Universal DDI uses address blocks to group subnets. An address block is a parent network that can contain other subnets. A leaf network is a network that does not contain other networks. You must associate an address block with an IP space. Once you create an address block, you can make copies of it. For more information, see Copying Address Blocks.

To view the list of address blocks, complete the following:

  1. From the Infoblox Portal, click Configure > Networking > IPAM/DHCP > Address Spaces.

  2. Click on the IP Space to view the list of address blocks that are associated with it.

  3. The application displays the following information:

To populate the Discovered Data fields, you must first configure Universal Asset Insights. The Discovered Data fields will only be displayed if the Discovery Service is running. The Discovered data fields cannot be edited manually or through CSV import. For more information on creating a Discovery Service, see Creating Discovery Service. For more information on deploying Network Discovery for on-prem or cloud, see Universal Asset Insights.

You can also perform the following in this tab:

You can perform the following actions: