Enabling the discovery of Cisco Meraki provides visibility into your Cisco Meraki SD-WAN elements, for example:

NetMRI classifies Meraki cameras and phones as end hosts and other Meraki devices as network devices.

NetMRI does not save configs from Meraki devices. As device components, it collects only chassis. For interfaces collected from Meraki devices, NetMRI displays only the enabled or disabled interface status in the Admin Status and Operational Status fields.

NetMRI uses Meraki API version 1.

To add and configure Cisco Meraki discovery, complete the following:

  1. Make sure that you enable SDN and SD-WAN polling in Settings icon > Setup > SDN/SD-WAN Polling. For more information, see Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Settings.
  2. Click the Settings icon > Setup > Discovery Settings > SDN.
  3. Click New.
  4. In SDN Type, select Cisco Meraki.
  5. Complete the following:
  6. Click Test Connection to check if the device is reachable and the provided credentials are correct. The connection test results are also written to the Syslog.
  7. Click Add or Add & Discover.