Field NameData TypeRequired Associated GUI (Yes/No) FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines
Header-blacklistrule String Yes Example: BlacklistRule parentString Yes Name blacklist_rulesets Example: blacklist-ruleset1
domain_nameString Yes Domain Name Use this to match domain names. You
cannot use the characters * and ,, in the domain name. The domain name cannot exceed 255 characters. Example:
_new_domain_nameString No Example:
actionString Yes Action blacklist_action The valid value is PASS or REDIRECT.
Example: PASS
This section contains examples of how to create data files for blacklist rules. All examples use comma as the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.
Adding a Blacklist Rule
This example shows how to import a blacklist rule.
header-blacklistrule,parent*,domain_name*,action* BlacklistRule,BlackList,,REDIRECT
Overwriting Blacklist Rule Data
This example shows how to overwrite the action of a blacklist rule. header-blacklistrule,parent*,domain_name*,action* BlacklistRule,BlackList,,PASS