- Network: The network address.
- Comment: The information you entered about the network.
- RIROrganization: This appears only if support for RIR updates is enabled. This displays the name of the RIR organization to which the network is assigned.
- RIROrganizationID: This appears only if support for RIR updates is enabled. This displays the ID of the RIR organization to which the network is assigned.
- RIRRegistrationStatus: This appears only if support for RIR update is enabled. This field displays the RIR registration status. This can be Registered or NotRegistered. Registered indicates that the network has a corresponding entry in the RIPE database.
- LastRegistrationUpdated: Displays the timestamp when the last registration was updated. The displayed timestamp reflects the timestamp used on the Grid Master.
- StatusofLastRegistrationUpdate: Displays the registration status and communication method of the last registration update. The status can be Pending, Sent, Succeeded, or Failed. Each time you send a registration update to create, modify, or delete a network container or network, the updated status will be displayed here. If you have selected not to send registration updates, the previous status is retained.
- IPAMUtilization: For a network, this is the percentage based on the IP addresses in use divided by the total addresses in the network. For example, in a /24 network, if there are 25 static IP addresses defined and a DHCP range that includes 100 addresses, the total number of IP addresses in use is 125. Of the possible 256 addresses in the network, the IPAM utilization is about 50% for this network.
For a network container that contains subnets, this is the percentage of the total address space defined within the container regardless of whether any of the IP addresses in the subnets are in use. For example, when you define a /16 network and then 64 /24 networks underneath it, the /16 network container is considered 25% utilized even when none of the IP addresses in the /24 networks is in use.
You can use this information to verify if there is a sufficient number of available addresses in a network. The appliance updates the IPAM utilization data immediately for a network container, but for a network it is updated every 15 minutes.
The IPAM utilization data is displayed in one of the following colors: - Red: The IPAM utilization percentage is above the configured Trigger value.
- Blue: The IPAM utilization percentage is below the configured Trigger value.
- Active Active Users: The number of active users on the selected network.
- Discovery Discovery Engine: Displays the discovery engine that performs the discovery process. This can be NetworkInsight, NetMRI, or vDiscovery. This field displays None if you have added or imported the network container or network manually.Site: The site to which the IP address belongs. This is a predefined extensible attribute. .
- Site: The site to which the IP address belongs. This is a predefined extensible attribute.
Bridge Domain: The name of the discovered bridge domain. This column will display values only for IP addresses that are discovered from Cisco APIC by Network Insight or NetMRI. If discovered by NetMRI, the value will be populated through IPAM Sync. Otherwise, this column will be blank. For information about how to configure Cisco APIC, see Configuring Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC).
Tenant: The name of the discovered tenant. This column will display values only for IP addresses that are discovered from Cisco APIC by Network Insight or NetMRI. If discovered by NetMRI, the value will be populated through IPAM Sync. Otherwise, this column will be blank. For information about how to configure Cisco APIC, see Configuring Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC).
You can select the following columns for display:
- Disabled: Indicates whether the network is disabled.
- Leaf Leaf Network: Indicates whether the network is a leaf network or not. A leaf network is a network that does not contain other networks.
- Discovery Discovery Enabled: (Applies only with Network Applies only with Network Insight) Indicates whether discovery is allowed on the network container or the network.
- Discover Now: (Applies only with Network Applies only with Network Insight) Indicates Indicates when the network is undergoing a current discovery process. A "Pending" icon appears in this column when you start the discovery and displays Completed after the completion of the discovery process.
- VLAN VLAN Name: (AppliesonlywithNetworkInsight) The VLAN name on the switch port.
- VLAN VLAN ID: (AppliesonlywithNetworkInsight) The VLAN ID on the switch port.
- Managed: (AppliesonlywithNetworkInsight) Indicates whether the network is set to Managed status under Grid Manager. For more information, see the section Converting Unmanaged Networks under IPAM to Managed Status.
- First First Discovered: (AppliesonlywithNetworkInsight) The date and timestamp of the first occasion that Grid Manager discovered the network.
- Last Last Discovered: (AppliesonlywithNetworkInsight) The date and timestamp of the last occasion that Grid Manager performed discovery on the network. The timestamp is updated whenever any new IP from this network is discovered.
- Extensible attributes and RIR Extensible attributes and RIR attributes: You can select the extensible attributes such as Building, Country, Region, State, and VLAN for display. When you enable support for RIR registration updates, you can also select associated RIR attributes for display. For information about RIR attributes, see Managing RIR Attributes.
- ActiveDirectorySites: You can also select Active Directory Sites for display. For information about Active Directory Sites, see About Active Directory Sites and Services.