Reserve IP address Workflow

Reserve IP address Workflow

The Reserve IP address workflow allows you to reserve a specified IPv4 or IPv6 address, create a host record, or create a DNS record for a host in NIOS. The workflow creates the specified IPAM records with the defined static IP address. Using the Reserve IP address workflow, you can assign extensible attributes to the IPAM objects that you create.

You can choose which IPAM object to create in this workflow:

  • Host record
  • A/AAAA record with or without an associated PTR record
  • CNAME records related to the created A/AAAA record
  • Fixed address or reservation

To reserve an IP address:

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    7.  In the IP Address step, specify the IP address to be reserved and, optionally, a network view, and then click Next.

    8.  In the Common parameters step, select one of the following for Create host record?

    • Select Yes and specify the FQDN host name, enable or disable DNS and DHCP for the host record and, optionally, specify a MAC address or DUID, aliases, and a comment. screen shot
    • Select No and specify if you want to create a DNS record and/or fixed address/reservation.   

    9.  To create a DNS record, specify the type of DNS record (A/AAAA or A/AAAA/PTR), the FQDN hostname and, optionally, a DNS view, CNAME aliases, and a comment. You can associate CNAME records with the created A/AAAA record by setting aliases in FQDN format.
    10. To create a fixed address or reservation, specify which of them to create, the name and comment. For the fixed address, specify a MAC address or DUID and, optionally, an IPv4 address of the Microsoft DHCP server.
    11. Click Next.
    12. (Optional) In the Extensible attributes step, specify the number of, and the values for, any extensible attributes that you want to assign to the records or objects that will be created in the result of the workflow execution.
    13. Click Next
    14. Specify if restarting the DHCP service is needed. When you select Yes, the DHCP service will be restarted when it is required by NIOS configuration.
    14. Click Submit.