reserve IP address, Reserve IP in range, Reserve IP in network, and Add network enable you to set EA values for the object when it is created in NIOS through the workflow. Other workflows, such as Remove host record, Remove network, and Remove range allow you to use extensible attributes as criteria to search for host records, networks, or ranges. This is illustrated in the following figure:
The Definition of the extensible attribute #... field specifies the extensible attribute pre-existing on NIOS and selected from the vRO inventory. The Type of the comparison... parameter specifies a comparison operator used for searching. The following figure shows the list of six comparison operators available in the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware:
For information about workflows that use extensible attributes, see IPAM Workflows.
You can add up to ten extensible attributes to the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In through vRO. You can add more attributes with the Infoblox Java Script API which has no restrictions on EA count.