Configure vDiscovery in Grid Manager
To run vDiscovery in Azure, you will configure a vDiscovery job, using the Client ID, Client Secret, and Endpoint identified in Azure.
Log back in to the Grid Manager.
Navigate to the Data Management → IPAM tab.
In the Toolbar, open the vDiscovery dropdown.
Select Discovery Manager.
In the vDiscovery Job Manager window, click (Add) to add a new job.
On Step 1 of the vDiscovery Job Wizard, enter a Name for the job.
Next to Member, click Select.
For a Grid with only one member, it will be automatically selected. If your Grid has multiple members, select the one you want to use for vDiscovery.
Click Next.
On Step 2 of the wizard, select Azure from the Server Type dropdown.
For Service Endpoint, enter the OAuth token endpoint (v1) that you saved earlier.
Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from your App registration.
Click Next.
Optionally, on Step 3, change the Network Views where vDiscovery data will be added.
Click Next.
Note: The most common cause for vDiscovery to fail to import any data is a “Sync Error” due to overlapping/conflicting address space. To account for any address space conflicts that are encountered during the vDiscovery process or with your existing IPAM data, you may need to select the option to use The tenant's network view (if it does not exist, create a new one).
Optional: For automatic creation of DNS records for discovered VMS, on Step 4 select the checkbox For every newly discovered address, create:.
Select the desired DNS record type. If in doubt, stick with the default (Host) option.
The name for DNS records that are created is controlled with a macro, with the most commonly used macro being ${vm_name}. In the text box, type the desired macro, followed by the zone that you want to use. Example: ${vm_name}
Click Next.
Note: Automatic creation of DNS records is only available if you have the Cloud Network Automation license.
Note: If a different format is desired for the DNS record name, a full list of available macros can be found in the Help panel. To view this, click on (Help) at the top-right hand corner of the window and scroll down to the section titled “The DNS name will be computed from the formula”.
On Step 5, select Enable and set the schedule you want this job to run. Or, leave the schedule disabled to run manually.
Click Save & Close.
Note: The scheduler enables you to run the vDiscovery task as frequently as once an hour. If this must be run more frequently, this can be accomplished using the API. Refer to the Infoblox REST API guide for examples and guidelines on this process.