- Select Yes and specify the FQDN host name, enable or disable DNS and DHCP for the host record and, optionally, specify a MAC address or DUID, aliases, and a comment. screen shot
- Select No and specify if you want to create a DNS record and/or fixed address/reservation.
9. To create a DNS record, specify the type of DNS record (A/AAAA or A/AAAA/PTR), the FQDN hostname and, optionally, a DNS view, CNAME aliases, and a comment. You can associate CNAME records with the created A/AAAA record by setting aliases in FQDN format.
10. To create a fixed address or reservation, specify which of them to create, the name and comment. For the fixed address, specify a MAC address or DUID and, optionally, an IPv4 address of the Microsoft DHCP server.