Terraform relies on an Infoblox provider to interact with NIOS Grid objects. You can either use the published Infoblox provider (Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform) available on the Terraform Registry page or develop a plug-in with features that are not available in the published plug-in.
As a prerequisite, configure provider authentication to set up the required access permissions for Terraform to interact with NIOS Grid objects. Additionally, declare the version of IPAM Plug-In for Terraform in the .tf file to allow Terraform to automatically install the published plug-in available in the Terraform Registry.
To configure IPAM Plug-In for Terraform for use, complete the following steps:
block as follows:terraform {
required_providers {
infoblox = {
source = ''infobloxopen/infoblox''
version = ">= 2.7.0"
$ export INFOBLOX_SERVER=<nios_ip-addr or nios_hostname>
$ export INFOBLOX_USERNAME=<nios_username>
$ export INFOBLOX_PASSWORD=<nios_password>
block in the .tf file. Each of these environment variables has a corresponding attribute in the provider
block.terraform init
command in the directory where the .tf file is located to initialize the plug-in.