You can also choose the following fields to be displayed in the table:
Asset Type: The type of asset, such as Network IP Address and others.
First Seen: The first time the asset was discovered.
MAC address: The discovered MAC address of the asset.
Source: The vendor from which the asset was originated.
Cloud Account ID: For cloud assets, this is the account ID that was given to the asset when it was first created.
Operating System: The operating system running on the asset.
Provider: The service provider or organization that provides services for the asset.
DHCP Fingerprint: If applicable, the DHCP fingerprint for the asset.
Classification: The asset classification, such as Zombie Assets in this case.
Confidence: The confidence level of the zombie asset.
SubClassification: The sub classification of the asset. For example, you may see Idle Load Balancer or Idle Public IP as sub classification.
Registration Status: The registration status of the asset. For zombie assets, this field is blank.
Missing Records: The records that are missing from the asset.