NetMRI provides three options for updating the software manually:
The top of the NetMRI screen automatically notifies you when updates are available to the software. Updates come in two forms: Major Updates and Hotfixes. NetMRI automatically installs hotfix updates.
Check the Update History (Settings icon –> General Settings –> Update History) for information on all the updates that have taken place on the local NetMRI system. |
For manual installation, a NetMRI Administrator needs only to start the update process at a convenient time and provide any inputs requested. After that, the process is automatic, with no more inputs required.
See the following sections for manually updating the NetMRI software:
Release Notes are available through the Infoblox Support site.
Regardless of how an update is performed, all updates are protected by digital signatures to ensure their authenticity. Any improper modification to the update information will cause the process to fail, thereby safeguarding the integrity of the NetMRI software.
Infoblox Technical Support announces software updates, including bug fixes, minor releases and major releases on the Infoblox Technical Support web site and posts messages to the NetMRI electronic mailing list. Announcements provide general information about the release, and the specific capabilities affected by the release. You can upgrade the appliance any time after an announcement.
When an update file for a major release is updated on an established update server, NetMRI automatically downloads the update.
To extend the image size and internal swap partition size for the local sandbox, manually execute the |
Before attempting a software update, you should determine the current software version for your NetMRI installation. You can do this in one of the following ways:
In either case, the NetMRI Version, Serial Number and Server Name are shown, which are the key configuration information for the installation. If you have deployed multiple instances on your network, verify that you are connected to the appropriate one.
All NetMRI data collection, analysis and web-interface processing are automatically disabled during the software update process. Therefore, software updates should be performed during off-hours whenever possible. Keep in mind that the appliance does most analysis processing between midnight and 3:00 am, so it is best to run the AutoUpdate process outside that time period as well. |
Prior to performing an upgrade, ensure that there is enough time for the upgrade to complete before the NetMRI weekly maintenance. This avoids conflicts between the two processes. |
Any NetMRI appliance that is connected to the Internet can be updated automatically and securely from the Infoblox Technical Support web site.
to begin the update process. n
, to abort the update process (you are returned to the shell prompt).The AutoUpdate process can be executed any number of times without harm. If your NetMRI software is current, it will not make any changes.
Software updates, including custom patches, are available from Infoblox as an update file that can transmitted in a variety of ways, including e-mail and FTP. Update files are digitally signed by Infoblox to ensure their authenticity and are also encrypted to protect the confidentiality of the data.
AutoUpdate <updatefile.gpg>
is the name of the update file.During the update process, each required software update is applied in appropriate order until all updates are applied. The exact steps performed for each update will vary from release to release depending on the type of processing required. In some cases, user input is required to assist in the update process, although this should be the exception.
Special update instructions may be included in the release documentation provided by Infoblox in rare situations when manual updates are required.
After the AutoUpdate process has completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, you return to the NetMRI Administrative Shell prompt. If the update process was not successful, read the Troubleshooting section below for suggestions on how to proceed.
All actions performed during the AutoUpdate process are recorded in a log file that can be viewed by entering the show updatelog
command. If AutoUpdate fails for any reason, refer to the log file for details and then try each of the following troubleshooting procedures that apply to your situation. If you can't resolve the problem by following these steps, contact Infoblox Technical Support for further assistance.
Symptom: Unable to connect to NetMRI using the SSH client application.
Symptom: Connection established but SSH password not accepted.
Symptom: Unable to connect to Infoblox Technical Support server.
Symptom: Update stops when updating an OC with collectors one of which is offline.