When the load on the VMs increases, you can scale out the NSX deployment to provision more VMs that will load balance the traffic.
To scale out the NSX deployment:
- In vRealize Automation, go to Items –> Deployments.
- Select the NSX load balancer.
- In the Actions pane, click Scale Out.
- In the Properties tab, select Machines.
- In the New Total column, set the number of machines to 3.
- Click Save.
Now in vRealize Orchestrator, notice that a third Allocate workflow is executed. In NIOS Grid Manager, an IP address is allocated to the third machine. In vSphere Client, the machine is powered on.
When the machine is no longer needed, you can scale it in.
To scale in the NSX deployment:
- In vRealize Automation, go to Items –> Deployments.
- Select the NSX load balancer.
- In the Actions pane, click Scale In.
- In the Properties tab, select Machines.
- In the New Total column, set the number of machines back to 2.
- Click Save.
Notice in vRealize Orchestrator that the Release workflow is executed. In NIOS Grid Manager, notice that the IP address of the VM was reclaimed. In the NSX deployment in vRA, notice that the VM is destroyed.
When you destroy the entire NSX deployment item as described in De-provisioning a VM, you can notice in vRealize Orchestrator that thee Release workflows are executed, which corresponds to the NSX load balancer and the two VMs. In NIOS Grid Manager, the IP addresses are released back to the pool.