After uploading the vNIOS image, you are ready to create a VM instance and deploy it from the Azure CLI.
Starting from NIOS 8.5.3, Azure virtual appliances can be deployed with managed disks. From NIOS 9.0.1 onwards, they can be deployed only with managed disks.
Deploying the appliances with unmanaged disks is supported only on versions prior to NIOS 9.0.1.
1. Create two network interfaces by specifying the resource group, subnet, and virtual network names corresponding to the interfaces: Note: When you need to add or delete a network interface to an existing vNIOS for Azure instance, you must power off the instance, add or delete the interface, and then start the instance. Adding or deleting an interface when the instance is powered on, can result in unexpected behavior. 2. Create a NIOS instance by attaching the network interfaces and the managed disk to it. Provide the following details:
To deploy a vNIOS image, complete the following steps in the Azure CLI:az network nic create --name <NIC-1_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --subnet <subnet_name> --vnet-name <virtual_network_name>
az network nic create --name <NIC-2_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --subnet <subnet_name> --vnet-name <virtual_network_name>
az vm create --resource-group <resource_group_name> --name <instance_name> --nics <NIC-1_name> <NIC-2_name> --attach-os-disk "/subscriptions/<Subscription_ID>/resourcegroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/
Microsoft.Compute/disks/<managed_disk_name>" --size <VM_size> --location <location_name> --os-type Linux
Example:az vm create --resource-group rg-east-01 --name nios-vm-with-managed-disk --nics nic1 nic2 --attach-os-disk "/subscriptions/1abcd012-2abc-123a-4abc-12a345678ab1/resourcegroups/rg-east-01/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/nios-managed-disk" --size Standard_DS14_v2 --location eastus --os-type Linux
3. If you are deploying the vNIOS instance for reporting, you must attach a data disk to the reporting VM for installing the reporting vNIOS license. Infoblox recommends that you allocate a minimum of 250 GB of additional disk space for the reporting storage requirements. To attach a second disk:
az vm disk attach -g <MyResourceGroup> --vm-name <vm_name> --name <disk_name> --new --size-gb <disk_size>
Example:az vm disk attach -g rg-east-01 --vm-name vm-reporting --name data-disk --new --size-gb 250
- When a vNIOS instance is deployed on a managed disk by using the Azure CLI, cloud-init functionalities do not work as expected. If you need to use the cloud-init functionalities, configure Enhanced Options on the VM Settings tab when Deploying vNIOS for Azure from the Marketplace.
- Starting from NIOS 8.6.2, IB-V5005 is the only reporting appliance supported. The appliance has been deployed and tested only with Managed disks in the Infoblox laboratory.