Modifying a Deployment
You can modify an existing deployment in VMware Aria Automation to add new machines to a deployment. To modify a deployment, you must update its template code and select Update an existing deployment as the deployment type.
To modify an existing cloud template deployment, complete the following steps:
Log in to the VMware Aria Automation Cloud Services Console and open the VMware Aria Automation Assembler.
On the Design tab, in the left panel, click Cloud Templates.
Click the name of the template you need to modify.
The cloud template window is displayed.On the Code tab, update the properties to add a new machine.
Click DEPLOY and complete the following:
Note that the Deploy dialog box that displays may differ based on the configuration defined in the template code.Deployment Type: Select Update an existing deployment from the drop-down list.
Cloud Template Version: Choose the cloud template version.
Search deployments: Search for and choose the deployment that you need to update.
Click NEXT.
Retain the values and click NEXT.
In the Plan section, verify the resources that must be updated.