Managing Discovered Data

Managing Discovered Data

After a discovery, key information is collected and displayed in the following tabs: Data Management tab -> Devices -> Interfaces, Networks, IP Addresses, and Assets tabs of Grid Manager. You can view information about each discovered entity in one of these tabs. For more information, see Viewing Discovered Devices and their Properties.
A discovered entity is considered "unmanaged" if it is discovered in a network for which no information is being stored in the NIOS database. You are not able to configure unmanaged objects in NIOS. Depending on the nature of the discovered entity, you may convert certain unmanaged entities into managed objects so you can manage them through Grid Manager. When an entity is in the managed state, you can configure settings such as applying permissions to it, limiting who can modify the configurations and deployments, and when those changes can be applied. You cannot do so with unmanaged objects.
Grid Manager allows you to convert certain unmanaged devices, interfaces, networks, and assets to the following IPAM object types:

When converting unmanaged entities to managed objects in NIOS, you can choose to convert them one at a time or as a group. To convert a single entity, just select a specific entity and perform the conversion. To convert multiple entities to the same IPAM object type, you can select the entities you want to manage and then perform a bulk conversion. You can also perform an automatic conversion for unmanaged entities in a network view by configuring conversion rules at the Grid level. For information about how to create conversion rules, see Configuring Automatic Conversion Rules.

Note: In a bulk conversion, if one or more of the selected entities are not eligible for conversion because they do not have a discovered name (FQDN) or due to other reasons, Grid Manager displays a warning message indicating only eligible entities are displayed in the conversion wizard and qualified for conversion. Those that cannot be converted are ignored and will remain in unmanaged state.

For more information about how to convert unmanaged entities to managed objects, see the following sections:

Converting Unmanaged Devices to Managed Devices

Note: For convenience, the home Data Management –> Devices page provides a quick filter to list only managed devices. In the Devices page, all devices highlighted in yellow indicate a device that is unmanaged.

Device discovery allows you to define a fully managed state for any discovered routers, switches, firewalls, end hosts, and other network infrastructure devices. The process differs from converting an unmanaged network, because you can bind a discovered device to a fixed address, a PTR Record, a host record or an IPv4 reservation. Doing so offers the following benefits:

  • Host Record – Infoblox hosts are data objects that contain DNS, DHCP, and IPAM data of the assigned addresses. Host objects allow you to assign multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to a host. When you create a host record, you are specifying the name-to-address and address-to-name mappings for the IP address that you assign to the host. The Infoblox DNS server then uses this data to respond to DNS queries for the host. This establishes the identity of any infrastructure device or asset on the network. For more information, see About Host Records.
  • A Record – An A (address) record is a DNS resource record that maps a domain name to an IP address. A records essentially tell DNS that a host exists inside a domain, as part of a forward-mapping zone. All traffic to a domain or subdomain is directed to the IP address specified by the A record. The DNS zone must exist in the Grid Manager before attempting to assign A records to devices. For more information about A records, see Managing A Records.
  • PTR Record – Maps a device IP address to a host name in a reverse-mapping zone. The zone must already be defined before assigning the new PTR record object. For more information about PTR records, see Managing PTR Records.
  • Fixed Address – A fixed address represents a persistent link between an IP address and one of the following: MAC address, Client identifier, or Circuit ID/remote ID in the DHCP relay agent option (option 82). Most applications in the current context are for a MAC address. You can configure fixed addresses for network devices, such as routers and printers, that do not frequently move from network to network. By creating fixed addresses for network devices, clients can reliably reach them by their domain names. Some network devices, such as web or FTP servers, can benefit from having fixed addresses for this reason. For more information about these object types, see Configuring IPv4 Fixed Addresses and Configuring IPv6 Fixed Addresses.

Each object type has its own characteristics that you may apply to specific types of discovered devices. For many infrastructure devices such as routers, or Assets such as servers, a fixed address is a likely choice.
Begin by examining the Data Management –> Devices page. The Managed column, as shown in Figure 15.4 , can list one of three possible states for all discovered devices:

  • Blank value–indicates that the device is not known to IPAM, because insufficient information is available to identify and catalog the device at the present time;
  • No–Shows that the device in the Devices table is not managed under IPAM or Grid Manager, but enough information is collected and the device can be converted to the Managed state.
  • Yes–The device in the table is a managed object with an IPAM object type (host, A record, PTR record or fixed address).

An Action icon shown as a gear in each row for the table) provides the quickest access to the Convert feature for unmanaged devices, as shown in Figure 15.4 . You can also click Convert in the Toolbar to select the object type.

Figure 15.4 Unmanaged Devices That May be Converted to IPAM objects

To convert unmanaged devices to managed objects:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click the Next Page and Last Page icons to locate the device you want to convert.
  3. To convert a single device : Click the Action icon next to the device you want to convert (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert –> To Host, To A Record, To PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
    To convert multiple devices (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the devices you want to convert to the same IPAM object type. From the Toolbar, select Convert -> To Host, To A & PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
  4. For a single device: The respective object editor appears based on the conversion type you have selected. For example, if you select To Host, the Host editor appears. In the editor, define the required General settings for the new object. You can also define other settings you need from any of the tabs in the editor. For details about how to configure these settings, refer to the online Help in Grid Manager or see the appropriate sections in this guide.
    For bulk conversion: The respective bulk conversion wizard (such as the Convert Unmanaged IP Addresses to Host Record wizard) appears based on the conversion type you have selected.

    Note: Network Insight creates the names of the new managed objects using the Discovered Name (FQDN) for the entities being converted. In the wizard, Grid Manager displays the IP addresses of the selected devices that are eligible for conversion in the Selected IP Addresses table. Entities that are not eligible for conversion will not be converted and will not appear in this table.

    Based on the selected conversion type, complete the following to start a bulk conversion:
    1. To Host: You can select Enable in DNS and/or Enable in DHCP so the appliance can serve DNS and/or DHCP for the selected IP addresses in the host record. When you enable DNS, you must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    2. To A & PTR Record: Network Insight converts the selected entities to A & PTR records simultaneously. You must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    3. To Fixed Address: Network Insight automatically converts all selected IP addresses to fixed addresses in a bulk conversion. As with host record and A/PTR record conversions, entities without a Discovered Name are not eligible for conversions to fixed addresses.

    In all bulk conversions, you can define extensible attributes for the selected IP addresses. After you configure the necessary settings, you can convert the discovered entities immediately or schedule the conversion by selecting Later and entering the date and time.

  5. Click Save & Close to make the conversion. You can return to the managed object at any time to make further configuration changes.

In the Managed column for all converted entities, Grid Manager displays Yes to indicate their managed status. You can now manage these IPAM objects through Grid Manager.

Converting Unmanaged Interfaces to Managed Status

Note: For convenience, a device Interfaces panel provides a quick filter to list only managed interfaces for the device. When a device is converted to managed status, interfaces in the device may remain in unmanaged state. If the interface has an IP address that is recognized under IPAM, it may be converted to managed state.

Interfaces that appear in the Interfaces table for a device may be converted to managed status, under specific circumstances. If an interface is bound to an IP address that is present in an IPAM network (for example, a leaf network inside a network container under IPAM), that interface can be converted to managed status.
For any device, any interface with a hotlink to IPAM may be converted. Examples are shown in Figure 15.5. Figure 15.5 Device Interfaces Available for Conversion

In Figure 15.5 , two interfaces provide a link to their respective IPAM interface pages, and show an IPAM Type of Unmanaged. These ports may be converted to IPAM objects and managed under Grid Manager.

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click the Next Page and Last Page icons to locate the device through which you want to locate the interfaces to convert.
  3. Click the Name link of the device.
  4. Click the Interfaces tab for the chosen device. This tab lists all ports discovered on the device.
  5. To convert a single interface: Click the Action icon next to the interface you want to convert (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert –> To  Host, To  Record, To  PTR  Record, or To  Fixed  Address from the menu.
    To convert multiple interfaces (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the interfaces you want to convert. From the Toolbar, select Convert -> To  Host, To  A PTR  Record, or To  Fixed  Address from the menu. 
  6. For a single interface: The respective object editor appears based on the conversion type you have selected. For example, if you select To  Host, the Host editor appears. In the editor, define the required General settings for the new object. You can also define other settings you need from any of the tabs in the editor. For details about how to configure these settings, refer to the online Help in Grid Manager or see the appropriate chapters in this guide.
    For bulk conversion: The respective bulk conversion wizard (such as the Convert  Unmanaged  IP  Addresses  to  Host  Record wizard) appears based on the conversion type you have selected.

    Note: Network Insight creates the names of the new managed objects using the Discovered Name (FQDN) for the entities being converted. In the wizard, Grid Manager displays the IP addresses of the selected devices that are eligible for conversion in the Selected  IP  Addresses table. Entities that are not eligible for conversion will not be converted and will not appear in this table.

    Based on the selected conversion type, complete the following to start a bulk conversion:
    1. To Host: You can select Enable in DNS and/or Enable in DHCP so the appliance can serve DNS and/or DHCP for the selected IP addresses in the host record. When you enable DNS for the record, you must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    2. To A & PTR Record: Network Insight converts the selected entities to A & PTR records simultaneously. You must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    3. To Fixed Address: Network Insight automatically converts all selected IP addresses to fixed addresses in a bulk conversion. As with host record and A/PTR record conversions, entities without a Discovered Name FQDN are not eligible for conversions to fixed addresses.

    In all bulk conversions, you can define extensible attributes for the selected IP addresses. After you have configured the necessary settings, you can convert the discovered entities immediately or schedule the conversion by selecting Later and entering the date and time.

     7. Click Save & Close to make the conversion. The interface is associated with the new IPAM object.
         In the IPAM Type column for all converted entities, Grid Manager displays Managed to indicate their managed status. You can now manage these IPAM objects through Grid Manager.

Converting Unmanaged Networks to Managed Status

Note: When you convert a network to managed status, Grid Manager uses the discovered Router IP for the network to automatically populate the Router IP value in DHCP configurations for the selected network. Conversion for DHCP is optional; you can choose to Disable for DHCP when you convert the network.

Unmanaged networks listed under discovered devices present the same conversion features as networks listed under IPAM (see the following section Converting Unmanaged Networks under IPAM to Managed Status). Begin by examining the Data Management –> Devices page, click a discovered device name's Action icon and click the device name hotlink. Open the Networks tab. The Managed column shows one of three possible states for all discovered networks on each device:

  • Blank value–indicates that the network is not known to IPAM, because insufficient information is available to identify and catalog the network at the present time, or because the network listed at the device level is for a loopback interface, a disconnected network, or a network prefix that is overlapped by a larger network encompassing that prefix and defined in IPAM. These are also called non-NIOS networks. At the device level, non-NIOS networks are highlighted in light grey;
  • No–Shows that the network is not managed under IPAM/Grid Manager, but enough information is catalogued that the network can be converted to Managed state. This state is required before a network can be converted to managed status. Networks in this state are highlighted in yellow.
  • Yes–The network is currently managed under IPAM, converted to an IPAM network. At the device level, managed networks are highlighted in white.

Converting a network in the device context is the same as converting it at the top IPAM level. You cannot apply services or IPAM objects to IP addresses in unmanaged networks until the networks are converted to managed status. Many operations cannot be carried out on unmanaged networks, including editing, splitting, resizing, permissions changes and many other tasks.

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click the Next Page and Last Page icons to locate the device through which you want to locate the assets to convert.
  3. Click the Name of the device.
  4. Click the Networks tab for the selected device.
  5. To convert a single network: Click the Action icon next to the network you want to convert to the Managed state (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert from the menu.
    To convert multiple networks (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the networks you want to convert to the Managed state. From the Toolbar, select Convert from the menu.
  6. The Network editor appears. In the editor, define the required General settings for the network. You can also define other settings you need from any of the tabs in the editor. For details about how to configure these settings, refer to the online Help in Grid Manager.

    Note: Networks inherit discovery setting from their parent networks. Discovery will be disabled for networks that do not have a parent network.

    1. If necessary, select the Disable for DHCP check box to disallow the converted network from being usable under DHCP.
    2. If necessary, click the Discovery tab and click Enable Discovery to start discovery on the network after it is converted to Managed state. You can also elect not to discover the network, by leaving the check box clear.
      • Click Select Member to choose the Probe member through which the network may be discovered.
      • If necessary, click Override under Polling Options, and modify the device discovery polling options for the network. You can also specify Discovery Exclusions or a Discovery Blackout period.
      • A number of associated DNS and DHCP services are also available for configuration for the new IPAM network, including DHCP Forwarding, IPv4 DDNS settings, and an array of other DDI service settings for the network. None of these configurations are required in order for the network to be in Managed state, but may be required for other purposes.

     7. Click Save & Close to makeU the conversion.
         In the Managed column in the Networks tab, Grid Manager displays Yes for all converted entities to indicate their Managed status. You can now manage the networks through Grid Manager.

Converting Unmanaged Networks under IPAM to Managed Status

Note: When you convert a network to managed status, Grid Manager uses the discovered Router IP for the network to automatically populate the Router IP value in DHCP configurations for the selected network. Conversion for DHCP is optional; you can choose to Disable for DHCP when you convert the network.

The IPAM tab lists all discovered networks as unmanaged, highlighted in yellow. Administrators cannot apply services or IPAM objects to IP addresses in unmanaged networks until the networks are converted to managed status. You can explore unmanaged networks through the IP Map and IP List views, but many operations cannot be carried out on unmanaged networks, including editing, splitting, resizing, permissions changes and other tasks.

Note: Unmanaged IP addresses that are part of an unmanaged network cannot be independently converted to a managed IP address.

Unmanaged networks can be converted at the IPAM main page and at the device level under Data Management –> Devices, selecting a device and opening the Networks page.  
Under IPAM, the Managed column for the Network tables can show one of two possible states for all discovered IPAM networks:

  • No–Shows that the network is not managed under IPAM/Grid Manager, but enough information is catalogued that the device can be converted to Managed state. This state is required before a network can be converted to managed status.
  • Yes–The network shown in the table is now Managed under IPAM, converted to an IPAM network.

You can discover the network again after it is converted, or keep discovery disabled and execute it at another time, or impose blackout periods that limit the time windows under which discovery can execute on the network. Other management benefits include the ability to enable Infoblox services to the network;

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPAM tab.
  2. To convert a single network: Click the Action icon next to the network you want to convert to the Managed state (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert from the menu.
    To convert multiple networks (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the networks you want to convert to the Managed state. From the Toolbar, select Convert from the menu.
    You do not need to take further action other than Save & Close to set the network as Managed.
  3. If necessary, you can select the converted network and do the following in the Network editor:
  4. Select the Disable for DHCP check box to disallow the converted network from being usable under DHCP.
    • If necessary, click the Discovery tab and click Enable Discovery to start discovery on the network immediately after it is converted to Managed state. You can also elect not to discover the network, by leaving the check box clear.
    • Click Select Member to choose the Probe member through which the network may be discovered.
    • If necessary, click Override under Polling Options, and modify the device discovery polling options for the network. You can also specify Discovery Exclusions, port control settings, or a Discovery Blackout period.
    • A number of associated DNS and DHCP services are also available for configuration for the new IPAM network, including DHCP Forwarding, IPv4 DDNS settings, and an array of other DDI service settings for the network. None of these configurations are required in order for the network to be in Managed state, but may be required for other purposes.
  5. The IPAM main page shows Yes as the value for the network under the Managed column. The network is now under management of IPAM and can participate in Infoblox services.

Note: Most conversion operations for networks and individual IP addresses are managed under IPAM and are described in the section Managing IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses of this Guide.

Converting Unmanaged IP Addresses to Managed Status

The principle for converting an IP address to managed status is the same for IP addresses as for interfaces. If an IP address is unmanaged but is present in IPAM, the IP can be converted to managed status.
Figure 15.6 Converting an IP Address to Managed Status

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click the Next Page and Last Page icons to locate the device through which you want to locate the IP address to convert.
  3. Click the Name of the device.
  4. Click the IP Addresses tab for the chosen device. The IP address page lists all ports discovered on the selected device.
  5. To convert a single IP address : Click the Action icon next to the IP address you want to convert (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert–>To Host, To Record, To PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
    To convert multiple IP addresses (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the IP addresses you want to convert. From the Toolbar, select Convert->To Host, To PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
  6. For a single IP address: The respective object editor appears based on the conversion type you have selected. For example, if you select ToHost, the Host editor appears. In the editor, define the required General settings for the new object. You can also define other settings you need from any of the tabs in the editor. For details about how to configure these settings, refer to the online Help in Grid Manager or see the appropriate chapters in this guide.
    For bulk conversion: The respective bulk conversion wizard (such as the Convert Unmanaged IP Addresses to Host Record wizard) appears based on the conversion type you have selected. 

    Note: Network Insight creates the names of the new managed objects using the Discovered Name (FQDN) for the entities being converted. In the wizard, Grid Manager displays the IP addresses of the selected devices that are eligible for conversion in the Selected IP Addresses table. Entities that are not eligible for conversion will not be converted and will not appear in this table.

    Based on the selected conversion type, complete the following to start a bulk conversion: 
    1. To Host: You can select Enable in DNS and/or Enable in DHCP so the appliance can serve DNS and/or DHCP for the selected IP addresses in the host record. When you enable DNS for the record, you must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    2. ToA&PTRRecord: Network Insight converts the selected entities to A & PTR records simultaneously. You must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    3. ToFixedAddress: Network Insight automatically converts all selected IP addresses to fixed addresses in a bulk conversion. As with host record and A/PTR record conversions, entities without a Discovered Name FQDN are not eligible for conversions to fixed addresses.
    In all bulk conversions, you can define extensible attributes for the selected IP addresses. After you have configured the necessary settings, you can convert the discovered entities immediately or schedule the conversion by selecting Later and entering the date and time.
    Click Save&Close to make the conversion. You can return to the managed object at any time to make further configuration changes.

      7. In the Managed column for all converted entities, Grid Manager displays Yes to indicate the Managed status. The selected IP addresses are associated with the newly converted IPAM objects. You can now manage these IPAM objects through Grid Manager.

Converting Unmanaged Assets to Managed Status

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Devices tab.
  2. Click the Next Page and Last Page icons to locate the device through which you want to locate the assets to convert.
  3. Click the Name of the device.
  4. Click the Assets tab for the chosen device. The Assets page lists all network devices that have been detected through connections to the current device. If the device is a switch, you may see a list of end hosts and network servers in the list, along with any other network infrastructure devices that are neighboring the current device.
  5. To convert a single asset: Click the Action icon  next to the asset you want to convert (this automatically selects it), and then select Convert –> To Host, To A Record, To PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
    To convert multiple assets (bulk conversion): Select the check boxes of the assets you want to convert. From the Toolbar, select Convert -> To Host, To A & PTR Record, or To Fixed Address from the menu.
  6. For a single asset: The respective object editor appears based on the conversion type you have selected. For example, if you select To Host, the Host editor appears. In the editor, define the required General settings for the new object. You can also define other settings you need from any of the tabs in the editor. For details about how to configure these settings, refer to the online Help in Grid Manager or see the appropriate chapters in this guide.
    For bulk conversion: The respective bulk conversion wizard (such as the Convert Unmanaged IP Addresses to Host Record wizard) appears based on the conversion type you have selected. 

    Note: Network Insight creates the names of the new managed objects using the Discovered Name (FQDN) for the entities being converted. In the wizard, Grid Manager displays the IP addresses of the selected devices that are eligible for conversion in the Selected IP Addresses table. Entities that are not eligible for conversion will not be converted and will not appear in this table.

    Based on the selected conversion type, complete the following to start a bulk conversion:
    1. To Host: You can select Enable in DNS and/or Enable in DHCP so the appliance can serve DNS and/or DHCP for the selected IP addresses in the host record. When you enable DNS for the record, you must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    2. To A & PTR Record: Network Insight converts the selected entities to A & PTR records simultaneously. You must select a DNS zone for all entities that do not have an FQDN.
    3. To Fixed Address: Network Insight automatically converts all selected assets to fixed addresses in a bulk conversion. As with host record and A/PTR record conversions, entities without a Discovered Name FQDN are not eligible for conversions to fixed addresses.

          In all bulk conversions, you can define extensible attributes for the selected assets. After you have configured the necessary settings, you can convert the discovered entities immediately or schedule the conversion for a later date by selecting Later and entering the date and time.

      7. Click Save & Close to make the conversion. You can return to the managed object at any time to make further configuration changes.
          In the Managed column for all converted entities, Grid Manager displays Yes to indicate the managed status. The selected assets are associated with the newly converted IPAM objects. You can now manage these IPAM objects through Grid Manager.

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