Logical Expressions and Regular Expressions

Logical Expressions and Regular Expressions

CCS supports logical expressions and regular expressions for more-complex value matching and triggering only when two or more conditions are met.
Consider the following statement:


$adminMode ne "trunk" and $operMode ne "trunk"

The scripting statement calls two variables ($adminMode and $operMode). In this case, both are well-known variables. The logical and operator determines that the match applies only if both variable values (a show interface operation listing the administrative mode and operational mode for a switch port) do not reflect the stated equivalence of "trunk", and because the statement is part of a trigger-filter, the corresponding
Trigger-Section is called by the script.

Valid Boolean logical operators include:

  •   and (&&)
  •   or (| |)

The meta characters that can be used to build regular expressions for CCS scripts include the following:


OR operator. Provides alternatives for matching. The left side of the | may match, or the right side may.

To be meaningful, it must be enclosed by parentheses “( ).”

*Match the preceding item 0 to n times, of a character or set of characters. Classic wildcard operator.
[   ]

(Square brackets) Set an inclusive range of values or an inclusive operation within a pattern, or a

match against alternatives.

{ }

(Curly brackets) Allows matching against a specific number of occurrences of a pattern, a range

defining the minimum and maximum number of instances to match against, and a starting value for n

to infinite matches for a pattern. Its function is related to the + and * operators.

(  )Enables matching against one of a set of alternatives, if combined with the OR operator (|).
+1 to n occurrences of a character or set of characters.

Boolean NOT operator. Prevents a specified character, delimiter, value or string from being included

in a match within the specified pattern.

/<pattern>/Encloses the pattern/regular expression to be compared against the fetched value in the variable $_.
.Matches any single character.
"  "Double quote marks enclose the entire pattern to match.

A string variable with a regex may be used to match against multiple instances of similar values in the same variable:


$ifName "/FastEthernet[^ ]*/"

A Perl-style regex is used to define $ifName. First, the entire string is enclosed in quote marks (“”) to ensure that the entire string, including any spacebar characters (such as you would see in a Cisco int FastEthernet0/11 command string) is treated as a single parameter when declaring the variable.

/FastEthernet[^ ]*/

The two forward slashes encapsulate the full string to match against, which contains a regular expression.

FastEthernet[^ ]*

An extensive discussion of regular expressions is beyond the scope of this document; CCS supports the same conventions for regular expressions as the Perl language.

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