

The following are prerequisites for the Infoblox SOC Insights integration:


  1. Infoblox UDDI with one of the following

    1. Infoblox Threat Defense Business Cloud + Infoblox Threat Defense Ecosystem + SOC Insights

    2. Infoblox Threat Defense Advanced + Infoblox Threat Defense Ecosystem + SOC Insights

  2. A NIOS-X virtual server with the Data Connector service enabled. For deploying the Data Connector, refer to this guide.

  3. A valid Infoblox API key with SOC Insight access. For generating API Key, refer Configuring User API Keys.


  1. Officially tested version:

  2. Permission to create scans, access scan results, and manage assets.

  1. Generate the following

    1. qualysInstance: URL of the Qualys instance (e.g: qualysguard.qg2.apps.qualys.com)

    2. qualysUsername: Username for authenticating against the Qualys API

    3. qualysPassword: Password for the Qualys user

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