Monitoring DNS Queries
You can monitor DNS resource records by their Last Queried time. You can configure this feature in the Grid DNS Properties editor -> DNS Scavenging tab. Infoblox recommends that you keep the number of zones or domains for monitoring below 1000; specifying more may adversely affect performance.
To view DNS queries by their Last Queried time:
From the Data Management tab -> DNS tab, click the Query Monitoring tab.
The Query Monitoring tab provides a Last Queried report for the monitored resource records, including the following information:
Network View: Network view name. You cannot sort on this column. This column is hidden by default.
DNS View: DNS view name. This column is hidden by default. Zone: FQDN of zone.
Name: FQDN of resource record.
Record Type: Resource record type.
Record Data: Value of resource record, such as address of an A record.
Monitored Since: Date monitoring started.
Last Queried: Displays "Not Monitored", "Not Queried Since xxxx", or date of last query.
Note this report does not display the last queried information for automatically generated NS records.
To enable last queried time monitoring for resource records, do the following in the DNS scavenging properties for the Grid, a view, or a zone:
Grid: From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab, expand the Toolbar and click Grid DNS Properties.
DNS view: From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab and click the Zones tab -> dns_view checkbox -> Edit icon.
DNS zone: From the Data Management tab, select the DNS tab and click the Zones tab -> click a DNS view -> zone checkbox -> Edit icon.If the properties editor is in basic mode, click Toggle Advanced Mode.
Click DNS Scavenging.
Select the Enable last queried time monitoring for resource records checkbox. For more information, see Configuring DNS Record Scavenging Properties.
Click Save & Close.
Exporting the query monitoring data may take longer than usual if the report contains a lot of records. Also, if a Grid secondary server uses zone transfer to update zone data from a Grid primary server, NIOS does not monitor queries made to the Grid secondary server and it does not update the last queried timestamp for the resource records in a zone.
When multiple values are specified with the same filter, the filter applies or logic, e.g. 'a' or 'b'. Other perspectives in NIOS UI apply and logic, e.g., 'a' and 'b'. You can use the following filters to get specific information in this report:
DNS View: DNS view name.
Not Queried: Specify a date when the last query was made. The only operator is "Since".
Zone: FQDN of zone.
Type: Only a single record type filter can be specified. This filter has the following resource records:
A Records
AAAA Records
CAA Records
CNAME Records
DNAME Records
DS Records
DTC LBDN Records
Host Address
Host Alias
Host Record
MX Records
NAPTR Records
NS Records
PTR Records
Resource Record
SRV Records
Shared A Record
Shared AAAA Record
Shared CNAME Record
Shared MX Record
Shared SRV Record
TXT Records
Other Records
NIOS does not monitor queries or update timestamp for DNSSEC records, except for DS records. As a result, the QueryMonitoring tab displays "Not Monitored" in the Last Queried column for all DNSSEC records. In addition, the Not Queried filter does not display any DNSSEC records.