The Device/Vendor Model page displays a different subset of Switch Port Management data, focusing on equipment vendor, product model, device serial number, and other information as follows:
Action icon: Provides the Action menu with View Device History, Open Telnet Session, Open SSH Session, and Topology Viewer options.
Device Name: The configured name of the device.
IP Address: The host IP address of the network device (live link to the Device Viewer).
Vendor: The equipment manufacturer.
Model: The vendor model number of each device in the network.
Serial Number: The manufacturer serial number for each device.
Description: The device description is typically burned into the software ROM of each device.
Last Seen: The timestamp of the last successful poll of the device, or the last time the device was seen on the network by other means such as through a device's ARP table. You can also choose to display the First Seen data column, which is the timestamp of the moment when the device was first detected by the appliance.
Last Changed: The timestamp when the last changes were performed on the device. Clicking on the IP address hyperlink for any device in the table displays the Device Viewer.