Upgrading Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform

Upgrading Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform

The Infoblox IPAM Plug-In Version 2.7.0 for Terraform is a major release that is currently available in the Terraform portal. If you are upgrading from a prior version of the plug-in to a latest 2.x.x version, refer to Prerequisites for the list of compatible software that must be installed corresponding to the version of the plug-in, and perform the following:

Action to take When Upgrading IPAM Plug-In for Terraform

From Version

To Version

Do this

From Version

To Version

Do this

Any 2.x.x version

2.6.0 or later

Ensure that there is no drift state in Terraform.

Note: If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.3.0 to either 2.3.0 or later, resources infoblox_ipv4_allocation, infoblox_ipv6_allocation, nfoblox_ipv4_association, and infoblox_ipv6_association will not be supported. For more information, see IP Address Allocation and IP Address Association.



Follow the upgrade path:

  1. Upgrade to a 2.x.x version that is prior to 2.6.0.

  2. Upgrade to 2.6.0 or later.


Any 2.x.x version

Do one of the following:

  • Any 2.x.x version: Run the terraform destroy command to clean up the resources created through Terraform.

  • Version 2.2.0 or later: Remove the terraform.tfstate file and use the import functionality to import the existing objects from NIOS to Terraform.

After upgrading the plug-in to version 2.6.0 or later: 

  • Run the terraform apply command to update all resources with Terraform Internal ID. For more information on Terraform Internal ID, see Management of Plug-In Operations with Terraform Internal ID.

  • If the number of resources in the .tfstate file is large, the first terraform apply operation executed after the upgrade may take a long time as the plug-in has to assign the Terraform Internal ID extensible attribute to all resources in the .tfstate file. To update specific resources in Terraform use the -target option with terraform apply as follows:
    Syntax: terraform apply -target=<resource_type>.<resource_name>
    Example: terraform apply -target=infoblox_a_record.arec
    For more information about -target, refer to Resource Targeting.

For instructions related to the installation of the plug-in, see Installing Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform.

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