Required (Yes/No) |
Associated GUI Field |
Header-ddnsprincipa lgroup |
String |
Yes |
Example: ddnsprincipalgroup |
name |
String |
Yes |
Name |
name |
Example: corp.example.com |
comment |
String |
No |
Comment |
comment |
Dynamic Update Cluster Group
Required (Yes/No) |
Associated GUI Field |
Header-ddnsprincipa lcluster |
String |
Yes |
Example: ddnsprincipalcluster |
name |
String |
Yes |
Name |
name |
Example: cluster1 |
parent |
String |
Yes |
Dynamic Update Group |
clusters |
Example: corp.example.com |
principals |
String |
Yes |
Principal |
principals |
Example: |
comment |
String |
No |
Comment |
comment |
Grid DHCP Objects
NIOS does not support add and delete operations.
Field NameData TypeRequired Associated (Yes/No) GUI FieldAssociated PAPI MethodUsage and Guidelines
Header-GridDhcp String Yes Identifies the first row as a header row for the Grid DHCP objects. Example: GridDhcp
authorityBooleanNo When you set this to True, DHCP server is authoritative for this domain. Example:
domain_nameStringNo Indicates the domain name.
recycle_leasesBooleanNo Lease Deletion
recycle_leases This field is set to True by default. When you set this to True, leases in a deleted range are kept until expiration. Ensure that you use the Overwrite option if you want to change the value to False. Merging data from an import preserves the default value.
ignore_dhcp_option_list_request BooleanNo ignore_dhcp_option_list
_ request
When this is set to True, it clears the value of option-55. Example: False
Data Type Required (Yes/No) |
enable_pxe_lease_time |
Boolean No |
Enable PXE |
If this value is set to True, |
lease time |
DHCP server uses different |
lease time for PXE clients. |
This field applies to the host |
address. Example: False |
pxe_lease_time |
Unsigned No |
PXE Lease pxe_lease_time |
Indicates the lease time for |
integer |
Time |
PXE clients in seconds. This |
field applies to the host |
address. Example: 43220. |
bootfile |
String No |
Boot Filebootfile |
Indicates the boot file name. |
Example: bootfile1 |
bootserver |
String No |
Boot Serverbootserver |
Indicates the boot server. |
Example: abc.corp100.com |
nextserver |
String No |
Next Servernextserver |
Indicates the next server. |
Example: blue.domain.com |
deny_bootp |
Boolean No |
Deny BOOTPdeny_bootp |
When this is set to True, it |
Requests |
denies BOOTP requests. This |
field applies to the host |
address. Example: FALSE |
enable_ddns |
Boolean No |
Enable enable_ddns |
Enable or disable dynamic |
updates via DHCP to DNS |
Updates |
server(s). Example: FALSE |
ddns_use_option81 |
Boolean No |
Option 81ddns_use_option81 |
Enable or disable option 81 |
Support |
support. Enables |
always_update_dns field. |
Example: TRUE |
ddns_server_always_updates |
Boolean No |
ddns_server_always_ |
When you set this to True, |
updates |
DHCP server will always |
update DNS. |
ddns_generate_hostname |
Boolean No |
Generate ddns_generate_hostnam |
When you set this to True, |
Hostname e |
DHCP server will generate a |
hostname for DNS updates if |
not sent by client. Example: |
ddns_ttl |
Unsigned No |
DDNS ddns_ttl |
Indicates the DDNS TTL value |
integer |
Update TTL |
in seconds. This is an |
inherited field. |
Example: 1200 |
retry_ddns_updates |
Boolean No |
retry_ddns_updates |
When you set this value to |
True, DHCP server will retry |
failed DNS updates. Example: |
False |
ddns_retry_interval |
Unsigned No |
ddns_retry_interval |
Indicates the minimum time |
integer |
in minutes between DNS |
update retries. You must set |
ddns_retry_updates to True |
to modify the |
ddns_retry_interval value in |
the CSV file. |
Data Type Required (Yes/No) |
enable_dhcp_thresholds |
Boolean No |
Enable enable_dhcp_thresholds DHCP |
Enable DHCP thresholds. When you set this field to True, you must enter values in the range_high_water_mark and range_low_water_mark fields. You cannot leave those fields empty. Otherwise, the appliance generates an error. |
high_water_mark |
Unsigned No integer |
High Water high_water_mark Mark |
Indicates the percentage value for DHCP range usage after which an alarm will be active. When you set enable_thresholds to True, you must enter values in this field and in the range_low_water_mark field. You cannot leave these fields empty. Otherwise, the appliance displays an error message. |
Example: 80 |
high_water_mark_reset |
Unsigned No integer |
Indicates the percentage value for DHCP range usage after which an alarm will be reset. Example: 85 |
low_water_mark |
Integer No |
Low Water low_water_mark Mark |
Indicates the percentage value for DHCP range usage below which an alarm will be active. When you set enable_thresholds to True, you must enter values in this field and in the range_high_water_mark field. You cannot leave these fields empty. Otherwise, the appliance displays an error message. |
Example: 10 |
low_water_mark_reset |
Unsigned No integer |
Indicates the percentage value for DHCP range usage above which an alarm will be reset. Example: 10 |
enable_email_warnings |
Boolean No |
enable_email_warnings |
Enable to send DHCP threshold warnings via email. Example: False |
enable_snmp_warnings |
Boolean No |
Enable to send DHCP threshold warnings via SNMP. Example: False |
email_list |
Email No |
List of email addresses. Example: "'admin1@infoblox.com', 'admin2@somewhere.com'," |
ipv6_domain_name_servers |
IPv6 DNS No |
List of IPv6 domain name servers. Example: "2001::1, |
ping_count |
Unsigned No integer |
ping_count |
Indicates the number of DHCP pings. Example: 1 |
Data Type Required (Yes/No) |
ping_timeout |
Unsigned No |
ping_timeout |
Indicates the timeout (in |
integer |
seconds) for DHCP pings. |
Example: 1000 |
capture_hostname |
Boolean No |
When you set this value to |
True, the appliance captures |
host name and lease time |
when assigning fixed |
addresses. |
enable_leasequery |
Boolean No |
When you set this value to |
True, the appliance allows |
lease query. Example: False |
update_dns_on_lease_renewal |
Boolean No |
Lease override_update_dns_on |
Indicates whether the DHCP |
Renewal _ |
server updates DNS when a |
Update lease_renewal |
DHCP lease is renewed. |
Specify True to enable it or |
False to disable it. |
ipv6_update_dns_on_lease_ |
Boolean No |
Set or retrieve the |
renewal |
ipv6_update_dns_on_lease_ |
renewal flag. This attribute |
controls whether the DHCP |
server updates DNS when an |
IPv6 DHCP lease is renewed. |
Specify True to enable this |
feature or False to disable it. |
The default value is False. |
txt_record_handling |
String No |
Specifies how DHCP should |
treat TXT records while |
performing DNS update. |
Example: ISC |
lease_scavenge_time |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the Grid level |
integer |
lease_scavenge_time value. |
If the value is -1, which |
means this lease scavenge |
will is disabled. The minimum |
value would be 7 * 24 * 60 * |
60 ( 7 days). |
failover_port |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the failover port |
integer |
number. The default value is |
647. The port number must |
be between 1 and 63999. |
enable_fingerprint |
Boolean No |
When you set this value to |
True, fingerprint matching for |
incoming lease requests will |
be enabled. Example: False |
ipv6_enable_ddns |
Boolean No |
Set this value to True to |
override the value at the Grid |
level. Set the parameter to |
False to inherit the settings |
from the Grid. |
ipv6_ddns_enable_option_fqdn |
Boolean No |
Indicates whether the FQDN |
option sent by the client is to |
be used, or if the server can |
automatically generate the |
FQDN. Default value is half of |
lease time. Example: False |
Data Type Required (Yes/No) |
ipv6_ddns_server_always_updates |
Boolean No |
Specify True to enable this |
feature or False to disable it. |
The default value is False. You |
must set this to False to |
update DNS only if requested |
by the client. |
ipv6_generate_hostname |
Boolean No |
When you set this value to |
True, the hostname is |
generated if it is not sent by |
the client. Example: False |
ipv6_ddns_domainname |
String No |
The DDNS domain name in |
FQDN format. Example: |
test_domain.com |
ipv6_ddns_ttl |
Unsigned No |
Indicates the member IPv6 |
integer |
DDNS TTL value in seconds. |
Example: 0 |
Preferred_lifetime |
Integer No |
Preferred preferred_lifetime |
Indicates whether the |
Lifetime |
preferred_lifetime value in |
the DHCP member is used, |
instead of the Grid default. |
Example: 604800 |
valid_lifetime |
Unsigned No |
Valid valid_lifetime |
Indicates whether the |
integer |
Lifetime |
valid_lifetime value in the |
Grid Member DHCP is used, |
instead of the upper-level |
default.Example: 43200 |
ipv6_domain_name |
String No |
ipv6_txt_record_handling |
String No |
Example: ISC |
ipv6_capture_hostname |
Boolean No |
Example: False |
ipv6_recycle_leases |
Boolean No |
When you set this to True, the |
leases are kept in recycle bin |
until one week after |
expiration. When you set this |
to False, the leases are |
irrecoverably deleted. |
Example: False |
ipv6_enable_retry_updates |
Boolean No |
When you set this flag to True, |
the DHCPv6 server retries |
failed dynamic DNS updates. |
The default value is True. |
Example: False |
ipv6_retry_updates_interval |
Unsigned No |
Set the retry interval when the |
integer |
member DHCPv6 server |
makes repeated attempts to |
send DDNS updates to a DNS |
server. The default retry |
interval is five minutes. |
ddns_domainname |
String No |
DDNS ddns_domainname |
The DDNS domain name in |
Domain |
FQDN format. Example: |
Name |
ddns.corp100.com |
Data Type Required (Yes/No) |
lease_per_client_settings |
String No |
Defines how the server will |
release the client lease. This |
field is set to |
default. Valid values are |
ignore_client_identifier |
Boolean No |
Indicates if the client |
identifier will be ignored for a |
DHCP shared network object. |
When you set this to True, the |
client identifier will be |
ignored. Example: False |
disable_all_nac_filters |
Boolean No |
When you set this value to |
True, NAC filters will be |
disabled on the Infoblox Grid. |
Example: False |
format_log_option_82 |
String No |
Select the logging format to |
either hexadecimal or a |
decoded string which is |
human readable. |
String No |
Custom options |
This field applies to the host |
address. |
Options |
Example: '' name |
impliesvendor_class='DHCP' |
(default) |
Option No |
Custom options |
This field applies to the host |
information |
address. |
Options |
Example: 'dfdfdfd' name |
implies |
vendor_class='XXXX', |
optioncode/number 200 |
v6_leases_scavenging_enabled |
Boolean No |
Lease ipv6_enable_lease_scav |
When you set this to True, the |
Scavenging enge |
DHCPv6 server deletes free, |
expired, and released leases. |
The default value is False. |
Example: True |
v6_leases_scavenging_grace_ |
Unsigned No |
Lease ipv6_lease_scavenge_ti |
Indicates the period (in |
period |
integer |
Scavenging me |
seconds) for which free, |
expired, and released |
DHCPv6 leases remain in the |
database before they are |
automatically deleted. |
Example: 604800 |