On the Users and Roles pages, the Select checkbox is to the left of an Action icon. When you select multiple rows of a table, a whole page, or multiple pages of either data type, you can choose Delete from the Action menu for any selected row. You cannot edit multiple rows of data. The Delete option is the only available option after selecting multiple rows.

Doing so enables you to delete all selected records from the table. Exercise caution when performing this action, as you may unintentionally delete rows of data that you did not wish to select.

While it is possible to select the entire table's worth of data on the Users page (Settings icon > User Admin > Users), the admin user account can never be deleted; the default set of NetMRI Roles (Settings icon > User Admin > Roles) also may not be deleted (though they are otherwise editable) and the Delete option is ghosted for each of them in the Action menu. In all cases, NetMRI user accounts with read-only privileges will not be able to perform this action.

You can use a feature called Force Local Authentication for any user account in your appliance:

You can change local user accounts settings at any time: