Versions Compared


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  • To use the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform, you must either define the following extensible attributes in NIOS or install the Cloud Network Automation license in the NIOS Grid, which adds the extensible attributes by default:

    • Tenant ID :String Type

    • CMP Type: String Type

    • Cloud API Owned: List Type (Values: True, False)

  • For creation of host records using the infoblox_ip_allocation and infoblox_ip_association resources, you must create the extensible attribute (EA)  Terraform Internal ID of String Type in Infoblox NIOS Grid Manager. For steps, refer to the extensible attributes .

  • To use all of the Infoblox Terraform provider DNS resource types, you will need at least one Authoritative Forward-Mapping Zone in your Infoblox Grid. You can create this zone using the Infoblox Terraform Provider as shown in this Creating Zone
