Use the Reserve IP address workflow to reserve a specified IPv4 or IPv6 address, create a host record, or create a DNS record for a host in NIOS. The workflow creates NIOS records with the specified static IP addresses and allows you to assign extensible attributes to the records you create.
NIOS objects you can create with this workflow are:
To reserve an IP address:
On the Common parameters tab, define which NIOS object to create:
Create host record?: This option is enabled by default. Configure the following parameters:
On the Number of attributes tab, to assign extensible attributes to the network:
In the Number of specified extensible attributes drop-down list, choose a number.
According to the number you chose, additional tabs are added to define the extensible attributes. For example, if you specify 2, Extensible attribute #1 and Extensible attribute #2 tabs are added.
On each Extensible attribute #<n> tab define the extensible attributes you want to add to the network object:
Click Definition of the extensible attribute #<n>.
In the Select Infoblox IPAM:IPAM Extensible Attribute Definition window, expand the IPAM connection ID > Extensible Attributes, and select the extensible attributes.
Click the Select button.
In the Value of the extensible attribute #<n> field, specify a value.
Click Run.