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Field NameData TypeRequired Associated GUI (Yes/No) FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines
Header-IPv6HostAddressString Yes Example: IPv6hostaddress

viewStringNo DNS View view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

network_view StringNo Network View network_view If no network view is specified, the Default
view is used. Example: Default

parentFQDN Yes Example:

address_typeEnumeration No address_type Valid values are ADDRESS, PREFIX, or BOTH. If no value is specified, 'ADDRESS' (default) is used. Example: PREFIX

address IPv6 address Yes IPv6 Address ipv6addrs Example: 1001::001

_new_address IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the address field when you select the overwrite or merge option.

Field Name

Data Type Required Associated
(Yes/No) Field

GUI Associated Usage and Guidelines PAPI Method



IPv6 prefix No

ipv6prefix This field is required if address_type is








Example: 2000:1111::



IPv6 prefix No

Add this field to overwrite the ipv6_prefix field




when you select the overwrite or merge







Integer No

IPv6_prefix_ This field is required if address_type is




bits 'ADDRESS' or 'BOTH'.




Example: 32



Boolean No DHCP chec

k box configure_for_ Example: TRUE dhcp



Boolean No Enable in DNS configure forThis field is used to specify the parent host




dns record. If not value is specified, TRUE is used.




Example: TRUE



String No

match_client Only 'DUID' is allowed.




Example: DUID



String No DUID

duid Example: 0001



FQDNNo Domain Na




IPv6 address No Name Serv

er Example: '2000::10,3000::10'







Unsigned No Valid Lifetime valid_lifetime Example: 43200







Unsigned No Preferred

preferred_ Example: 604800



integer Lifetime




Integer No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For Optionsoptions information, see Data Specific Guidelines on




page 9.




Example: '12' name implies option space =




'DHCPv6', option code/number 7



Option No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For information Optionsoptions information, see Data Specific Guidelines on




page 9.




Example: 'dfdfdfd' name implies




vendor_class='XXXX', option




code/number 200



This section contains examples of how to create data files for IPv6 host addresses. All examples use comma as the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv6 Host Address

This example shows how to import an IPv6 host address to a host record in the Default DNS view. header-IPv6hostaddress,parent*,address*,view IPv6hostaddress,,1001::001,Default

Overwriting IPv6 Host Address Data

This example shows how to overwrite an IPv6 host address.
header-IPv6hostaddress,parent*,address*,_new_address IPv6hostaddress,,1001::001,2000::10

Merging IPv6 Host Address Data

This example shows how to merge a DUID to an IPv6 host address. header-IPv6hostaddress,parent*,address*,duid IPv6hostaddress,,2000::10,0001

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