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Deploying a Single Independent Appliance

To deploy a single independent NIOS appliance, connect its LAN1 port to the network and change its default IP settings so that it can connect to its surrounding IP address space. The default LAN settings are as follows:

  • IP address:

  • Netmask:

  • Gateway:

When deploying a single independent appliance, you can use one of the following methods to set up the initial configuration:

  • Method 1 - Using the LCD

    • Requirements: Physical access to a powered up NIOS appliance.

    • Advantage: You do not need any other equipment.

  • Method 2 - Using the CLI

    • Requirements: A serial connection from your management system to the console port on the NIOS appliance. You can also enable remote console access so that you can use the CLI over a network connection. For more information, see Restricting GUI/API Access.

    • Advantage: You do not need to change the IP address of the management system to connect to the NIOS appliance.

  • Method 3 - Using the Infoblox NIOS Startup Wizard

    • Requirements: An HTTPS connection from your management system to the LAN1 port on the NIOS appliance.

    • Advantage: The wizard provides step-by-step guidance for changing not only the IP settings for the LAN1 port, but also changing the appliance host name and admin password, setting the system clock, and—if using NTP (Network Time Protocol)—enabling the NIOS appliance to be an NTP client.

Note that you can configure network settings using the Startup wizard any time after you have configured the appliance. To start the wizard, from System Manager, select the System tab, and then click System Properties -> Startup Wizard from the Toolbar.

After you configure the network settings on a single independent appliance, you can migrate data from legacy DNS and DHCP servers to the NIOS appliance. Several tools and methods are available for migrating data and configuration settings. For a list of the available options, see Infoblox Tools for Migrating Bulk Data.

Method 1 – Using the LCD

Some of the NIOS appliances have an LCD and navigation buttons on the front panel that allow you to view system status and license information, as well as configure network settings for the LAN1 port.

Infoblox LCD and Navigation Buttons

Infoblox LCD and Navigation Buttons

You can deploy a single independent NIOS appliance by setting its LAN1 port IP address, netmask, and gateway through the LCD. This is the simplest method because you do not need anything other than a physical access to the appliance to complete the initial configuration.


LCD does not support IPv6 addressing.

  1. Connect the power cable from the NIOS appliance to a power source and turn on the power.
    At startup, the Infoblox logo appears in the LCD on the front panel of the appliance. Then the LCD scrolls repeatedly through a series of display screens.

  2. To change the network settings for the LAN1 port, press one of the navigation buttons.
    The LCD immediately goes into the input mode, in which you can enter the IP address, netmask, and gateway for the LAN1 port.

  3. Use the navigation buttons to enter an IP address, netmask, and gateway address for the LAN1 port.

  4. Cable the LAN1 port of the NIOS appliance to a network as described in the installation guide that shipped with your product.

Method 2 – Using the CLI

You can use the Infoblox CLI to make an initial network configuration through the set network command. To access the CLI, make a direct serial connection from your management system.

  1. Connect a console cable from the console port on your workstation to the male DB-9 console port on the NIOS appliance. The DB-9 pin assignments follow the EIA232 standard. You can use one RJ-45 rollover cable and two female RJ-45-to-female DB-9 adapters, or a female DB-9-to-female DB-9 null modem cable.

    Console Connection

    Console Connection

  2. Use a serial terminal emulation program, such as Hilgraeve Hyperterminal® (provided with Windows® operating systems), to launch a session. The connection settings are as follows:

    • Bits per second: 9600

    • Data bits: 8

    • Parity: None

    • Stop bits: 1

    • Flow control: Xon/Xoff

  3. Log in to the appliance using the default username and password (admin and infoblox).

  4. At the Infoblox command prompt, enter set network to change the network settings, such as the IP address, netmask, and gateway for the LAN1 port. You can configure either IPv4 or IPv6 address for the LAN1 port.
    Note that In the following example, the variable ip_addr1 is the IP address of the LAN1 port and ip_addr2 is the IP address of the gateway for the subnet on which you set the ip_addr1 address. Infoblox appliances support IPv4 and IPv6 networking configurations in all deployments cited in this chapter. You can set the LAN1 port to an IPv6 address and use that address to access the NIOS UI.


    You can configure an IPv4 address for the LAN1 port as follows:

    Infoblox > set network

    NOTICE: All HA configuration is performed from the GUI. This interface is used only to configure a standalone node or to join a Grid.

    Enter IP address: ip_addr1

    Enter netmask: netmask

    Enter gateway address: ip_addr2

    Configure IPv6 network settings? (y or n): y

    Enter IPv6 address [Default: none]: 2001:db8:a22:a00::29

    Enter IPv6 Prefix Length [Default: none]: 64

    Enter IPv6 gateway [Default: none] 2001:db8:a22:a00::1

    Become Grid member? (y or n): n

    To avoid configuring IPv6 network settings, you can press N at the command line.

    You can configure an IPv6 address for the LAN1 port as follows:

    Infoblox > set network

    NOTICE: All HA configuration is performed from the GUI. This interface is used only to configure a standalone node or to join a grid.

    Enter IP address : 2620:010A:6000:2400:0000:0000:0000:6508

    Enter IPv6 Prefix Length: 64

    Enter IPv6 gateway [Default: none]: 2620:010A:6000:2400:0000:0000:0000:0001

    Configure IPv4 network settings? (y or n):n

    Become grid member? (y or n): n

    To configure IPv4 network settings, you can press Y at the command line and configure IPv4 address, netmask, and the gateway address. After you confirm your network settings, the Infoblox application automatically restarts. You can press N to avoid configuring IPv6 on the command line. After you confirm your network settings, the Infoblox application automatically restarts.

  5. Cable the LAN1 port to a network. For information about installing and cabling the appliance, refer to the user guide or installation guide that was shipped with the product.

Method 3 – Using the Infoblox NIOS Startup Wizard

When you first make an HTTPS connection to a NIOS appliance, the Infoblox NIOS Startup Wizard guides you through the deployment options and basic network settings. You can also change the password of the superuser (admin) and set up the system clock.

Note that you can configure network settings using the Startup wizard any time after you have configured the appliance. To start the wizard, from Grid Manager, select the System tab, and then click System Properties -> Startup Wizard from the Toolbar.

To make an HTTPS session to the appliance, you must be able to reach its IP address from the management system.


If you have already set the IP address of the LAN1 port through the LCD or CLI so that you can reach it over the network—and you have already cabled the appliance to the network—you can skip the first step.

  1. If you have not changed the default IP address ( of the LAN1 port through the LCD or CLI—and the subnet to which you connect the appliance is not—put your management system in the subnet and connect an Ethernet cable between the management system and the appliance.

  2. Open an Internet browser window and enter https://<IP_address_of_the_appliance> to make an HTTPS connection. For information about supported browsers, see Supported Browsers.
    Several certificate warnings may appear during the login process, because the preloaded certificate is self-signed and has the host name, which may not match the destination IP address you entered in step 1. To stop the warning messages from occurring each time you log in to Grid Manager, you can generate a new self-signed certificate or import a third-party certificate with a common name that matches the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the appliance. For information, see Managing Certificates.

  3. Enter the default username and password (admin and infoblox) on the Grid Manager login page, and then click Login or press ENTER. For information, see Logging on to the NIOS UI.

  4. Read the Infoblox End-User License Agreement (EULA), and then click I Accept.
    Note that if you want to view the privacy policy of Infoblox, then on the EULA screen, click Infoblox Privacy Policy. Grid Manager displays the policy on a new browser tab.

  5. Click OK. The Grid Setup wizard appears.

  6. In the first screen of the NIOS Setup wizard, complete the following:

  7. Type of Network Connectivity: Select the type of network connectivity for the appliance from the drop-down list:

    • IPv4 and IPv6: Select this to configure a dual mode appliance.

    • IPv4: Select this to configure an IPv4 appliance.

    • IPv6: Select this to configure an IPv6 appliance.

  8. Are you configuring an HA pair or a standalone appliance?: Select Configuring a standalone appliance. To configure an independent HA pair, see Deploying an Independent HA Pair.

  9. Click Next and complete the following to configure network settings:

    • Host Name: Enter a valid domain name for the appliance.

    • Ports and Addresses: This table lists the network interfaces based on the type of network connectivity of the appliance. For an IPv4 appliance, specify the network information for LAN1 (IPv4) interface and for an IPv6 appliance, specify the network information for LAN1 (IPv6) interface. For a dual mode appliance, specify the network information for both LAN1 (IPv4) and LAN1 (IPv6) interfaces.
      Enter correct information for the following by clicking the field:

      • Interface: Displays the name of the interface. You cannot modify this.

      • IP Address: Type the IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on the type of interface. An IPv6 address is a 128-bit number in colon hexadecimal notation. It consists of eight 16-bit groups of hexadecimal digits separated by colons (example: 2001:db8:0000:0123:4567:89ab:0000:cdef or 2001:db8::123:4567:89ab:0:cdef).

      • Subnet Mask (IPv4) or Prefix Length (IPv6): Specify an appropriate subnet mask for IPv4 address or prefix length for IPv6 address. The prefix length ranges from 2 to 127.

      • Gateway: Type the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the default gateway depending on the type of interface. For the IPv6 interface, you can also type Automatic to enable the appliance to acquire the IPv6 address of the default gateway and the link MTU from router advertisements.

      • Port Settings: Select the port settings from the drop-down list. The list contains all the settings supported by the hardware model. The default is Automatic. The appliance automatically detects the port settings.

  10. Click Next and complete the following to set admin password:

    • Yes: To change the default password.

    • No: To keep the default password. Infoblox recommends that you change the default password.
      When you select Yes, complete the following:

    • Password: Enter a password for the superuser admin account. The password must be a single alphanumeric string without spaces and at least four characters long. The password is case-sensitive.

    • Retype Password: Enter the same password.

  11. Click Next and complete the following to configure time settings:

    • Time Zone: Select the applicable time zone from the drop-down list. The default is UTC.

    • Would you like to enable NTP?:

    • Select Yes to synchronize the time with external NTP servers, and then click the Add icon. Grid Manager adds a row to the NTP Server table. Click the row and enter either the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or the resolvable host name of an NTP server. You can view a list of public NTP servers at

    • Select No to specify the time settings for the appliance.

    • Date: Enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also click the calendar icon to select a date from the calendar widget.

    • Time: Enter the time in HH:MM:SS AM/PM format. You can also click the clock icon to select a time from the drop-down list.

  12. Click Next to view the summary of the configuration. Review the information and verify that it is correct. You can change the information that you entered by clicking Previous to go back to a previous step.

  13. Click Finish. The appliance restarts and disconnects Grid Manager.

In a dual mode independent appliance, the communication protocol for all the services is set to IPv4 by default. You can change the default communication protocol for the services.

Changing the Communication Protocol for a Dual Mode Independent Appliance

You can change the default communication protocol for a dual mode appliance. You can force the appliance to use a specific protocol for the reporting services and for services with two types of resolution (A and AAAA records), you can set the preferred communication protocol.

To change the communication protocol for a dual mode independent appliance, complete the following:

  1. From the System tab, select the System Manager tab -> click System Properties from the Toolbar, and select Edit from the drop-down list.

  2. In the System Properties editor, select the Network tab -> Basic tab, and then complete the following:

    • Communication Protocol Settings and Preferences: Select either IPv4 or IPv6 from the drop-down list. This setting will force the appliance to use the specified protocol for the reporting services and this is the preferred protocol for services with two types of resolution (A and AAAA records).

    • Customized Settings: Select this and perform the following:

      • Always use this Communications Protocol for: Select either IPv4 or IPv6 from the drop-down list. This setting will force the appliance to use the specified communication protocol for reporting services.

      • Always prefer this Communications Protocol for: Select either IPv4 or IPv6 from the drop-down list to specify the preferred communication protocol for the listed services, which has two types of resolution (A and AAAA records). The appliance uses the preferred protocol first for the service.