Infoblox Grid Configuration

Infoblox Grid Configuration

To use the Infoblox Terraform provider, you will need an Infoblox Grid running NIOS 8.5 or newer. This guide assumes you have a Grid with at least one member already deployed. For instructions on deploying Infoblox NIOS or vNIOS, refer to the deployment guide for the appropriate platform. Deployment guides for many available platforms can be found at resources. NIOS and virtual appliance documentation can be found here

  • To use the Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for Terraform, you must either define the following extensible attributes in NIOS or install the Cloud Network Automation license in the NIOS Grid, which adds the extensible attributes by default:

    • Tenant ID :String Type

    • CMP Type: String Type

    • Cloud API Owned: List Type (Values: True, False)

  • For creation of host records using the infoblox_ip_allocation and infoblox_ip_association resources, you must create the extensible attribute (EA)  Terraform Internal ID of String Type in Infoblox NIOS Grid Manager. For steps, refer to the extensible attributes.

  • To use all of the Infoblox Terraform provider DNS resource types, you will need at least one Authoritative Forward-Mapping Zone in your Infoblox Grid. You can create this zone using the Infoblox Terraform Provider as shown in this Creating Zone





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