CSP API Key Retrieval

CSP API Key Retrieval

You will need a BloxOne Threat Defense API key to pull the DNS data. You can access this key through the Cloud Services Portal (CSP). API keys are unique identifiers found in many applications to both identify the application making the API calls and verify the application making the calls has access to do so.

To access your API key: 

  1. Log into the CSP at https://csp.infoblox.com

  2. Upon logging in, hover over your username in the bottom-left corner of the CSP and select User Profile

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
  1. Click the User API Keys tab. Click Create

    • Give the key a meaningful name.

    • Set an expiration date. Elastic will be constantly polling with this key, so setting a date far into the future is recommended.

    • Click Save & Close.

  2. A popup will appear. Click Copy to copy your API key to your clipboard. Copy it somewhere you can easily access and copy from later, such as Notepad. This will be the key you copy into the Python script later.
