The Subscriptions page (Settings icon –> Notifica tions –> Subscriptions) lists defined notifications and provides features for editing and creating new ones. Users the appropriate privileges can add and edit notifications.
For each e-mail notification subscription, NetMRI sends one e-mail—containing all the events specified in that notification subscription— to each of the specified addresses.
Note: The appliance might send multiple email notifications for certain specific issues, one email notification for each device component. Although, the subject of the email seems to be identical for each device component, the body of the email message provides details about the issue for the specific device component.
One syslog entry or SNMP trap appears for each event specified in the notification subscription. Notifications can also summarize over a larger number of related events in the period of time covered by the notification.
Summarization is the default for all new notifications.
Note: Before creating the first notification, visit the Settings icon –> Notifications –> System Settings page to configure basic notification settings.
To create a notification subscription, do the following:
- Click Settings icon –> Notifications –> Subscriptions to begin creating notifications.
- Click the Add Notification button. The Add Notification dialog appears. Here, you select the various elements that comprise a notification, including the notification Category; a Time Window; and other more-specific information for each notification type.
Note: Four Category types determine the notification type to be sent out for the subscription. Choosing Issue, Change, Job or System Alert determines the type of notification to be attached to the subscription.
Choose from the Time Window dropdown to specify when notifications are sent. Notifications are sent in response to events within a time range. You may choose one time window for any notification. Choices include the following: 24/7, Work Hours, Off Hours, First Shift, Second Shift, Third Shift, and Weekends.- Select the Category of notification to be sent (Change, Issue, Job or System Alert).
- Specify notification details depending on the category selected, based on one of the four procedures Defining an Issue Notification, Defining a Change Notification, Defining a Job Notification or Defining a System Alert Subscription.
NetMRI offers three methods of notification delivery: Email, Syslog and SNMP trap. All types of notifications support any of the three delivery methods.
Note: In many fields, you can click a single item, or CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select multiple items.
- After defining the category and the specifics for the notification type (New Issue, Change, Job, or System Alert), select the notification Method: Email, SNMP Trap, or Syslog. You then define the content for the subscriber's notification.
- If you choose Email, click Advanced Settings and follow the steps in the topic Defining Global Notification Email Settings.
- If you choose SNMP Trap, enter one or more IP addresses for trap servers into the Server(s) field or accept the configured default. Use commas between each entry if entering more than one destination IP. Save your changes when finished. Also see Defining Global Notification SNMP Trap Settings.
- If you choose Syslog, enter one or more IP addresses for Syslog servers into the Server(s) field or accept the configured default. Use commas between each entry if entering more than one destination IP. For more information, see Defining Global Notification Syslog Settings.
Note: You can define a default Server value for SNMP Trap notifications and Syslog notifications. You specify the server by an IP address or a DNS host name, or more than one, separated by commas. Do so under Settings icon –> Notifications –> System Settings and click the Syslog System Setting tab or the SNMP System Settings tab. The values defined here will auto-populate the subscription's Server field. In both cases, the server value is concatenated with the TCP port value.
- If necessary, edit the To Email Addresses: field, by entering one or more delivery email addresses, who should be the personnel for whom receiving these messages is a priority. (The To User(s) field is not editable by default.)
- By default, NetMRI enables the Summarize: checkbox to allow the recipients to obtain a summary of all related events within the notification time period. This summarization is based upon the Schedule over which the notifications are sent. Click Edit Schedule to change the frequency: Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly, and choose the timing settings for the desired time period.
- Click Save when finished.
- Click Save to complete the notification. The Subscriptions table refreshes to show the new entry. To edit any notification: Click the Action icon and choose Edit.
To test any notification: Click the Action icon and choose Test.
To delete any notification: Click the Action icon and choose Delete.
Note: In all cases, you have the option to Send Clearing Notifications, which is a checkbox on the top right of the Add Notificati,hpnode_2,cab_admin,grey_goose
- Click OK when complete.
Defining a Job Notification
Job notifications inform NetMRI administrators when a job they've created completes execution, requires approval or gets approved by their administrator. NetMRI generates notifications for both successful job executions and for job failure issues.
To define a Job notification, do the following:
- Click Settings icon –> Notifications –> Subscriptions to begin creating notifications.
- Click Add Notification.
- From the Category dropdown, choose Job.
- Choose the Job Status: All, Requiring Approval, Approved, or Completed.
- Choose one or more Device Groups that will trigger notifications of the specified issues.
- Choose the Method by which admins will receive Job notifications: Email, SNMP Trap or by Syslog.
- For Email: select the To Users to receive the notification. (Administrators can send notifications to anyone.
Non-administrative users can send notifications only to themselves.)
- Specify additional To email address(es) if needed. Separate multiple e-mail addresses by commas.
Note: Email notifications require the correct SMTP servers to be configured in the appliance to support sending the notifications to their destinations. See the Setting Notification Defaults topic for more information.
- If necessary, click Edit Schedule to specify a schedule for the summary e-mail notification, or deactivate the Summarize check box to receive all notifications for each individual system alert.
The Summarize check box sends a digest email of the system alerts for the selected category, providing a way to reduce email quantities sent to administrators' inboxes.
- To manage notification email settings in more detail: click the Advanced Settings button to override default settings for sender information, message type, message subject, message content and details. See Notification Content and Formatting for information about placeholder variables.
Note: If you select Plain Text as the message body, the HTML formatting is erased in the notification email.
- For SNMP Trap: override the default Server(s) by entering a new IP address.
- For Syslog: If necessary, override the default Server(s) and Message. See the Notification Content and Formatting topic for information about placeholder variables.
- Click Save.
Defining a System Alert Subscription
Admins can receive notifications for appliance alerts. Such alerts involve occurrences such as maintenance events, updates, reboots, system health issues, and general appliance errors. Alerts generate notifications; in turn, notifications can generate SNMP traps. (For information about system health alerts, see Managing and Tracking System Health.) To define a System Alert notification, do the following:
- Click Settings icon –> Notifications –> Subscriptions to begin creating notifications.
- Click Add Notification.
- From the Category dropdown, choose System Alert.
- Choose the System Types: (you can select one or more types by CTRL-clicking them):
- General alerts: All Event, User Logins, User Logout, NetMRI Maintenance, Update Information, or General Errors.
- IP phone issues: VoIP messages.
System Health types: System Hardware Failure, Software Health Alert, Processing Health Alert, Storage Health Alert, Network Health Alert, Platform Capacity Health Alert, and Collector Connectivity Health Alert.
- Choose the Method by which admins will receive Job notifications: Email, SNMP Trap or by Syslog.
- For Email: select the To Users to receive the notification. (Administrators can send notifications to anyone.
Non-administrative users can send notifications only to themselves.)
- Specify additional To email address(es) if needed. Separate multiple e-mail addresses by commas.
Note: Email notifications require correct SMTP servers to be configured in the appliance to send notifications to their destinations. See the Setting Notification Defaults topic for more information.
- If necessary, click Edit Schedule to specify a schedule for the summary e-mail notification, or deactivate the Summarize check box to receive all notifications for each individual system alert.
The Summarize check box sends a digest email of the system alerts for the selected category, providing a way to reduce email quantities sent to administrators' inboxes.
- To manage notification email settings in more detail: click Advanced Settings to override default settings for sender information, message type, message subject, message content and details. See Notification Content and Formatting and Email Formatting Guidelines for Individual Notifications for more information about placeholder notification variables and email formatting.
Note: If you select Plain Text as the message body, the HTML formatting is erased in the notification email.
- For SNMP Trap: override the default Server(s) by entering a new IP address.
- For Syslog: If necessary, override the default Server(s) and Message.
- Click Save.
Messages for System Alerts
Alert subscriptions use the System Types list to define the events that generate notifications. As noted, the General alerts category consists of the following: All Event, User Logins, User Logout, NetMRI Maintenance, Update Information, or General Errors.
The following table lists the alert messages provided by notifications using each alert category.
General Alert Categories
Alert Messages
User Logins
Failed login attempt for user User successfully logged in
User Lockout
User locked out due to excessive failed logins
NetMRI Maintenance
Background upgrade has aborted with <X> of <Y> tables processed
Background upgrade has completed with <Y> tables processedUpdate Information
NetMRI Update Installed NetMRI <X> Update(s) Available NetMRI Issue Upgrade Complete
General Errors
Global config collection is disabled Weekly maintenance is disabled Infoblox Sync could not export data
Not polling interface performance data for X Rapid polling interface limit exceeded Rapid polling interface limit exceeded
Future ifLastChange for device X on interface Y(…) Device reboot time may need to be adjustedSystem Hardware Failure
Hardware failure detected for X:Y (depends on data collected from sensors)
For information on System Health alerts, which are a separate category, see Managing and Tracking System Health.