The text in this guide follows the following style conventions.
Style | Usage | |
bold |
| |
| Signifies command line entries that you type. | |
variable | Signifies variables typed into the user interface that you need to modify specifically for your configuration. These can be command line variables, file names, and keyboard characters. Indicates the names of the wizards, editors, and dialog boxes in Grid Manager, such as the |
Infoblox uses the following variables to represent values that you type, such as file names and IP addresses.
Variable | Value |
a_record | A record |
aaaa_record | AAAA record |
admin_group | Name of a group of administrators |
admin_name | Name of the appliance administrator |
addr_range | IP address range |
dhcp_template | DHCP template |
domain_name | Domain name |
directory | Directory name |
failover_association | Failover association |
filter_name | Name of a DHCP filter |
fingerprint | DHCP fingerprint |
fixed_address | Fixed address |
fixed_address_template | Fixed address template |
glb | Global Load Balancer |
Grid | Grid name |
Grid_master | Grid Master |
Grid_member | Grid Member |
hostname | Host name of an independent appliance |
host_record | Host record |
ifmap_client | IF-MAP client |
ip_addr | IPv4 address |
lease | IP address of a lease |
mac_filter | Name of a MAC filter |
match_rule | Name of a match rule |
member | Grid member name |
ms_server | Microsoft server |
named_acl | Named ACL (access control list) |
netmask | Subnet mask |
network | IP address of a network |
network_access_server | Name of a NAS |
network_template | Network template |
network_view | Network view |
option_space | DHCP option space |
policy | Name of a policy on RADIUSone |
policy_group | Name of a Policy Group |
port | Number of a port; predefined for certain protocols |
ptr_record | PTR record |
reservation | Reservation |
roaming_host | Roaming host |
scheduled_task | Scheduled task |
server_group | Name of a group of servers |
shared_network | Shared network |
service | One of the services available from Grid Manager |
template | DHCP template |
dns_view | DNS view |
zone | DNS zone |
Infoblox technical documentation uses an arrow "->" to represent navigation through the user interface. For example, to edit a fixed address, the description is as follows: