Verify that the following are in place:
- The vRA host instance is created: go to the vRealize Orchestrator Client –> Inventory tab –> refresh the vRealize Automation entry.
The IaaS host instance is created: go to the vRealize Orchestrator Client –> Inventory tab –> refresh the vRealize Automation Infrastructure entry.
The “Infoblox IPAM” type of endpoint is created: go to vRealize Automation –> Infrastructure –> Endpoints –> Endpoints –> refresh the page. Then click New and see the “Infoblox IPAM” endpoint type created.
The vRO customization is performed in vRealize Automation. See the Setup Workflow execution log in vRealize Orchestrator to verify it.
The default Infoblox IPAM properties groups is created: go to vRealize Automation –> Administration –>Property Dictionary –> Property Groups.
The new property definitions are also added in the property dictionary.