You can deploy the vNIOS appliance from a remote web server or a local file system accessible from your management system. Instructions in this section assume that you have configured the server on your network, and you are able to connect to it from your management system.
To deploy a vNIOS appliance for KVM, complete the following:
Install relevant package for the operating system, either CentOS for KVM or RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) for KVM-based OpenStack, that you use:
In your CentOS environment, verify that you have already installed the device-mapper package. If not, run the following commands to install the package:
yum install device-mapper
service libvirtd restart
In your RHEL environment, verify that you have already installed the gnome package. If not, you can run the following commands to install the package:
yum group list
The above command lists all available installation groups on the RHEL environment. Next, run the following command to install gnome package:yum groupinstall 'Server with GUI'
Alternatively, you can use the following command to install only the core gnome package:yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 'GNOME'
Download the qcow2 file from the Infoblox Technical Support site. For information, see the Requirements section.
Install the vNIOS virtual appliance in KVM-only or KVM-based OpenStack environment, as described in the following sections:
For KVM, see Installing vNIOS Virtual Appliance in the KVM Environment.
For KVM-based OpenStack, see Installing vNIOS for KVM in the OpenStack Environment.
Configure and start the vNIOS virtual appliance, as described in the following sections:
For KVM, see Configuring the vNIOS Instance in the KVM Environment.
For KVM-based OpenStack, see Starting a vNIOS Instance in OpenStack Environment.
Note | |
title | NoteInfoblox recommends that you back up your existing configuration before deploying vNIOS for KVM |