Versions Compared


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NetMRI appliances require static IP settings. However, during the initial startup, the DHCP client is enabled on the first (MGMT) network interface, and the assigned IP may be used for the SSH connection. Configuration settings received from the DHCP server may also be set statically during server configuration. If you are using DHCP with NetMRI, record the IP address that is assigned to NetMRI, and then continue to perform the configuration as described in Configuring NetMRI Using the Setup Wizard.
If you are configuring a static IP for NetMRI, complete the following:


  • Enter the Management IP Address: The IPv4 address of the management interface of the NetMRI, for example,
  • Enter the Management Subnet Mask: The subnet mask of the management interface of the NetMRI, for example,
  • Enter the Management Gateway Address: The IPv4 default gateway of the management interface of the NetMRI, for example,
  • Enter the Primary DNS Server: The primary DNS server for the NetMRI to query, for example,
  • Enter the Primary DNS Domain: The DNS domain name for the NetMRI, for example, infoblox.local.


The initial configuration of NetMRI can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • By running the setup or the server configure command after establishing a connection to the server by using SSH or the hypervisor console

  • By using cloud-Init

Configuring Network Settings for NetMRI Deployment

With the help of the CLI and cloud-init, you can set up IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses, netmasks or prefixes, IPv4 and/or IPv6 gateways, DNS servers, DNS domain names, NTP servers, time zones, server names, and database names. For more details, refer to Configuring Server Options.
The NetMRI image is initially released with one preinstalled network interface, but additional interfaces can be added for scanning purposes or HA. If a server has two connected network adapters, the first SCAN interface can be configured during the initial setup. However, subinterfaces cannot be configured through this method.

In cases where NetMRI is deployed to a private (OpenStack) or public (AWS) cloud with DHCP enabled by default and IP addresses assigned to instances automatically, you should assign the IP address as MGMT and configure it statically.

Configuring SCAN Interfaces for DHCP

The SCAN interfaces will not receive an IP address during the initial setup, because the DHCP client is enabled only for the MGMT interface. For the SCAN interfaces, you will need to manually check the IP address assigned by the DHCP server. For AWS and OpenStack, you can check the IP address in the instance’s description, the network section, or the ENI’s description. Please note that at this time, NetMRI does not support DHCP clients for the SCAN interfaces.

Setting Up Server Command

Configuring without SCAN Interface

Code Block
Checking NetMRI status...       OK.
This option allows you to configure system settings such as IP address,
subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS servers.

Do you want to start system setup now? (y/n) [n]: y

Default values, when available, are given within [].
You may clear defaults by typing a SPACE and pressing Enter.

+++ Configuring Network Identification Settings
Database Name is a descriptive name for this deployment. It is used in reports titles, headers, etc.
Recommended: Begin name with uppercase letter.

        Database Name []: NetMRI

+++ Configuring Management Port Settings
You must configure an IPv4 address/mask on the management port.
Optionally you can configure an IPv6 address/prefix on the management port.
NetMRI can perform analysis from the management port or a separate scan port.

        IPv4 Address (required) []:
        IPv4 Subnet Mask (required) []:
        IPv4 Default Gateway (required) []:
        IPv6 Address (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::22
        IPv6 Prefix (required) []: 64
        IPv6 Default Gateway (required) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1

Configuring DNS Servers for MGMT interface...
DNS Servers are used to map hostnames to IP addresses.
You may enter up to 2 servers below.

NOTE: The DNS settings configured for the MGMT interface will also be configured globally,
NOTE: the DNS servers for each interface will handle DNS queries only if the domain name
NOTE: in the query matches the domain name configured for that interface, otherwise
NOTE: the global DNS servers will be used.

        DNS Server 1 (reqired) []:
        DNS Server 2 (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1

Domain Names are used to truncate device names in NetMRI tables and reports,
additionally they are used to specify which DNS server will be used for resolving.
Recommended: specify local domain name(s).

        Domain Name 1 (e.g., []:
        Domain Name 2 (optional) []:
        Domain Name 3 (optional) []:

Time Servers are used to synchronize time with reliable time sources.
Recommended: use a local ntp server if available.

        Time Server []:

Time Zone Regions
Choose your local region.

  0. Africa          1. America          2. Antarctica       3. Asia             4. Atlantic
  5. Australia       6. Europe           7. Indian           8. Pacific          9. US
 10. GMT-14         11. GMT-13          12. GMT-12          13. GMT-11          14. GMT-10
 15. GMT-9          16. GMT-8           17. GMT-7           18. GMT-6           19. GMT-5
 20. GMT-4          21. GMT-3           22. GMT-2           23. GMT-1           24. GMT0
 25. GMT+1          26. GMT+2           27. GMT+3           28. GMT+4           29. GMT+5
 30. GMT+6          31. GMT+7           32. GMT+8           33. GMT+9           34. GMT+10
 35. GMT+11         36. GMT+12          37. UTC

Enter choice (0-37) [9]:

Choose a location within your time zone.

  0. Alaska          1. Aleutian         2. Arizona          3. Central          4. East-Indiana
  5. Eastern         6. Hawaii           7. Indiana-Starke   8. Michigan         9. Mountain
 10. Pacific        11. Samoa

Enter choice (0-11) [5]:

The Server Name identifies this system in SNMP and HTTPS server certificates.
The installed HTTPS certificate contains the following subject:
        subject=CN = NetMRI-VM-UNKNOWN-PLATFORM, O = NetMRI

        Server Name [NetMRI-VM-F4B3-DD7EC]:
Do you want to generate a new HTTPS Certificate? (y/n) [n]: y

Current settings:
Database Name: NetMRI
Server Name: NetMRI-VM-F4B3-DD7EC
Time Server:
Time Region: US
Time Location: Eastern
Mgmt Port IP Address:
Mgmt Port Subnet Mask:
Mgmt Port IPv6 Address: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::22
Mgmt Port IPv6 Prefix: 64
Mgmt Port IPv4 Default Gateway:
Mgmt Port IPv6 Default Gateway: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1
Mgmt Port DNS Server 1:
Mgmt Port DNS Server 2: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1
Mgmt Port Domain Names:,
Scan Port IP Address:
Scan Port Subnet Mask:
Scan Port IPv6 Address:
Scan Port IPv6 Prefix:
Scan Port IPv4 Default Gateway:
Scan Port IPv6 Default Gateway:
Scan Port DNS Server 1:
Scan Port DNS Server 2:

Edit these settings? (y/n) [n]:

Configure the system with these settings? (y/n) [y]:

Configuring system ...
+++ Setting timezone...
+++ Configuring network...
        Checking Network Views...       OK.
        Creating Network View...        OK.
        Configuring MGMT port...        OK.
+++ Setting up time server settings...
        Setting up time server...
        Creating time server configuration...   OK.
        Setting timezone...     OK.
        Done setting up time server settings.
+++ Enabling NTP client...      Done.
+++ Refreshing Server certificates...   Done
+++ Updating Server Name...     Done
+++ Updating FailOver configuration...
Generating standalone DRBD configuration...
Done generating DRBD configuration.
        Failover not configured

+++ Restarting Services …   OK

Configuring with SCAN Interface

Code Block
Checking NetMRI status...       OK.
This option allows you to configure system settings such as IP address,
subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS servers.

Do you want to start system setup now? (y/n) [n]: y

Default values, when available, are given within [].
You may clear defaults by typing a SPACE and pressing Enter.

+++ Configuring Network Identification Settings
Database Name is a descriptive name for this deployment. It is used in reports titles, headers, etc.
Recommended: Begin name with uppercase letter.

        Database Name []: NetMRI

+++ Configuring Management Port Settings
You must configure an IPv4 address/mask on the management port.
Optionally you can configure an IPv6 address/prefix on the management port.
NetMRI can perform analysis from the management port or a separate scan port.

        IPv4 Address (required) []:
        IPv4 Subnet Mask (required) []:
        IPv4 Default Gateway (required) []:
        IPv6 Address (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::22
        IPv6 Prefix (required) []: 64
        IPv6 Default Gateway (required) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1

Configuring DNS Servers for MGMT interface...
DNS Servers are used to map hostnames to IP addresses.
You may enter up to 2 servers below.

NOTE: The DNS settings configured for the MGMT interface will also be configured globally,
NOTE: the DNS servers for each interface will handle DNS queries only if the domain name
NOTE: in the query matches the domain name configured for that interface, otherwise
NOTE: the global DNS servers will be used.

        DNS Server 1 (reqired) []:
        DNS Server 2 (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1

Domain Names are used to truncate device names in NetMRI tables and reports,
additionally they are used to specify which DNS server will be used for resolving.
Recommended: specify local domain name(s).

        Domain Name 1 (e.g., []:
        Domain Name 2 (optional) []:
        Domain Name 3 (optional) []:

Do you want to configure the Scan 1 Port? (y/n) [n]: y

+++ Configuring Scan Port Settings
You must configure an IPv4 or IPv6 address/mask on the scan port.

        IPv4 Address (optional) []:
        IPv4 Subnet Mask (required) []:
        IPv4 Default Gateway (required) []:
        IPv6 Address (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::22
        IPv6 Prefix (required) []: 64
        IPv6 Default Gateway (required) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::1

Configuring DNS Servers for SCAN interface...
DNS Servers are used to map hostnames to IP addresses.
You may enter up to 2 servers below.

NOTE: The DNS settings configured for the MGMT interface will also be configured globally,
NOTE: the DNS servers for each interface will handle DNS queries only if the domain name
NOTE: in the query matches the domain name configured for that interface, otherwise
NOTE: the global DNS servers will be used.

        DNS Server 1 (optional) []:
        DNS Server 2 (optional) []: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::1

Domain Names are used to truncate device names in NetMRI tables and reports,
additionally they are used to specify which DNS server will be used for resolving.
Recommended: specify local domain name(s).

        Domain Name 1 (optional) []: qanet.local
        Domain Name 2 (optional) []: netmri.local
        Domain Name 3 (optional) []:

Time Servers are used to synchronize time with reliable time sources.
Recommended: use a local ntp server if available.

        Time Server []:

Time Zone Regions
Choose your local region.

  0. Africa          1. America          2. Antarctica       3. Asia             4. Atlantic
  5. Australia       6. Europe           7. Indian           8. Pacific          9. US
 10. GMT-14         11. GMT-13          12. GMT-12          13. GMT-11          14. GMT-10
 15. GMT-9          16. GMT-8           17. GMT-7           18. GMT-6           19. GMT-5
 20. GMT-4          21. GMT-3           22. GMT-2           23. GMT-1           24. GMT0
 25. GMT+1          26. GMT+2           27. GMT+3           28. GMT+4           29. GMT+5
 30. GMT+6          31. GMT+7           32. GMT+8           33. GMT+9           34. GMT+10
 35. GMT+11         36. GMT+12          37. UTC

Enter choice (0-37) [9]:

Choose a location within your time zone.

  0. Alaska          1. Aleutian         2. Arizona          3. Central          4. East-Indiana
  5. Eastern         6. Hawaii           7. Indiana-Starke   8. Michigan         9. Mountain
 10. Pacific        11. Samoa

Enter choice (0-11) [5]:

The Server Name identifies this system in SNMP and HTTPS server certificates.
The installed HTTPS certificate contains the following subject:
        subject=CN = NetMRI-VM-UNKNOWN-PLATFORM, O = NetMRI

        Server Name [NetMRI-VM-38E5-2F7CD]:
Do you want to generate a new HTTPS Certificate? (y/n) [n]: y

Current settings:
Database Name: NetMRI
Server Name: NetMRI-VM-38E5-2F7CD
Time Server:
Time Region: US
Time Location: Eastern
Mgmt Port IP Address:
Mgmt Port Subnet Mask:
Mgmt Port IPv6 Address: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::22
Mgmt Port IPv6 Prefix: 64
Mgmt Port IPv4 Default Gateway:
Mgmt Port IPv6 Default Gateway: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1
Mgmt Port DNS Server 1:
Mgmt Port DNS Server 2: fde0:44f3:fc37:c999::1
Mgmt Port Domain Names:,
Scan Port IP Address:
Scan Port Subnet Mask:
Scan Port IPv6 Address: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::22
Scan Port IPv6 Prefix: 64
Scan Port IPv4 Default Gateway:
Scan Port IPv6 Default Gateway: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::1
Scan Port DNS Server 1:
Scan Port DNS Server 2: fde0:44f3:fc37:c888::1
Scan Port Domain Names: qanet.local, netmri.local

Edit these settings? (y/n) [n]:

Configure the system with these settings? (y/n) [y]:

Configuring system ...
+++ Setting timezone...
+++ Configuring network...
        Checking Network Views...       OK.
        Creating Network View...        OK.
        Configuring Scan port...        OK.
        Configuring MGMT port...        OK.
+++ Setting up time server settings...
        Setting up time server...
        Creating time server configuration...   OK.
        Setting timezone...     OK.
        Done setting up time server settings.
+++ Enabling NTP client...      Done.
+++ Refreshing Server certificates...   Done
+++ Updating Server Name...     Done
+++ Updating FailOver configuration...
Generating standalone DRBD configuration...
Done generating DRBD configuration.
        Failover not configured

+++ Restarting Services …   OK

Configuring Server Options

  • If you are configuring server options, verify the following:

    • IPv4 Address: a public or private* IPv4 address
      * IP addresses from the subnet are not permitted.

    • IPv4 Network mask: an IPv4 subnet mask

    • IPv4 Gateway: a public or private IPv4 address from the same subnet as that of the server’s IPv4 address

    • IPv6 Address: a public or private IPv6 address

    • IPv6 Prefix: the IPv6 prefix’s length

    • IPv6 Gateway: both a public IPv6 address and a private IPv6 address from the same subnet

    • DNS Server: an IPv4 or IPv6 address

    • DNS Domain Name: up to 253 characters (including the server’s name), case-sensitive alphabetic characters, numbers, hyphens (-), and dots (.); a label cannot begin or end with a hyphen

    • Server Name: up to 63 characters, including case-insensitive alphabet characters, numbers, and hyphens (-)

    • NTP Server: an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a domain name

    • Time Zone: any of the time zones listed in version 2023c of the IANA database; however, NetMRI can use only a few specific regions, such as Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Atlantic, Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Pacific, US

    • Database Name: case-insensitive alphabetic characters, digits, dots, hyphens, underscores, and spaces; do not permit them to end with spaces ( )

Note: It is not possible to configure the same IP address for more than one interface.

Note: If a relevant IP address was entered, then an IPv4 netmask, IPv6 prefix, IPv4 gateway, and IPv6 gateway are necessary.

Note: The MGMT interface requires at least one DNS server and one DNS domain name.

Note: Gateways on links are not supported; therefore, gateways must be from the same subnet and cannot be NetMRI IPs.

Understanding DNS Servers and Domain Names

The DNS settings set up for the MGMT interface will be applied globally. An interface DNS server is used for DNS queries if the domain name in the query matches the domain name set up for this interface; if they do not match, the global DNS servers will be used.

Management Interface IP Addresses

Upon the initial launch, NetMRI will attempt to acquire the IP address of the MGMT interface from the DHCP server if it is accessible within the network. If the DHCP server is not accessible, you can use the default IP address or use hypervisor console for the initial connection and initial setup. is preconfigured as an additional MGMT IP and is not editable.

To connect locally, configure any IP within the range on your device, such as a Windows or Linux machine, provided that the NIC is within the same broadcast domain as that of NetMRI. Furthermore, connecting through this IP address or the hypervisor console is necessary if you intend to change the MGMT IP address through CLI. Failure to connect in this manner might cause the SSH connection to drop while new settings are applied, and this might cause some settings to be lost and not reflected in the system.