Data Type Required Associated |
Header-View |
String Yes |
Identifies the first row as a header |
row for the DNS view objects. |
Example: View |
name |
String Yes |
Example: dns_view1 |
_new_name |
String No |
Add this field to overwrite the name |
field when you select the Overwrite |
or Merge option. |
comment |
String No Comment |
comment Example: This is a DNS view. |
network_view |
String No Network |
network_view If no network view is specified, the |
View |
default view is used. Example: |
Default |
disable |
BooleanNo Disable |
disable Enable or disable view. Example: |
False |
recursion |
Boolean No |
allow_recursive_query Flag to respond to recursive queries. |
Example: False |
root_name_server_type |
String No |
This is a single inheritance from |
GridDns. Example: Custom |
match_clients |
ACL No |
List of address_tsig_ac items. It can |
be an IP address, a network entry, |
Any or a TSIG-/permission. If the first |
value is not Any or TSIG-, it is |
assumed to be an IP address or a |
network entry. Example: |
|,, |
TSIG-foo/xyz/Allow. It can also be a |
named ACL. Example: NACL1. |
match_destinations |
ACL No |
Indicates the match_destination list. |
It can be an IP address, a network, |
Any or a TSIG-/permission. If the first |
value is not Any or TSIG-, it is |
assumed to be an IP address or a |
network entry. Example: |
|,, |
TSIG-foo/xyz/Allow. It can also be a |
named ACL. Example: NACL1. |
custom_root_name_servers |
Root No |
List of custom root name servers. |
nameserver |
Example: rnm1.test.com/ |
list |
lame_ttl |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the lame TTL value in |
integer |
seconds. Example: 600 |
nxdomain_redirect |
Boolean No |
Enable intercept and redirect |
nxdomain responses Example: False |
Require (Yes/No |
d Associated |
Associated PAPI Method |
nxdomain_redirect_addresses |
IP address |
No |
Example:, |
list |
Note that the field |
nxdomain_redirect_addresses is |
dependent on the |
nxdomain_redirect field. Infoblox |
recommends that you specify values |
for nxdomain_redirect_addresses |
and nxdomain_redirect fields and do |
not leave these fields blank while |
performing a CSV import operation. |
nxdomain_redirect_ttl |
Unsigned integer |
No |
Indicates the NXDOMAIN redirect ttl in seconds. Example: 60 |
nxdomain_log_query |
Boolean |
No |
When you set this to True, NXDOMAIN redirections will be logged.Example: False |
nxdomain_rulesets |
List of domain names |
No |
List of Ruleset objects used for NXDOMAIN redirection. Example: nxd1.com, nxd2.com |
enable_blacklist |
Boolean |
No |
enable_blacklist |
Enable or disable blacklisting at the Grid level. Example: False |
blacklist_redirect_addresses |
IP address list |
No |
blacklist_redirect_ addresses |
Set or retrieve the list of IPv4 addresses to which the blacklisted queries are redirected.Example:, |
blacklist_action |
String |
No |
Specify the action to be performed when a domain name matches the pattern defined in an assigned rule. Example: Redirect |
blacklist_redirect_ttl |
Unsigned integer |
No |
Set or retrieve the TTL value of synthetic DNS responses resulted by blacklisted queries. Example: 60 |
blacklist_log_query |
Boolean |
No |
blacklist_log_query |
Specify if blacklisted queries must be logged. Example: False |
blacklist_rulesets |
List of domain names |
No |
blacklist_rulesets |
Specify or retrieve ruleset objects that are blacklisted at the Grid level. Example: list1.com, list2.com, ... |
enable_dns64 |
Boolean |
No |
Enable or disable DNS64 synthesis. Example: False |
dns64_groups |
DNS64 |
No |
List of SynthesisGroup objects. Example: dns64_grp1, dns64_grp2 |
forwarders_only |
Boolean |
No |
Use Forwarders Only |
forward_only |
Enable use of forwarders only. Example: False |
forwarders |
IP address list |
No |
forwarders |
List of forwarders for zone transfers. Example: ",,.." |
filter_aaaa |
String |
No |
Indicates the type of AAAA filtering for this Grid DNS object. The default value is No. Example: Yes |
Data Type Required Associated |
filter_aaaa_list |
ACL No |
Indicates the list of IPv4 addresses |
and networks from which queries are |
received. Note that the AAAA filtering |
is applied to these addresses. |
Example: |
",,. |
." or "NACL1" |
max_cache_ttl |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the maximum time (in |
integer |
seconds) for which the server will |
cache positive answers. The default |
value is 604800. |
max_ncache_ttl |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the maximum time (in |
integer |
seconds) for which the server will |
cache negative (NXDOMAIN) |
responses. The default value is |
10800. The maximum allowed value |
is 604800. |
EA-Site |
String No Extensible |
extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined |
attribute |
extensible attribute. You can add |
other predefined attributes to the |
data file. Example: California. |
EA-Users |
String No Extensible |
extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user |
attribute |
defined attribute. You can add other |
user defined attributes to the data |
file. Example: John. |
String No Permissionspermission ADMGRP-JimSmith is an example of |
Admin |
an admin permission of a specific |
Group/Role |
admin group. Example: RW |
rpz_drop_ip_rule_enabled |
Boolean No Ignore RPZ-I |
P When this is set to True, DNS server |
triggers withignores RPZ-IP rules with prefix |
too small |
lengths that are less than the |
prefix |
specified prefix length limit. |
lengths |
Example: TRUE |
rpz_drop_ip_rule_min_prefix_ |
Unsigned No Minimum |
Indicates the minimum IPv4 prefix |
length_ipv4 |
Integer IPv4 Prefix |
length for RPZ-IP triggers. The default |
Length |
value is 29. |
rpz_drop_ip_rule_min_prefix_ |
Unsigned No Maximum |
Indicates the minimum IPv6 prefix |
length_ipv6 |
Integer IPv4 Prefix |
length for RPZ-IP triggers. The default |
Length |
value is 112. |
IPv4 Network Container
Field NameData TypeRequired Associated (Yes/No) GUI FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines
Header- NetworkContainer
String Yes Identifies the first row as a header row for network container objects. Example: NetworkContainer
address IP address Yes IP Address ipv4addr Indicates the IP address of the network
container. Example:
netmaskPrefix Yes Netmasknetwork Indicates the subnet mask of a network
container in CIDR format. Example: 24 commentString No Commentcomment Example: This is an IPv4 network container.
Data Type Required Associated |
lease_time |
Unsigned No Lease Time |
Example: 1100 |
integer |
routers |
IP address No Routers |
Example: ",," |
list |
domain_name |
FQDN No Domain Nam |
e |
domain_name_ |
IP address No DNS Servers |
Example: "," |
servers |
list |
broadcast_address |
IP address No Broadcast Address |
Example: |
String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines on |
Example: '' name implies |
vendor_class='DHCP' (default) |
Option No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For informationOptions information, see Data Specific Guidelines on |
Example: 'dfdfdfd' name implies |
vendor_class='XXXX', option |
code/number 200 |
enable_ddns |
BooleanNo Enable DDNS Updates |
enable_ddns Example: FALSE |
ddns_domainname |
String No DDNS Domain ddns_domainname Example: ddns.corp100.com Name |
ddns_ttl |
Unsigned No DDNS Update ddns_ttl Indicates the DDNS TTL value in seconds. |
integer TTL |
Example: 1200 |
ddns_generate_host |
Boolean No Generate |
ddns_generate_hostn When you set this to True, DHCP server will |
name |
Hostname |
ame generate a hostname for DNS updates if not |
sent by client. Example: TRUE |
update_static_ |
Boolean No Update Fixed |
ddns_update_fixed_a Example: FALSE |
leases |
Address |
ddress |
enable_option81 |
Boolean No Option 81 Support |
ddns_use_option81 Example: TRUE |
update_dns_on_ |
Boolean No Lease |
override_ Example: TRUE |
lease_renewal |
Renewal Update |
update_dns_ on_lease_ renewal |
enable_dhcp_ |
Boolean No Enable DHCP |
enable_dhcp_ When you set this field to TRUE, you must enter |
thresholds |
Thresholds |
thresholds values in the range_high_water_mark and |
range_low_water_mark fields. You cannot |
leave those fields empty. Otherwise, the |
appliance generates an error. |
enable_email_ |
Boolean No |
enable_email_warnin Enable to send DHCP threshold warnings via |
warnings |
gs email. Example: False |
enable_snmp_ |
Boolean No |
Enable to send DHCP threshold warnings via |
warnings |
SNMP. Example: False |
threshold_email_ |
email No Email |
Example: |
addresses |
address list Addresses |
"'admin1@infoblox.com','admin2@somewhere. |
com'" |
pxe_lease_time |
Unsigned No PXE Lease |
pxe_lease_time Example: 1100 |
integer Time |
Data Type Required Associated |
deny_bootp |
Boolean No Deny BOOTP Requests |
deny_bootp Example: FALSE |
boot_file |
String No Boot File |
bootfile Example: bootfile1 |
boot_server |
String No Boot Server |
bootserver Example: abc.corp100.com |
next_server |
String No Next Server |
nextserver Example: blue.domain.com |
option_logic_filter |
List of IPv4Filter |
Examples: |
logic filterType/Action rules |
.com.infoblox.dns.dhcp_mac_filter$mac_filte r_name,.com.infoblox.dns.nac_filter$nac_filt |
er_name,.com.infoblox.dns.dhcp_option_filte |
rs$opt_filter_name |
lease_scavenge_time |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the Grid level lease_scavenge_time |
integer |
value. If the value is -1, which means this lease |
scavenge will is disabled. The minimum value |
would be 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ( 7 days). |
is_authoritative |
Boolean No Authoritative |
authority Example: FALSE |
recycle_leases |
Boolean No Lease |
recycle_leases This field is set to TRUE by default. Ensure that |
Deletion |
you use the overwrite option if you want to |
change the value to FALSE. Merging data from |
an import preserves the default value. |
ignore_client_ |
Boolean No Ignore |
ignore_dhcp_ Example: TRUE |
requested_ options |
Optionlist |
option_list_request |
network_view |
String No Network View network_view If no network view is specified, the default |
view is used. Example: Default |
rir_organization |
String No Organization |
rir_organization Identifies the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) |
Name |
organization object. Use this only when the |
network is associated with an RIR |
organization. |
Example: corp100 |
rir_registration_ |
String No Registration |
rir_registration_ Identifies the registration status of Regional |
status |
Status |
status Internet Registry (RIR). Use this only for an RIR |
network. When you enable the Enable Updates |
Of RIR Registrations check box at the Grid level |
and import a CSV file to add either an IPv4 |
network container or an IPv6 network |
container with the rir_registration_status set |
to Registered without values for any other RIR |
fields, the appliance completes the import |
operation and adds the IPv4 network |
container or the IPv6 network container to the |
Grid. The status of this IPv4 network container |
or the IPv6 network container is set as |
Non-registered network. |
Example: Non-registered |
last_rir_registration_ |
String No |
Identifies the last registration update |
update_sent |
timestamp of Regional Internet Registry (RIR). |
This is a read-only attribute. |
last_rir_registration_ |
String No |
Identifies the last registration update status of |
update_status |
Regional Internet Registry (RIR). This is a |
read-only attribute. |
enable_discovery |
Boolean Yes Enable |
network If this field is set to True, the |
Discovery |
discovery_member must also be defined. |
Field NameData TypeRequired Associated (Yes/No) GUI FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines
discovery_memberString Yes Discovery
network Indicates the discovery member name.Required if discovery is enabled for the network.
discovery_exclusion_ range
Prefix No List of IP ranges to be excluded from the discovery process.
remove-subnetsBoolean No Specify False to keep the subnets or True to remove them. The default value is undefined, which is to remove all subnets. Use this only when you want to delete a network container. When you perform CSV export of a network container, the CSV file does not contain the remove-subnets column. You must add the remove-subnets column to the CSV export file if you want to perform a delete operation.
When you delete a network container from the CSV file, you must set remove-subnets to True to delete both the parent and sub networks. When you set this column value to False, the CSV delete operation deletes only the parent network when you delete a network container.
EA-Site String No Extensible attribute
extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined
extensible attribute. You can add other predefined attributes to the data file. Example: California.
EA-UsersString No Extensible attribute
extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined
attribute. You can add other user defined attributes to the data file. Example: John.
ADMGRP-XXXXString No Permissions
Admin Group/Role
permission ADMGRP-JimSmith is an example of an admin
permission of a specific admin group. Example: RW