Downloading the 9.0.3 Upgrade Software
Infoblox frequently releases updated NIOS software. Contact Infoblox Technical Support to learn which file name to use when downloading new upgrade software or watch your email for periodic notifications that new software upgrade is available.
All NIOS new and upgrade software is available on the Infoblox Support Portal at
You need to have a user name and password to log on to the Infoblox Support Portal.
NIOS 9.0.3 Consolidated Hotfix 3
NIOS 9.0.3 has a consolidated hotfix 3 version, alternatively known as NIOS, released for it. The hotfix includes important bug fixes identified since the release of NIOS 9.0.3. You must also download and apply NIOS on the active NIOS 9.0.3 version, or on the Grid in which the NIOS 9.0.3 version is in the “In Distribution Complete” stage.
Downloading the Upgrade Software
To download the upgrade software:
Navigate to
Select the version to which you want to upgrade. For example, NIOS 9.0.3
Read the text mentioned in the screen before downloading the .bin file.
Download and read the Release Notes before the upgrade. The Release Notes are available in the Documentation tab of the same screen.
To download the upgrade software, click the NIOS tab and download the NIOS .bin file.
Accept the Infoblox End User License Agreement and download the file.
After you download the NIOS software upgrade to your management station, upload it to the Grid Master. For more information, see Uploading the 9.0.3 Upgrade Software to the Grid Master.
Downloading NIOS 9.0.3 Consolidated Hotfix 3
To download NIOS 9.0.4 consolidated hotfix 2:
Navigate to
Click NIOS
Read the text mentioned in the screen before downloading the .bin files.
Download and read the Release Notes before the upgrade. The Release Notes are available in the Documentation tab of the same screen.
To download the hotfix, click the NIOS tab and download the Apply Hotfix and the Revert Hotfix .bin files.
Accept the Infoblox End User License Agreement and download the files.
You must apply the hotfixes after the distribution stage.
For detailed information about the NIOS 9.0.4 Consolidated Hotfix 2, read the hotfix Release Notes. For information about the general procedure to apply the consolidated hotfix, see Applying the CHF3 Hotfix.