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Configuring Discovery Properties

To ensure a successful discovery, complete the following configurations for the Grid and Grid members that are acting as the Consolidator and Probes before you start a discovery:

  • Define the basic polling methods, such as SNMP collection, CLI collection, and others for the Grid. For more information, see the Defining Basic Polling Settings for the Grid section.

  • Define advanced polling settings for TCP scanning and Ping sweeps if you have selected these polling methods. You can also select to use DHCP routers as seed routers or log discovery events to the syslog while configuring advanced polling settings. For more information, see Defining Advanced Polling Settings for the Grid section.

  • Configure SNMP and CLI credentials if you have selected SNMP Collection and CLI Collection as the polling methods. For more information, see the Configuring SNMP1/v2 Credentials for Polling section.

  • Enable discovery or port configuration blackout periods, as described in Defining Blackout Periods and Defining Port Configuration Blackout Periods.

  • Configure automatic network view mapping for unassigned VRFs that have been discovered, as described in Configuring Automatic VRF Mapping.

  • If you want to have visibility into your SDN and SD-WAN devices, add and configure them as described in the Configuring Discovery for SDN and SD-WAN section.

  • Configure the advisor properties as described in the Configuring Advisor Properties section to monitor the lifecycle and vulnerabilities of discovered devices.


You must be a superuser to configure discovery properties for the Grid. Some settings, such as seed router definition, take place only on Probes.

Defining Basic Polling Settings for the Grid

Grid polling settings apply to all Probe members and all discovery networks that are assigned to a Probe. You can override the Grid settings at the Probe member and network levels. Only superusers can modify Grid-wide discovery settings.

To define basic polling settings or to override Grid settings on Probe members and networks, complete the following:

  1. For the Grid: From the Grid tab-> Grid Manager tab -> Discovery service, select Edit -> Grid Discovery Properties from the Toolbar.
    For members: From the Grid tab-> Grid Manager tab -> Discovery service, select Edit -> Member Discovery Properties from the Toolbar.
    For networks: From the IPAM tab, select the network checkbox and click the Edit icon.

  2. In the Grid Discovery Properties, Member Discovery Properties, or (IPv4 or IPv6) Network editor, click the Polling tab, and then complete the following in the Basic tab:
    For Probe members and networks, click Override to override the Grid settings.

    • SNMP Collection: Select this to execute SNMP protocols to discover and collect information such as traceroute/path collection, vendor and model, SNMP credential collection, routing and ARP tables, switch port data, and VLAN configuration data. If you disable SNMP collection, previously discovered data remains available for viewing. No new data is added and no existing data is removed. Note that some devices may not support SNMP, and some devices also may not enable SNMP by default.

    • CLI Collection: Select this if you expect to use Network Insight to discover devices that support CLI connectivity through Telnet or SSH, and that you possess admin account information. NIOS can use device admin account logins to query network devices for discovery data collection, including IP configuration, port configuration, routing and forwarding tables, and much more. You must also provide the command-line credentials information as the credentials in the Grid Discovery Properties editor.
      Note that CLI Collection is the default polling method if SNMP is enabled on the member.

    • Port Scanning: Select this to probe the TCP ports. Ensure that you go to the Advanced tab to configure more settings for this option. Should you disable Port Scanning, NIOS attempts no port probes other than SNMP on any device.

      • Profile Device: If enabled, NIOS attempts to identify the network device based on the response characteristics of its TCP stack, and uses this information to determine the device type. In the absence of SNMP access, the Profile Device function is usually the only way to identify non-network devices. If disabled, devices accessible via SNMP are identified correctly. All other devices are assigned a device type of Unknown. Profile Device is disabled by default for network polling.

    • Smart IPv4 Subnet Ping Sweep: Select this to execute Ping sweeps only on subnetworks that are known to exist but no IPs can be found within the subnet, such as through ARP or other means.

    • Complete Ping Sweep: Select this to enable brute-force subnet Ping sweeps on IPv4 networks. This method executes Nmap that uses ICMP echo requests, ICMP timestamp requests, and TCP SYN to ports 161, 162, 22, and 23 (for the SNMP, SNMPTRAP, SSH, and TELNET services correspondingly). Subnet ping sweeps are used as a last resort in the discovery process. Perform a subnet ping sweep if NIOS cannot identify any network devices in a given subnet. Subnet ping sweeps should be performed no more than once per day, and will stop on a given subnet once NIOS Discovery locates a network device and is able to collect data from it. Ensure that you configure advanced settings for this option in the Advanced tab.
      NIOS will not perform Smart Subnet ping sweeps on subnets larger than /22. NIOS also will not perform Ping sweeps on IPv6 networks because of the dramatically greater scale of network addresses in the IPv6 realm. The Complete ping sweep differs from the Smart Subnet ping sweep in the following ways:

      • The Complete ping sweep will run only against the specified range.

      • The sweep will run regardless of the range size.

      • The sweep will run regardless of the number of discovered devices within the specified range.

    • NetBIOS Scanning: Select this to enable NIOS to collect the NetBIOS name for endpoint devices in the network. This feature can be enabled only by users with SysAdmin privileges. This feature is globally disabled by default (and also for device groups) to prevent unexpected scanning of the network by a new collector.

    • Automatic ARP Refresh Before Switch Port Polling: Select this to enable refreshing of ARP caches on switches and switch-routers in the managed network before NIOS performs polling of switch ports. Enabling this feature applies only to switched Ethernet devices. This feature enables more accurate detection of all endpoint devices on L2 switches. Without ARP refresh, some endpoint devices may not be detected. This feature is globally disabled by default. Individual ARPs can also be set to enable or disable this feature.

    • Switch Port Data Collection: Select this to enable the Probe member to poll L2 enterprise switches. You can completely disable switch port polling by deselecting this checkbox. You can also separately schedule polling for switch port data collection as follows:

    • Periodic Polling: Define regular polling time periods. Choose a polling interval of 30 or more Minutes or in between 1 and 24 Hours.

    • Scheduled Polling: Schedule recurrent polling based on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly time periods. Choosing this option, click the Calendar icon and a Polling Scheduler appears; click the Edit icon to make scheduling changes. Choose a recurrence pattern of Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. In all cases, you must choose an Execution Time.

  3. Save the configuration.

Defining Advanced Polling Settings for the Grid

If you have selected any basic polling settings that involve the TCP scanning and Ping sweeps, you must configure additional settings to ensure that these polling methods function properly in a discovery. Advanced SNMP polling settings consist of choosing the TCP Scan Technique, along with a number of specialized settings for Ping Sweeps and other operations.

To define advanced Grid-wide polling settings for TCP scanning and Ping sweeps, complete the following:

  1. For Grid: From the Grid tab-> Grid Manager tab -> Discovery service, select Edit -> Grid Discovery Properties from the Toolbar.
    For members: From the Grid tab-> Grid Manager tab -> Discovery service, select Edit -> Member Discovery Properties from the Toolbar.
    For networks: From the IPAM tab, select the network checkbox and click the Edit icon.

  2. In the Grid Discovery Properties, Member Discovery Properties, or (IPv4 or IPv6) Network editor, click the Polling tab, and then complete the following in the Advanced tab:

    • For Probe members and networks, click Override to override the Grid settings.

    • TCP Scan Technique: Select the TCP technique you want to use for the discovery. The default is SYN. For more information, see TCP.

      • SYN: Select this to quickly perform scans on thousands of TCP ports per system, never completing connections across any well-known port. SYN packets are sent and the poller waits for a response while continuing to scan other ports. A SYN/ACK response indicates the protocol port is listening while a RST indicates it is not listening. The SYN option presents less impact on the network.

      • CONNECT: Select this to scan IPv6 networks. Unlike the SYN option, complete connections are attempted on the scanned system and each successive TCP protocol port being scanned.

      In the port table, select the checkboxes of the TCP ports you want to discover. You can select all ports by clicking the checkbox in the header.Optionally, you can click the Add icon and complete the following to add a new port to the list.

      • Port: Enter the port number you want to add to the list. You must enter a number between 1 and 65535.

      • Service: Enter the name of the service.
        You can also delete a specific TCP port in the list, or select multiple ports for deletion.

    • Purge expired assets data after: Removes records of discovered assets that are no longer reachable after a specified period of time. The default is set to one day.

    • Purge expired device data after: Removes records of discovered network infrastructure devices that are no longer reachable after a specified period of time. The default is set to seven days, a more forgiving value given that devices sometimes require maintenance, upgrades or repairs, or in cases where hosts leave the network on long trips.

    • ARP Aggregate Limit: Sets a limit for the number of entries (IP addresses) per MAC address in ARP tables. If there are too many entries associated with a MAC address, this can be treated, for example, as a "honeypot". Therefore, MAC addresses with more entries than the specified limit are ignored and filtered out during data extraction and parsing. The default limit is 30 ARP table entries (IP addresses) per MAC address.

    • Route Limit: Limits the size of the routing table that discovery is required to collect from any given device. Some routers can have tables in the hundreds of thousands of entries, and collecting such a large body of data can impose performance problems in the network and in discovery data collection. This setting defaults to 3000, and automatically excludes BGP routes from the collection. Consult Infoblox Technical Support before making changes to this value.

    • Ping Sweep Timeout (ms): Period of time allowed, in milliseconds, before a Ping times out to any given device. Default is 1000 ms.

    • Ping Sweep Attempts: The number of attempts on each address in a Ping sweep before the sweep continues.

    • Ping Sweep Frequency: Defaults to 1, because ping sweep should not be executed more than once a day when the feature is enabled at the grid level or for a given discovery range. This setting affects the Smart Ping Sweep and Complete Ping Sweep features under Grid Discovery Properties.

    • ARP Cache Refresh: Defines the time period between ARP refreshes by Network Insight across all switch ports. Before any other switch port polling and discovery operations take place (including any global discovery polling operations initiated by the administrator), another ARP refresh is carried out by the Probe appliance regardless of the time interval. The default is five minutes, because switch forwarding tables are frequently purged from LAN switching devices. The default on Cisco switches is five minutes/300 seconds. Network Insight primarily uses ARP Cache refreshes to improve the accuracy of end-device discovery. Without this feature, some endpoints may not be discovered and cataloged.

    • Ignore Conflict Duration: Used when resolving conflicts and when choosing the option to Ignore the conflict when resolving it. The length of time during which conflicts is ignored is defined with this settings. Increments can be defined in Hours or Days.

    • Number of discovered unmanaged IP addresses per notification: The maximum number of unmanaged IP addresses that the appliance discovers before it sends SNMP and email notifications, if enabled. The appliance resets the counter after it hits this number and sends notifications. The default is 20.

    • Interval between notifications for discovered unmanaged IP addresses: This number determines how often the appliance sends SNMP and email notifications, if enabled, when it discovers the maximum number of unmanaged IP addresses (configured for Number of discovered unmanaged IP addresses per notification ). This is the time interval between two notifications for discovered unmanaged objects. Select the time unit from the drop-down menu. The default is five minutes.

    • DNS Lookup Option: Specify whether you want to perform a reverse DNS lookup from discovered IP addresses. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

      • Network Devices: Select this to resolve network device (switches and routers) IP addresses. This option is selected by default.

      • Network Devices and End Hosts: Select this to resolve both network device (switches and routers) and end host IP addresses.

      • Off: Select this to turn off reverse DNS lookups for discovered IP addresses.

    • DNS Lookup Throttle: This is the value in a percentage that throttles the traffic on the DNS servers. Setting a lower value reduces the number of requests to DNS servers. You can specify a value between 1 and 100. The default value is 100.

    • Disable discovery for networks not in IPAM: Disables executing discovery on any infrastructure networks that are not presented in the Infoblox IPAM system; e.g. present and managed in a network view or network container.

    • Authenticate and poll using SNMPv2c or later only: For credential discovery and device polling exclusively using SNMPv2c and up, preventing use of SNMPv1, enable this checkbox.

    • Use DHCP Routers as Seed Routers: Select this so the Probe members can use the default gateways for associated DHCP ranges and networks as seed routers to more quickly discover and catalog all devices (such as endpoint hosts, printers and other devices). All such default gateways are automatically leveraged by discovery, and no further configuration is necessary unless you wish to exclude a device from usage.
      Note that you can check for a list of configured DHCP seed routers for any discovery Probe member in the Seed tab –> Advanced tab of the Member Discovery Properties editor.

    • Log IP Discovery events in Syslog: Sends a message to the configured Syslog service when an IP address of an active host is discovered.

    • Log network discovery events in Syslog: Sends a message to the configured Syslog service when a network discovery process takes place in the Grid.

  3. Save the configuration.

Configuring SNMP1/v2 Credentials for Polling


You can test SNMPv1/v2c and SNMPv3 credentials against any device or any IP address, at the Grid level or from any Probe member or network view. For more information, see the Configuring SNMPv3 Properties and Testing SNMP and CLI Credentials. sections

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. For the Grid: Click Edit –> Grid Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.
    For the Probe member: Select the member checkbox, and then lick Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the Credentials tab. To override Grid settings for a Probe member, click Override.

  4. Click the Add icon to add a new community string entry to the list. Click the Read Community cell and enter a text string that the management system sends together with its queries to the network device during discovery.
    A community string is similar to a password in that the discovered device accepts queries only from management systems that send the correct community string. Note that this community string must exactly match the value that is entered in the managed system. If you have a substantial list of community strings in this list and need to find a specific string, enter the value in the Go To field and click Go. To remove a community string entry, select the checkbox and click the Delete icon.

  5. Optionally, you can test the credentials you added to the list by selecting a community string checkbox and clicking Test Credentials, as described in the Testing SNMP and CLI Credentials section.

  6. To export the entire list of community strings in a table file readable by a spreadsheet program, click the Export icon and choose Export Data in Infoblox CSV Import Format. To export all data in a different format, click the Export icon and choose Export Visible Data.

Configuring SNMPv3 Properties

SNMPv3 allows the use of two secret keys for every credential — one for authentication and another for encryption. Network Insight allows flexible application of keys — authentication but no encryption, for example. You define users in one of three ways:

  • SNMPv3 user, with no authentication or privacy credentials.

  • SNMPv3 user, with authentication but no privacy credentials.

  • SNMPv3 user, with both authentication and privacy credentials.

To import sets of SNMPv3 credentials from an Infoblox CSV Import format data file, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. For the Grid: Click Edit –> Grid Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.
    For the Probe member: Select the member checkbox, and then click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the Credentials tab -> SNMPv3 tab. To override Grid settings for a Probe member, click Override.

  4. Click the Add icon to add a new SNMPv3 authentication entry to the list. Enter the Name for the new credential; followed by the Auth Protocol, Auth Password, Privacy Protocol, Privacy Password, and the Order value, which is the order used for attempting use of the SNMP credentials. You can press Tab to navigate across the fields for the credential entry.

  5. If you have a substantial list of SNMPv3 entries and need to find a specific entry, enter the value in the Go To field and click Go.

  6. To remove an SNMPv3 authentication entry: select the checkbox and click the Delete icon.

  7. To export the entire list of community strings in a table file readable by a spreadsheet program, click the Export icon and choose Export Data in Infoblox CSV Import Format.

    1. To export just the subset of data that is visible in the dialog, click the Export icon and choose Export Visible Data.

    2. A Show Passwords option allows the secret keys to be visible in the import.

Configuring CLI Discovery Properties

SNMP protocols provide a powerful means of querying devices for broad arrays of information. The CLI discovery feature is required for port control tasks including port configuration and network provisioning and de-provisioning, but is not used for other discovery operations or to otherwise manage devices. By default, Probe appliances inherit their member discovery properties, including CLI credential sets, from the Grid level. Enable passwords are entered in separate records and kept as a separate list in Grid Manager.

You manage CLI credentials for devices in a similar fashion to SNMP credentials, by defining a global set of Admin account/password tuples (and Enable passwords) at the Grid level; and specifying credentials and Enable passwords for individual devices at the member level, when necessary. Should such a credential not work for a given device, or if command-line access is lost for a device, Network Insight re-guesses credentials from the Grid-level credential list, including vendor defaults if available.


You can test username/password credentials or an Enable password credential. You can also combine a username/password credential and an Enable password credential as part of the same test.

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. For the Grid: Click Edit –> Grid Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.
    For the Probe member: Select a member checkbox, and then click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the Credentials tab -> CLI tab. To override Grid settings for a Probe member, click Override.

  4. Click the Add icon to add a new CLI username/password entry to the list. Select the Credential Type, which can be one of two choices:

  5. In the Login Credentials list, click the Add icon to add a new CLI username/password entry:

    • Protocol: Select SSH or Telnet. Infoblox recommends the use of SSH.

      • SSH: SSH credentials require both a username and a password. The default protocol is SSH.

      • Telnet: In Network Insight, Telnet credentials must use both a username and a password.
        Note that if you choose to use a Telnet-based credential, Network Insight requires both the username and password for the login account. This also applies when you override the CLI credentials on objects such as a fixed address, host or IPv4 reservation. For more information, see the section the Defining CLI Credentials Settings for Objects section.

    • Name: Username for the CLI login account.

    • Password: Login password for the CLI login account.

    • Comment: A text comment describing the CLI login account.

    • Order: By default, Network Insight inserts the new credential record at the bottom of the credentials list, which is reflected by its Order value, showing the order used for attempting the use of CLI credentials. Enter a new value in the Order field if you want the new credential to be in a position other than the last in order.

  6. In the Enable Credentials list, click the Add icon to add a new Enable password entry:

    • Protocol: SSH or Telnet. Infoblox recommends the use of SSH.

    • Password: Enable password for device configuration access.

    • Comment: A text description.

    • Order: By default, Network Insight inserts the new record at the bottom of the list, reflected by its Order value, showing the order used for attempting use of the CLI credentials. Enter a new value in the Order field if you want the new credential to be in a position other than the last in order.

  7. Click Save & Close to save changes. You may also select Save to keep the dialog box open for further changes. You can press Tab to navigate across the fields for the credential entry.

To test CLI credentials for the current appliance, see the Testing SNMP and CLI Credentials section.

Defining CLI Credentials Settings for Objects

You can override CLI credentials, and enable password credentials, for IPAM objects such as fixed addresses, IP reservations, and host objects. You can also do so for networks under IPAM and DHCP.
When you do so, you define and test the CLI credentials and enable passwords locally to the object.

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab. The IPAM Home page appears.

  2. In the IPAM IP List page or the IPAM IP Map page, navigate to the network and then the IP associated with the object you want to edit.

    • For each network, the IP list page provides a Type data column showing the IPAM object type that is associated with any IP address. Also check the MAC Address column in the IP List page for information about associated objects.

    • For a quick way to locate all objects of a certain type in the Grid, you can also create a smart folder with settings such as Type –> Equals –> IPv4 Fixed Address. Title the smart folder appropriately, to make clear what data set it is presenting.

  3. Click the IP address. In the IP address page, click the Related Objects tab.

  4. Select the checkbox for the object in the Related Objects panel and click Edit.

  5. In the object editor, click the Discovery tab.

  6. For the object, click the Override CLI Credentials checkbox to override the inherited set of CLI credentials taken from the Grid level.
    By default, CLI credential definitions use SSH at the object level. Select the Allow Telnet checkbox if you want to allow both SSH and Telnet credential usage; Infoblox recommends SSH because of better security.

  7. Enter the Name and Password values, and the Enable Password value.

  8. Click Test CLI Credentials to test the CLI discovery credential settings applied to the object.

  9. When finished, click Save & Close.

Testing SNMP and CLI Credentials

After configuring SNMP and CLI credentials, you can click Test Credentials in the SNMP Credentials or CLI Credentials panel to test the credentials. Credential testing ensures that the configured credentials work for as many devices and networks as possible. The procedure in this section applies to both the Grid and the member levels. You can override the Grid settings at the member level.

For CLI credentials, you can test an admin login name and password tuple as well as a following enable credential, if necessary. You can also override CLI credentials and enable credentials for IPAM objects such as fixed addresses, IP reservations, and host objects. You can test any credential set, an enable credential or both in combination against any device within any network view. Network Insight sets the login sequence to match the command-line standards for the selected device.

To test SNMP credentials or CLI credentials, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. For the Grid: Click Edit –> Grid Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.
    For a Probe member: Select a member checkbox, and then click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. In the Grid Discovery Properties or Member Discovery Properties editor, click the Credentials tab -> SNMPv1/v2 tab, SNMPv3 tab, or CLI tab.

  4. Select the checkbox or checkboxes for the credentials and/or enable credentials (if applicable) you want to test. For a Probe member, click Override, and then select the credential checkboxes.

  5. Click Test Credentials.

  6. In the Test SNMP Credentials editor, complete the following:

    • IP Address: Select this to test the credential against an IP address of a reachable device in a network (even if it has not been discovered or managed through NIOS) within a specified network view. Enter the IP address in the field. Ensure that you select the respective network view in which this IP address resides.

    • Network View: If you have multiple network views, select the network view in which the IP address resides from the drop-down list. If you have only one network view, which is the default view, the Network View drop-down list is hidden by default. NIOS conducts credential testing for the IP address in the selected network view.

    • Device: Select this to test against a selected device. Click Select Device and the Device Selector appears. If you have multiple network views, you must first select the network view in which the device resides from the Network View drop-down list, located at the upper left-hand corner of the selector. If you have only one network view, which is the default view, the Network View drop-down list is hidden by default. You can check the device categories under All Devices to locate discovered switches and routers or any unmanaged devices previously detected by discovery under NIOS. You can explore categories including Discovered Switches/Routers, Microsoft Windows Devices (this can include items such as Windows Servers of various types), Router and Wireless Access Point Devices, Unmanaged, and others. By default, all devices previously discovered appear in this selector. If you have a long list of devices, you can enter a device name search value or a search expression in the Find field and click Go. You can also click Show Filter to narrow down your selection by selecting available filters. Click OK after you have selected a device and its corresponding network view.

  7. Click Start to begin testing the credential against the IP address or selected device. The communication and testing processes appear in the lower panel of the editor.
    Note that if the specified IP address is excluded from all discovery ranges or is not part of the selected network view, or the credential is entered with missing information, a message appears at the top of the editor after clicking Start. Otherwise, the test begins and its process and results appear in the lower panel of the editor.

Defining Seed Routers for Probe Members

Seed routers can be defined only on Probe appliances. You can define seed routers that NIOS uses in quickly performing network discovery. The definition of seed routers is highly recommended for IPv4 networks and is required for IPv6 networks. For the discovery of any IPv6 networks, you must use seed router values that comprised of at least one well-connected IPv6 router, preferably with routes to all other networks to be managed. In some cases, seed routers may not have the full routing tables or be unable to provide full information for some reason. The general rule of thumb is that more seed routers are better, but the connectivity of seed router(s) also helps determine how many seed routers you need. Avoid having more seed entries than necessary.

You must associate each seed router with a network view so the appliance can properly discover virtual networks when using multiple seed routers.

You can check Discovery Status to see whether a seed router is successfully being reached and whether the seed is providing information. By reviewing discovery status for each seed router, you can determine whether Network Insight should be able to discover the network successfully, or if there are possible configuration errors preventing network discovery, without having to wait to see what Network Insight finds. For seed routers, Reached Status and Overall Status should both read as Passed.

To add, view, or delete seed routers for a Probe, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and click Discovery.

  2. Select the checkbox for any Probe appliance on the Discovery page and click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties from the Toolbar.

  3. In the Member Discovery Properties editor, click the Seed tab. Grid Manager displays the following:
    Click the Add icon to add a seed router. The Grid Manager adds a row to the table. Complete the following in the table:

    • Router: Click this field and enter the IP address for the desired IPv4 or IPv6 seed router. Note that you can assign a seed IP address to different network views if your deployment has overlapping IP addresses.

    • Network View: Displays the current network view with which the interface is associated. A newly added seed IP does not have any associated network view by default. From the drop-down list, select the network view you want to reassign to the interface.

    • Comment: Enter information about the seed router.

You can delete a seed router by selecting it and then click the Delete icon. Note that you cannot delete any seed router that is a default gateway.

IPv6 Seed Router Usage

For the discovery of any IPv6 network, you must use seed router values, comprised of at least one well-connected IPv6 router, preferably with routes to all other networks to be managed. In some cases, seed routers may not have the full routing tables or be unable to provide full information for some reason. The general rule of thumb is that more seed routers are better, but the connectivity of seed router(s) also helps determine how many seed routers you need. Avoid having more seed router entries than necessary.

Configuring Discovery for SDN and SD-WAN

Network Insight allows you to collect and manage data from SDN and SD-WAN environments. Currently, you can discover Cisco ACI and Cisco Meraki.

You can add specific SDN and SD-WAN entries in the discovery properties of Probe or Standalone members. You cannot configure these settings on Consolidators. Also, you can configure general SDN and SD-WAN polling properties in the Grid settings as detailed in this section.

To view discovery results for SDN and SD-WAN, go to Data Management -> Devices. For information, see Viewing Discovered Devices and their Properties.

Adding and Configuring Cisco ACI Discovery

Enabling discovery of Cisco ACI devices provides visibility into your Cisco ACI infrastructure. This allows you to view and manage discovered IP addresses of Cisco ACI fabric members such as APIC controllers and fabric switches with their attached end points.

To add and configure a Cisco ACI fabric, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. Select a Probe member, and then click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the SDN/SD-WAN tab.

  4. Click the Add icon and select Cisco ACI.

  5. Complete the following:

    • Fabric Name: Specify a short and unique name for the current Cisco ACI configuration.

    • Addresses: Enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco APIC controller. If your fabric includes more than one controller, click the Add icon to add more addresses.

    • Protocol: Select HTTP or HTTPS.
      If you select HTTPS, you must first upload a Root CA or Intermediate CA certificate to the Grid in order for NIOS to communicate with the Cisco APIC. For information on preparing a CA certificate, see About CA Certificates for Cisco ACI. For information on uploading a CA certificate, see Uploading CA Certificates.
      If your ACI fabric includes multiple controllers, use a combined PEM certificate. To do so, copy the ASCII data from all of the certificates into a single file.

    • CA Certificate: Click Select and select a CA certificate for the Cisco APIC.

    • Network View: Select the network view to identify the corresponding network interface for connectivity with the Cisco ACI. Also, this network view will be assigned to discovered devices from this ACI.

    • Username: The login name for the Cisco ACI.

    • Password: The login password.

    • Comment: Additional information about the Cisco ACI.

    • Connect using Grid Proxy settings if available: Select if you want to use the Grid Proxy for connectivity to or from the Cisco ACI. If the Proxy is specified in the Grid properties, then Network Insight uses it. For more information, see Configuring Proxy Servers.

  6. Click Test Connection to check if the fabric is reachable and the provided credentials are correct. The connection test results are also written to the syslog.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save & Close.

Adding and Configuring Cisco Meraki Discovery

Enabling discovery of Cisco Meraki provides visibility into your Cisco Meraki SD-WAN elements, for example:

  • Wireless access points

  • Switches

  • Routers

  • Cameras

  • Phones

Network Insight classifies Meraki cameras and phones as end hosts and other Meraki devices as network devices.

To add and configure Cisco Meraki discovery, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. Select a Probe member, and then click Edit –> Member Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the SDN/SD-WAN tab.

  4. Click the Add icon and select Cisco Meraki.

  5. Complete the following:

    • Config Name: Specify a short and unique name for the current Cisco Meraki configuration.

    • Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API. By default, it is

    • Protocol: HTTPS by default.

    • Network Interface: Select the interface that will be used to access the device. As Cisco Meraki infrastructure may have overlapping IP addresses in different network views, you should explicitly specify a network interface exposed to the internet.

    • API Key: Access key required to use Cisco APIs.

    • Comment: Additional information about the Cisco Meraki device.

    • Connect using Grid Proxy settings if available: 

      Select if you want to use the Grid Proxy for connectivity to or from the Cisco Meraki device. If the Proxy is specified in the Grid properties, then Network Insight uses it. For more information, see Configuring Proxy Servers.

  6. Click Test Connection to check if the device is reachable and the provided credentials are correct. The connection test results are also written to the syslog.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save & Close.

Configuring SDN and SD-WAN Polling Properties

On the Grid side, you can enable or disable the SDN and SD-WAN polling, specify end host collection timing, and define network view mapping rules. If SDN and SD-WAN polling is disabled, only traditional network devices are polled. Controlling the polling setting and end host data collection allows you to reduce the load on your system if required.

For Meraki devices, you can select between different modes for mapping Meraki networks to NIOS network views. This mapping mechanism is required as your Meraki infrastructure may have overlapping IP ranges that can be supported under different network views. The mapping rules include:

  • Mapping to the predefined SDN network view

  • Automatic mapping

  • Custom mapping

To configure SDN/SD-WAN polling properties, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. From the Toolbar, select Edit -> Grid Discovery Properties.

  3. Click the SDN/SD-WAN tab.

  4. On the Basic tab, complete the following:

    • Enable SDN/SD-WAN polling: Select to enable or disable SDN and SD-WAN polling.

    • Default SDN Network View: The network view that will be assigned to discovered Cisco Meraki devices for which the automatic network view mapping is disabled. You enable or disable automatic mapping in the advanced SDN and SD-WAN polling settings. For more information, see step 5 below.

    • Detailed End Host Collection Interval: Select to enable or disable the collection of end hosts (or clients in Cisco Meraki terminology). If enabled, specify one of the following:

      • Periodic Collection: Specify the N minutes or hours when the collection should occur.

      • Scheduled Collection: Schedule recurrent collection based on hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly time periods. Choosing this option, click the Calendar icon and a Polling Scheduler appears; click the Edit icon to make scheduling changes. Choose a recurrence pattern of Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly; in all cases, you must choose an Execution Time.

  5. On the Advanced tab, complete the following:

    • Disable SDN/SD-WAN Discovery for networks not in IPAM: If set, new unmanaged networks discovered on the SDN controller are not created in the Infoblox IPAM.

    • Network View Mapping: Select one of the following:

      • Disable automatic mapping and use predefined SDN Network View: Select to map collected SDN/SD-WAN devices to the default SDN network view defined in step 4 above.

      • Automatically create network views for unmapped networks: Select to automatically map collected networks to their network views using Network Insight internal rules. Network views that do not exist are created automatically. The mapped networks are displayed in the table that is not editable.

      • Enable network view mapping defined below: This is custom mapping. Select to manually map collected networks to appropriate network views. To change a network view entry, click it in the table.

  6. Click Save & Close.

Configuring Advisor Properties

For information about Advisor, see Monitoring Device Lifecycle and Vulnerabilities Using Advisor.

See the following pre-requisites:

  • You have purchased the Advisor subscription.

  • You have access to the internet, either through one of the Consolidator interfaces or through a proxy server.

  • You have a Consolidator with the discovery service working on it.

  • You have a local DNS resolver working on the discovery node. For more information, see Enabling DNS Resolution.

To configure Advisor properties, complete the following:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Grid Manager tab, and then click Discovery.

  2. Click Edit –> Grid Discovery Properties in the Toolbar.

  3. Click the Advisor tab.

  4. Select Enable Advisor Application.
    This checkbox is available if a Consolidator exists in the Grid and the discovery service is working.

  5. Network Interface: Specify one of the network interfaces of the Consolidator that runs Advisor. This interface is used for the internet connection to obtain the lifecycle and vulnerability data.

  6. Execution Interval: Specify how often the Advisor service should be executed every N days or weeks.

  7. Execution Hour: Specify the server hour when the Advisor service should be executed.
    Note that an Advisor runs not at the exact hour specified, but at any minute of the specified hour.

  8. If you do not want to expose your Grid member directly to the internet, select Use proxy server. Ensure that the proxy server has access to the internet.

  9. Specify the following information for the proxy server:

    • DNS Name or IP Address

    • Port

    • Credentials to connect to Proxy Server (username and password)

  10. Under Advisor Central, specify the following data:

    • API Endpoint Address: The IP address of the Advisor API endpoint.

    • API Endpoint Port: The port of the Advisor API endpoint.

    • Authentication: Select Token or Credentials.

    • If you selected token authentication, specify the authentication token value.

    • If you selected credentials authentication, specify the username and password.

  11. In Minimum Severity, specify the severity threshold for vulnerabilities data that you want to obtain for your devices. To see possible values, hover the mouse over the field. The popup window displays the following values:

    • Critical: 9.0-10.0

    • High: 7.0-8.9

    • Medium: 4.0-6.9

    • Low: 0.1-3.9

    • None: 0.0

  12. Last Scheduled Execution Result: Displays the timestamp of the last successful or unsuccessful scheduled execution result.

  13. Last Run Now Result: Displays the timestamp of the last successful or unsuccessful immediate execution result.

  14. Click Test connection to central.

  15. If you want to launch Advisor immediately, click Run Now.

  16. Save the configuration.