Connect to vNIOS for Azure Appliance

Connect to vNIOS for Azure Appliance

There are three methods available by default to connect to your vNIOS appliance in Azure: Virtual Serial Console, SSH, and the Grid Manager GUI.

Virtual Serial Console

  1. From the Overview page of your VM, scroll to the bottom of the VM menu.

  2. Click on Serial console, under the Help section.

  3. This will open a virtual serial console in your browser. Login with the default username: admin, and the password you created during deployment.

  1. Once you are logged in to the console, you can interact with the NIOS command line interface (CLI). Refer to NIOS documentation at https://docs.infoblox.com for details on CLI commands and use.

Secure Shell

  1. Open a PowerShell or Terminal window on your computer.

  2. Use the command ssh admin@<ip_address> to start the SSH connection (use the public or private IP of your VM, based on your connection to Azure).

  3. When prompted, type yes to add the IP to your known hosts.

  4. Enter the password you created during deployment.

  1. Once the SSH session is established, you can interact with the NIOS CLI. Refer to NIOS documentation at https://docs.infoblox.com for details on CLI commands and use.

Grid Manager GUI

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. Enter https://<ip_address> (use the public or private IP of your VM, based on your connection to Azure).


Note: Newly deployed NIOS uses a self-signed certificate. Warnings about the connection being insecure are to be expected and might require that you add an exception before being able to connect.

  1. Login with the username admin and the password you created during deployment.

  2. Read and accept the Infoblox End-User License Agreement.

  3. Read the Data Collection and Opt-Out Notice and click OK.

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