The DNS Statistics widget on the Dashboard provides member-specific statistics or zone-specific statistics. The widget displays the totals for each type of DNS response as well as a line graph that tracks the responses per second.
You can add a DNS Statistics widget to your Dashboard for the appliance acting as a Grid member. To configure the DNS Statistics widget, click the Configure icon and do the following:

The widget displays only the option that you selected on your subsequent logins. When you click Select Member, the widget displays the Select Member option only, when you log in again.

The widget displays the following information in three tabs:

Reports for IB-4030 and IB-4030-10GE

The IB-4030 or IB-4030-10GE displays a list of predefined reports that you have selected when you set up your Grid or member reporting properties. You can modify user-defined reports, but you cannot modify or delete predefined reports or the search criteria of predefined reports.
To view all available reports, from the Reporting tab, select the Reports tab. Table lists all supported reports for IB-4030 and IB-4030-10GE. For information about how to create and manage user-defined reports, refer to Chapter 38 Infoblox Reporting Solution in the Infoblox NIOS Administrator Guide.

Note: All DNS reports are supported on the IB-4030 and IB-4030-10GE . Some of these reports also include data collected from the caching hardware.